

Right Livelihood Award

Right Livelihood Award

The Right Livelihood Award is an international award to "honour and support those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today." The prize was established in 1980 by German-Swedish philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull, and is presented annually in early December. An international jury, invited by the five regular Right Livelihood Award board members, decides the awards in such fields as environmental protection, human rights, sustainable development, health, education, and peace. The prize money is shared among the winners, usually numbering four, and is €200,000. Very often one of the four laureates receives an honorary award, which means that the other three share the prize money. Although it is promoted as an "Alternative Nobel Prize", it is not a Nobel prize (i.e., a prize created by Alfred Nobel). It does not have any organizational ties at all to the awarding institutions of the Nobel Prize or the Nobel Foundation, unlike the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, which is not technically a Nobel prize but is administered by the Nobel Foundation. However, the Right Livelihood Award is sometimes popularly associated with the Nobel prizes. The Right Livelihood Award committee arranged for awards to be made in the Riksdag of Sweden the day before the Nobel prizes and the economics prize are also awarded in Stockholm. However, the Right Livelihood Awards are understood as a critique of the traditional Nobel prizes. The establishment of the award followed a failed attempt to have the Nobel Foundation create new prizes in the areas of environmental protection, sustainable development and human rights. The prize has been awarded to a diverse group of people and organisations, including Wangari Maathai, Astrid Lindgren, Bianca Jagger, Mordechai Vanunu, Leopold Kohr, Arna Mer-Khamis, Felicia Langer, Petra Kelly, Survival International, Amy Goodman, Catherine Hamlin, Memorial, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, and Greta Thunberg.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
187Mother Nature Cambodia Cambodia2023"for their fearless and engaging activism to preserve Cambodia's natural environment in the context of a highly restricted democratic space."
186SOS Méditerranée Europe2023"for its life-saving humanitarian search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea."
185Phyllis Omido Kenya2023"for her groundbreaking struggle to secure land and environmental rights for local communities while advancing the field of environmental law."
184Eunice Brookman-Amissah Ghana2023"for pioneering discussions on women's reproductive rights in Africa, paving the way for liberalised abortion laws and improved safe abortion access."
183Cecosesola (Central Coperativa de Servicios Sociales del Estado Lara) Venezuela2022"for establishing an equitable and cooperative economic model as a robust alternative to profit-driven economies."
182Africa Institute for Energy Governance [de] (AFIEGO) Uganda2022"for their courageous work for climate justice and community rights violated by extractivist energy projects in Uganda."
181Oleksandra Matwijtschuk/Centre for Civil Liberties (CCL) Ukraine2022"for building sustainable democratic institutions in Ukraine and modelling a path to international accountability for war crimes."
180Fartuun Adan & Ilwad Elman Somalia2022"for promoting peace, demilitarisation and human rights in Somalia in the face of terrorism and gender-based violence."
179Marthe Wandou Cameroon2021"for building a model of community-based child protection in the face of terrorist insurgency and gender-based violence in the Lake Chad region of Cameroon."
178Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment (LIFE) India2021"for their innovative legal work empowering communities to protect their resources in the pursuit of environmental democracy in India."
177Vladimir Slivyak Russia2021"for his defence of the environment and for helping to ignite grassroots opposition to the coal and nuclear industries in Russia."
176Freda Huson Canada2021"for her fearless dedication to reclaiming her people's culture and defending their land against disastrous pipeline projects."
175Nasrin Sotoudeh Iran2020"for her fearless activism, at great personal risk, to promote political freedoms and human rights in Iran."
174Ales Bialiatski Belarus2020"for their resolute struggle for the realisation of democracy and human rights in Belarus."
173Lottie Cunningham Wren Nicaragua2020"for her ceaseless dedication to the protection of indigenous lands and communities from exploitation and plunder."
172Bryan Stevenson United States2020"for his inspiring endeavour to reform the US criminal justice system and advance racial reconciliation in the face of historic trauma."
171Aminatou Haidar Western Sahara2019"for her steadfast nonviolent action, despite imprisonment and torture, in pursuit of justice and self-determination for the people of Western Sahara."
170Guo Jianmei China2019"for her pioneering and persistent work in securing women's rights in China."
169Greta Thunberg Sweden2019"for inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts."
168Davi Kopenawa Yanomami/Hutukara Yanomami Association Brazil2019"for their courageous determination to protect the forests and biodiversity of the Amazon, and the lands and culture of its indigenous peoples."
167Thelma Aldana Hernández & Iván Velásquez Gómez Guatemala2018"for their innovative work in exposing abuse of power and prosecuting corruption, thus rebuilding people's trust in public institutions."
166Tony RinaudoAustralia2018"for demonstrating on a large scale how drylands can be greened at minimal cost, improving the livelihoods of millions of people."
165Abdullah al-Hamid, Waleed Sami Abulkhair & Mohammad Fahad al-Qahtani Saudi Arabia2018"for their visionary and courageous efforts, guided by universal human rights principles, to reform the totalitarian political system in Saudi Arabia."
164Yacouba Sawadogo Burkina Faso2018"for turning barren land into forest and demonstrating how farmers can regenerate their soil with innovative use of indigenous and local knowledge."
163Robert Bilott United States2017"for exposing a decades-long history of chemical pollution, winning long-sought justice for the victims, and setting a precedent for effective regulation of hazardous substances."
162Colin Gonsalves India2017"for his tireless and innovative use of public interest litigation over three decades to secure fundamental human rights for India's most marginalised and vulnerable citizens."
161Khadija Ismayilova Azerbaijan2017"for her courage and tenacity in exposing corruption at the highest levels of government through outstanding investigative journalism in the name of transparency and accountability."
160Yetnebersh NigussieEthiopia2017"for her inspiring work promoting the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities, allowing them to realise their full potential and changing mindsets in our societies."
159Syrian Civil Defense (SCD) Syria2016"for their outstanding bravery, compassion and humanitarian engagement in rescuing civilians from the destruction of the Syrian civil war."
158Mozn Hassan Egypt2016"for asserting the equality and rights of women in circumstances where they are subject to ongoing violence, abuse and discrimination."
157Svetlana Gannushkina Russia2016"for her decades-long commitment to promoting human rights and justice for refugees and forced migrants, and tolerance among different ethnic groups."
156Cumhuriyet Turkey2016"for their fearless investigate journalism and commitment to freedom of expression in the face of oppression, censorship, imprisonment and death threats."
155Gino Strada/EmergencyItaly2015"for his great humanity and skill in providing outstanding medical and surgical services to the victims of conflict and injustice, while fearlessly addressing the causes of war."
154Kasha Jacqueline NabageseraUganda2015"for her courage and persistence, despite violence and intimidation, in working for the right of LGBTI people to a life free from prejudice and persecution."
153Sheila Watt-CloutierCanada2015"for her lifelong work to protect the Inuit of the Arctic and defend their right to maintain their livelihoods and culture, which are acutely threatened by climate change."
152Tony de Brum/The People Of The Marshall IslandsMarshall Island2015"in recognition of their vision and courage to take legal action against the nuclear powers for failing to honour their disarmament obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and customary international law."
151Bill McKibben/350.orgUSA2014"for mobilising growing popular support in the USA and around the world for strong action to counter the threat of global climate change."
150Basil Frernando/Asian Human Rights CommissionChina2014"for his tireless and outstanding work to support and document the implementation of human rights in Asia."
149Asma Jahangir Pakistan2014"for defending, protecting and promoting human rights in Pakistan and more widely, often in very difficult and complex situations and at great personal risk."
148Alan Rusbridger United Kingdom2014"for building a global media organisation dedicated to responsible journalism in the public interest, undaunted by the challenges of exposing corporate and government malpractices."
147Edward Snowden United States2014"for his courage and skill in revealing the unprecedented extent of state surveillance violating basic democratic processes and constitutional rights."
146Hans Rudolf Herren/Biovision Foundation  Switzerland2013"for his expertise and pioneering work in promoting a safe, secure and sustainable global food supply."
145Denis Mukwege Democratic Republic of the Congo2013"for his courageous work healing women survivors of war-time sexual violence and speaking up about its root causes.
144Raji Sourani Palestine2013"for his unwavering dedication to the rule of law and human rights under exceptionally difficult circumstances."
143Paul Walker United States2013"for working tirelessly to rid the world of chemical weapons."
142Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) United Kingdom2012"for their innovative and effective campaigning against the global trade in arms."
141Gene Sharp United States2012"for developing and articulating the core principles and strategies of nonviolent resistance and supporting their practical implementation in conflict areas around the world."
140Sima Samar Afghanistan2012"for her longstanding and courageous dedication to human rights, especially the rights of women, in one of the most complex and dangerous regions in the world."
139Hayrettin Karaca Turkey2012"for a lifetime and tireless advocacy and support for the protection and stewardship of our natural world, combining successful entrepreneurship with effective environmental activism."
138Ina May Gaskin United States2011"for her whole-life's work teaching and advocating safe, woman-centred childbirth methods that best promote the physical and mental health of mother and child."
137GRAIN Spain2011"for their worldwide work to protect the livelihoods and rights of farming communities and to expose the massive purchases of farmland in developing countries by foreign financial interests."
136Jacqueline Moudeina Chad2011"for her tireless efforts at great personal risk to win justice for the victims of the former dictatorship in Chad and to increase awareness and observance of human rights in Africa."
135Huang MingChina2011"for his outstanding success in the development and mass-deployment of cutting-edge technologies for harnessing solar energy, thereby showing how dynamic emerging economies can contribute to resolving the global crisis of anthropogenic climate change."
134Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR–I) Israel2010"for their indomitable spirit in working for the right to health for all people in Israel and Palestine."
133Shrikrishna Upadhyay/SAPPROS   Nepal2010"for demonstrating over many years the power of community mobilisation to address the multiple causes of poverty even when threatened by political violence and instability."
132Erwin Kräutler Austria2010"for a lifetime of work for the human and environmental rights of indigenous peoples and for his tireless efforts to save the Amazon forest from destruction."
131Nnimmo Bassey Nigeria2010"for revealing the full ecological and human horrors of oil production and for his inspired work to strengthen the environmental movement in Nigeria and globally."
130Catherine Hamlin Australia2009"for her fifty years dedicated to treating obstetric fistula patients, thereby restoring the health, hope and dignity of thousands of Africa's poorest women."
129Alyn Ware New Zealand2009"for his effective and creative advocacy and initiatives over two decades to further peace education and to rid the world of nuclear weapons."
128René Ngongo Democratic Republic of the Congo2009"for his courage in confronting the forces that are destroying the Congo's rainforests and building political support for their conservation and sustainable use."
127David Suzuki Canada2009"for his lifetime advocacy of the socially responsible use of science, and for his massive contribution to raising awareness about the perils of climate change and building public support for policies to address it."
126Monika Hauser  Switzerland2008"for her tireless commitment to working with women who have experienced the most horrific sexual violence in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, and campaigning for them to receive social recognition and compensation."
125Asha Haji Elmi Somalia2008"for continuing to lead at great personal risk the female participation in the peace and reconciliation process in her war-ravaged country."
124Amy Goodman United States2008"for developing an innovative model of truly independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media."
123Krishnammal & Sankaralingam Jagannathan/LAFTI India2008"for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as 'India's soul'."
122Grameen Shakti (GS) Bangladesh2007"for bringing sustainable light and power to thousands of Bangladeshi villages, promoting health, education, and productivity."
121Percy Schmeiser/Louise Walken-Schmeiser Canada2007"for their courage in defending biodiversity and farmers' rights, and challenging the environmental and moral perversity of current interpretations of patent laws."
120Dekha Ibrahim Abdi Kenya2007"for showing in diverse ethnic and cultural situations how religious and other differences can be reconciled, even after violent conflict, and knitted together through a cooperative process that leads to peace and development."
119Christopher Weeramantry Sri Lanka2007"for his lifetime of ground-breaking work to strengthen and expand the rule of international law."
118International Poetry Festival of Medellín [Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín] Colombia2006"for showing how creativity, beauty, free expression and community can flourish amongst and overcome even deeply entrenched fear and violence."
117Ruth Manorama India2006"for her commitment over decades to achieving equality for Dalit women, building effective and committed women's organisations and working for their rights at national and international levels."
116Daniel Ellsberg United States2006"for putting peace and truth first, at considerable personal risk, and dedicating his life to inspiring others to follow his example."
115Chico Whitaker Brazil2006"for a lifetime's dedicated work for social justice that has strengthened democracy in Brazil and helped give birth to the World Social Forum, showing that 'another world is possible'."
114Roy Sesana/First People of the Kalahari (FPK) Botswana2005"for his resolute resistance against eviction from their ancestral lands, and for upholding the right to their traditional way of life."
113Irene Fernandez Malaysia2005"for her outstanding and courageous work to stop violence against women and abuses of migrant and poor workers."
112Tony Clarke Canada2005"for their exemplary and longstanding worldwide work for trade justice and the recognition of the fundamental human right to water."
111Maude Barlow Canada2005"for their exemplary and longstanding worldwide work for trade justice and the recognition of the fundamental human right to water."
110Francisco Toledo Mexico2005"for devoting himself and his art to the protection and enhancement of the heritage, environment and community life of his native Oaxaca."
109Raúl Montenegro Argentina2004"for his outstanding work with local communities and indigenous people to protect the environment and natural resources."
108Bianca Jagger Nicaragua2004"for her dedicated commitment and campaigning for human rights, social justice and environmental protection."
107Memorial Society Russia2004"for showing, in traumatic times, the importance of understanding the historical roots of human rights abuse, to secure respect for them in the future."
106Asghar Ali Engineer India2004"for promoting over many years in South Asia the values of religious and communal co-existence, tolerance and mutual understanding."
105Swami Agnivesh India2004"for promoting over many years in South Asia the values of religious and communal co-existence, tolerance and mutual understanding."
104Ibrahim Abouleish/SEKEM Egypt2003"for a 21st century business model which combines commercial success with social and cultural development."
103Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice (CCEJ) South Korea2003"for its rigorous wide-ranging reform programme, based on economic and social justice, accountability and reconciliation with North Korea."
102Nicanor Perlas Philippines2003"for his outstanding efforts in educating civil society about the effects of corporate globalisation, and how alternatives to it can be implemented."
101Walden Bello Philippines2003"for his outstanding efforts in educating civil society about the effects of corporate globalisation, and how alternatives to it can be implemented."
100David Lange New Zealand2003"for his steadfast work over many years for a world free of nuclear weapons."
99Martín Almada Paraguay2002"for his outstanding courage in bringing torturers to justice, and promoting democracy, human rights and sustainable development."
98Woman To Woman Foundation [Kvinna Till Kvinna] Sweden2002"for its successes in addressing ethnic hatred by helping war-torn women to be the major agents of peace-building and reconciliation."
97Kamenge Youth Centre (Centre Jeunes Kamenge, CJK) Burundi2002"for their exemplary courage and compassion in overcoming ethnic divisions during civil war so that young people can live and build a peaceful future together."
96Martin Green Australia2002"for his dedication and outstanding success in the harnessing of solar energy, the key technological challenge of our age."
95Trident Ploughshares United Kingdom2001"for providing a practical model of principled, transparent and non-violent direct action dedicated to ridding the world of nuclear weapons."
94Leonardo Boff Brazil2001"for his inspiring insights and practical work to help people realise the links between human spirituality, social justice and environmental stewardship."
93Uri Avnery/Rachel Greenboim-Avnery/Gush Shalom Israel2001"for their unwavering conviction, in the midst of violence that peace can only be achieved through justice and reconciliation."
92José Antonio Abreu Venezuela2001"for achieving a unique cultural renaissance, bringing the joys of music to countless disadvantaged children and communities."
91Wes Jackson United States2000"for his single-minded commitment to developing an agriculture that is both highly productive and truly ecologically sustainable."
90Birsel Lemke Turkey2000"for her long-standing struggle to protect her country from the devastation of cyanide-based gold mining."
89Munir Said Thalib Indonesia2000"for his courage and dedication in fighting for human rights and civilian control of the military in Indonesia."
88Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher Ethiopia2000"for his exemplary work to safeguard biodiversity and the traditional rights of farmers and communities to their genetic resources."
87Organic Agriculture Group [Grupo de Agricultura Orgánica, GAO] Cuba1999"for showing that organic agriculture is a key to both environmental sustainability and food security."
86Consolidation of the Amazon Region (COAMA) Colombia1999"for showing how indigenous people can improve their livelihood, sustain their culture and conserve their rainforests."
85Juan Garcés Spain1999"for his long-standing efforts to end the impunity of dictators."
84Hermann Scheer Germany1999"for his indefatigable work for the promotion of solar energy worldwide."
83Vesna Terselic Croatia1998"for their dedication to a long-term process of peace-building and reconciliation in the Balkans."
82Katarina Kruhonja Croatia1998"for their dedication to a long-term process of peace-building and reconciliation in the Balkans."
81Juan Pablo Orrego/GABB Chile1998"for his personal courage, self-sacrifice and perseverance in working for sustainable development in Chile."
80Samuel Epstein United States1998"for his exemplary life of scholarship wedded to activism on behalf of humanity."
79International Baby Food Action Network United States1998"for its committed and affective campaigning in support of breastfeeding."
78Cindy Duehring United States1997"for putting her personal tragedy at the service of humanity by helping others understand and combat the risks posed by toxic chemicals."
77Joseph Ki-Zerbo Burkina Faso1997"for a lifetime of scholarship and activism that has identified the key principles and processes by which Africans can create a better future."
76Jinzaburo Takagi Japan1997"for serving to alert the world to the unparalleled dangers of plutonium to human life."
75Mycle Schneider France1997"for serving to alert the world to the unparalleled dangers of plutonium to human life."
74Michael Succow Germany1997"for his commitment to safeguard natural eco-systems and areas of outstanding natural value for future generations."
73George Vithoulkas Greece1996"for his outstanding contribution to the revival of homeopathic knowledge and the training of homeopaths to the highest standards."
72People's Science Movement of Kerala [Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad, KSSP] India1996"for its major contribution to a model of development rooted in social justice and popular participation."
71 Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia (CKCMP) Russia1996"for their courage in upholding the common humanity of Russians and Chechens and opposing the militarism and violence in Chechnya."
70Herman Daly United States1996"for defining a path of ecological economics that integrates the key elements of ethics, quality of life, environment and community."
69Sulak Sivaraksa Thailand1995"for his vision, activism and spiritual commitment in the quest for a development process that is rooted in democracy, justice and cultural integrity."
68Carmel Budiardjo Indonesia1995"for holding the Indonesian government accountable for its actions and upholding the universality of fundamental human rights."
67Serb Civic Council [Srpsko Gra?ansko Vije?e, SGV] Bosnia and Herzegovina1995"for maintaining their support for a humane, multi-ethnic, democratic Bosnia-Herzegovina."
66András Bíró/HFSR Hungary1995"for their resolute defence of Hungary's Roma minority and effective efforts to aid their self-development."
65Ken Saro-Wiwa/MOSOP Nigeria1994"for their exemplary courage in striving non-violently for the civil, economic and environmental rights of their people."
64Hanumappa Sudarshan/VGKK India1994"for showing how tribal culture can contribute to a process that secures the basic rights and fundamental needs of indigenous people and conserves their environment."
63Service Volunteered for All (SERVOL) Trinidad and Tobago1994"for fostering spiritual values, cooperation and family responsibility in building society."
62Astrid Lindgren Sweden1994"for her unique authorship dedicated to the rights of children and respect for their individuality."
61Mary Dann & Carrie Dann United States1993"for exemplary courage and perseverance in asserting the rights of indigenous people to their land."
60Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress (ORAP) Zimbabwe1993"for building a remarkable grassroots movement and motivating its million members to follow their own path of human development."
59Arna Mer-Khamis Israel1993"for passionate commitment to the defence and education of the children of Palestine."
58Vandana Shiva India1993"for placing women and ecology at the heart of modern development discourse."
57Alla Yaroshinskaya Ukraine1992"for revealing, against official opposition and persecution, the extent of the damaging effects of the Chernobyl disaster on local people."
56John Gofman United States1992"for his pioneering work in exposing the health effects of low-level radiation."
55Helen Mack Chang Guatemala1992"for her personal courage and persistence in seeking justice and an end to the impunity of political murderers."
54Zafrullah Chowdhury/Gonoshasthaya Kendra Bangladesh1992"for their outstanding record of promotion of health and human development."
53Finnish Village Action Movement [Suomen Kylät, SK] Finland1992"for showing a dynamic path to rural regeneration decentralisation and popular empowerment."
52Landless Workers' Movement [Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, MST] Brazil1991"for winning land for landless families and helping them to farm it sustainably."
51Pastrol comission of The Land Brazil1991"for their dedicated campaigning for social justice and the observance of human rights for small farmers and the landless in Brazil."
50Jeton Anjain/The People of Rongelap Marshall Islands1991"for their steadfast struggle against United States nuclear policy in support of their right to live on an unpolluted Rongelap island."
49Marie-Thérèse & Bengt Danielsson Sweden1991"for exposing the tragic results of, and advocating an end, to French nuclear colonialism."
48Medha Patkar/Narmada Bachao Andolan India1991"for their inspired opposition to the disastrous Narmada Valley dams project and their promotion of alternatives designed to benefit the poor and the environment."
47Edward Goldsmith United Kingdom1991"for his uncompromising critique of industrialism and promotion of environmentally sustainable and socially just alternatives to it."
46Felicia Langer Poland1990"for the exemplary courage of her advocacy for the basic rights of the Palestinian people."
45Association of Peasant Workers of the Carare (Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos del Carare, ATCC) Colombia1990"for its outstanding commitment to peace, family and community in the midst of the most senseless violence."
44Bernard Lédéa Ouédraogo Burkina Faso1990"for strengthening peasant self-help movements all over West Africa."
43Alice Tepper Marlin United States1990"for showing the direction in which the Western economy must develop to promote the well-being of humanity."
42Survival International United Kingdom1989"for working with tribal peoples to secure their rights, livelihood and self-determination."
41Legesse Wolde-Yohannes Ethiopia1989"for discovering and campaigning relentlessly for an affordable preventative against bilharzia."
40Aklilu Lemma Ethiopia1989"for discovering and campaigning relentlessly for an affordable preventative against bilharzia."
39Melaku Worede Ethiopia1989"for preserving Ethiopia's genetic wealth by building one of the finest seed conservation centres in the world."
38Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operative Union (SCCCU) Japan1989"for creating the most successful, sustainable model of production and consumption in the industrialised world."
37Friends of Nature Malaysia [Sahabat Alam Malaysia, SAM] Malaysia1988"for their exemplary struggle to save the tropical forests of Sarawak."
36John Charlewood Turner United Kingdom1988"for championing the rights of people to build, manage and sustain their own shelter and communities."
35José Lutzenberger Brazil1988"for his contribution to protecting the natural environment in Brazil and worldwide."
34Inge Genefke/RRCTV Denmark1988"for helping those whose lives have been shattered by torture to regain their health and personality."
33Mordechai Vanunu Israel1987"for his courage and self-sacrifice in revealing the extent of Israel's nuclear weapons programme."
32Frances Moore Lappé United States1987"for revealing the political and economic causes of world hunger and how citizens can help to remedy them."
31The Chipko Movement India1987"for its dedication to the conservation, restoration and ecologically-sound use of India's natural resources."
30Johan Galtung Norway1987"for his systematic and multidisciplinary study of the conditions which can lead to peace."
29Hans-Peter Dürr Germany1987"for his profound critique of the strategic defence initiative (SDI) and his work to convert high technology to peaceful uses."
28Evaristo Nugkuag Ikanan Peru1986"for organising to protect the rights of the Indians of the Amazon basin."
27Helena Norberg-Hodge/ LEDeG Sweden1986"for preserving the traditional culture and values of Ladakh against the onslaught of tourism and development."
26Alice Stewart United Kingdom1986"for bringing to light in the face of official opposition the real dangers of low-level radiation."
25Rosalie Bertell, S.G.M. Canada1986"for raising public awareness about the destruction of the biosphere and human gene pool, especially by low-level radiation."
24Robert Jungk Austria1986"for struggling indefatigably on behalf of peace, sane alternatives for the future and ecological awareness."
23János Vargha/Duna Kör Hungary1985"for working under unusually difficult circumstances to preserve the river Danube, a vital part of Hungary's environment."
22Dialogue of the People [Lokayan] India1985"for linking and strengthening local groups working to protect civil liberties, women's rights and the environment."
21Pat Mooney Canada1985"for working to save the world's genetic plant heritage."
20Cary Fowler United States1985"for working to save the world's genetic plant heritage."
19Theo van Boven Netherlands1985"for speaking out on human rights abuse without fear or favour in the international community."
18Wangari Maathai Kenya1984"for converting the Kenyan ecological debate into mass action for reforestation."
17Winefreda Geonzon/Free Lava Philippines1984"for giving assistance to prisoners and aiding their rehabilitation."
16Ela Bhatt/SEWA India1984"for helping home-based producers to organise for their welfare and self-respect."
15Imane Khalifeh Lebanon1984"for inspiring and organising the Beirut peace movement."
14Amory & Hunter Sheldon-Lovins United States1983"for pioneering soft energy paths for global security."
13Manfred Max-Neef Chile1983"for revitalising small and medium-sized communities through 'Barefoot Economics'."
12Ibedul Gibbons Palau1983"for upholding the democratic, constitutional right of their island to remain nuclear-free."
11Leopold Kohr Austria1983"for his early inspiration of the movement for a human scale."
10George Trevelyan United Kingdom1982"for educating the adult spirit to a new non-materialistic vision of human nature."
9Participatory Institute for Development Alternatives Sri Lanka1982"for developing exemplary processes of self-reliant, participatory development among the poor in Asia."
8Anwar Fazal Malaysia1982"for fighting for the rights of consumers and helping them to do the same."
7Erik Dammann/Future I Our Hands Norway1982"for challenging Western values and lifestyles in order to promote a more responsible attitude to the environment and the third world."
6Petra Kelly Germany1982"for forging and implementing a new vision uniting ecological concerns with disarmament, social justice and human rights."
5Patrick van RensburgSouth Africa1981"for developing replicable educational models for the third world majority."
4Bill Mollison Australia1981"for developing and promoting the theory and practice of permaculture."
3Mike Cooley United Kingdom1981"for designing and promoting the theory and practice of human-centred, socially useful production."
2Stephen Gaskin/Plenty International United States1980"for caring, sharing and acting with and on behalf of those in need at home and abroad."
1Hassan Fathy Egypt1980"for developing an 'Architecture for the Poor'."

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (2025 ~ 2021)

Forensic Architecture

Right Livelihood Award 2024

Anabela Lemos

Right Livelihood Award 2024

Issa Amro

Right Livelihood Award 2024

Joan Carling

Right Livelihood Award 2024

Mother Nature Cambodia

Right Livelihood Award 2023

SOS Méditerranée

Right Livelihood Award 2023

Phyllis Omido

Right Livelihood Award 2023

Eunice Brookman-Amissah

Right Livelihood Award 2023


Right Livelihood Award 2022


Right Livelihood Award 2022

Oleksandra Matwijtschuk/CCL

Right Livelihood Award 2022

Marthe Wandou

Right Livelihood Award 2021

Fartuun Adan & Ilwad Elman

Right Livelihood Award 2022


Right Livelihood Award 2021

Vladimir Slivyak

Right Livelihood Award 2021

Freda Huson

Right Livelihood Award 2021

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (2020 ~ 2016)

Nasrin Sotoudeh

Right Livelihood Award 2020

Ales Bialiatski/VIASNA

Right Livelihood Award 2020

Lottie Cunningham Wren

Right Livelihood Award 2020

Bryan Stevenson

Right Livelihood Award 2020

Aminatou Haidar

Right Livelihood Award 2019

Guo Jianmei

Right Livelihood Award 2019

Greta Thunberg

Right Livelihood Award 2019

Tony Rinaudo

Right Livelihood Award 2018

Yacouba Sawadogo

Right Livelihood Award 2018

Robert Bilott

Right Livelihood Award 2017

Colin Gonsalves

Right Livelihood Award 2017

Yetnebersh Nigussie

Right Livelihood Award 2017

Khadija Ismayilova

Right Livelihood Award 2017

Syrian Civil Defense

Right Livelihood Award 2016

Mozn Hassan/NAZRA

Right Livelihood Award 2016

Svetlana Gannushkina

Right Livelihood Award 2016


Right Livelihood Award 2016

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (2015 ~ 2011)

Gino Strada/Emergency

Right Livelihood Award 2015

Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera

Right Livelihood Award 2015

Sheila Watt-Cloutier

Right Livelihood Award 2015

Bill McKibben/

Right Livelihood Award 2014

Asma Jahangir

Right Livelihood Award 2014

Alan Rusbridger

Right Livelihood Award 2014

Edward Snowden

Right Livelihood Award 2014

Denis Mukwege

Right Livelihood Award 2013

Raji Sourani

Right Livelihood Award 2013

Paul Walker

Right Livelihood Award 2013


Right Livelihood Award 2012

Gene Sharp

Right Livelihood Award 2012

Sima Samar

Right Livelihood Award 2012

Hayrettin Karaca

Right Livelihood Award 2012

Ina May Gaskin

Right Livelihood Award 2011


Right Livelihood Award 2011

Jacqueline Moudeina

Right Livelihood Award 2011

Huang Ming

Right Livelihood Award 2011

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (2010 ~ 2006)

Shrikrishna Upadhyay/SAPPROS

Right Livelihood Award 2010

Erwin Kräutler

Right Livelihood Award 2010

Nnimmo Bassey

Right Livelihood Award 2010

Catherine Hamlin

Right Livelihood Award 2009

Alyn Ware

Right Livelihood Award 2009

René Ngongo

Right Livelihood Award 2009

David Suzuki

Right Livelihood Award 2009

Monika Hauser

Right Livelihood Award 2008

Asha Haji Elmi

Right Livelihood Award 2008

Amy Goodman

Right Livelihood Award 2008

Grameen Shakti

Right Livelihood Award 2007

Louise & Percy Schmeiser

Right Livelihood Award 2007

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi

Right Livelihood Award 2007

Christopher Weeramantry

Right Livelihood Award 2007

Ruth Manorama

Right Livelihood Award 2006

Daniel Ellsberg

Right Livelihood Award 2006

Chico Whitaker

Right Livelihood Award 2006

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (2005 ~ 2001)

Roy Sesana/First People of Kalahari

Right Livelihood Award 2005

Irene Fernandez

Right Livelihood Award 2005

Tony Clarke

Right Livelihood Award 2005

Maude Barlow

Right Livelihood Award 2005

Francisco Toledo

Right Livelihood Award 2005

Raúl Montenegro

Right Livelihood Award 2004

Asghar Ali Engineer

Right Livelihood Award 2004

Swami Agnivesh

Right Livelihood Award 2004

Bianca Jagger

Right Livelihood Award 2004

Memorial Society

Right Livelihood Award 2004

Ibrahim Abouleish/SEKEM

Right Livelihood Award 2003


Right Livelihood Award 2003

Nicanor Perlas

Right Livelihood Award 2003

Walden Bello

Right Livelihood Award 2003

David Lange

Right Livelihood Award 2003

Martín Almada

Right Livelihood Award 2002

Kvinna Till Kvinna

Right Livelihood Award 2002

Centre Jeunes Kamenge

Right Livelihood Award 2002

Martin Green

Right Livelihood Award 2002

Trident Ploughshares

Right Livelihood Award 2001

Leonardo Boff

Right Livelihood Award 2001

José Antonio Abreu

Right Livelihood Award 2001

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (2000 ~ 1996)

Wes Jackson

Right Livelihood Award 2000

Birsel Lemke

Right Livelihood Award 2000

Munir Said Thalib

Right Livelihood Award 2000

Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher

Right Livelihood Award 2000

Grupo de Agricultura Orgánica

Right Livelihood Award 1999


Right Livelihood Award 1999

Juan Garcés

Right Livelihood Award 1999

Hermann Scheer

Right Livelihood Award 1999

Vesna Terselic

Right Livelihood Award 1998

Katarina Kruhonja

Right Livelihood Award 1998

Juan Pablo Orrego/GABB

Right Livelihood Award 1998

Samuel Epstein

Right Livelihood Award 1998


Right Livelihood Award 1998

Joseph Ki-Zerbo

Right Livelihood Award 1997

Cindy Duehring

Right Livelihood Award 1997

Jinzaburo Takagi

Right Livelihood Award 1997

Mycle Schneider

Right Livelihood Award 1997

Michael Succow

Right Livelihood Award 1997

George Vithoulkas

Right Livelihood Award 1996

Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad

Right Livelihood Award 1996


Right Livelihood Award 1996

Herman Daly

Right Livelihood Award 1996

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (1995 ~ 1991)

Sulak Sivaraksa

Right Livelihood Award 1995

Carmel Budiardjo

Right Livelihood Award 1995

Srpsko Građansko Vijeće

Right Livelihood Award 1995

András Bíró/HFSR

Right Livelihood Award 1995

Ken Saro-Wiwa/MOSOP

Right Livelihood Award 1994

Hanumappa Sudarshan/ VGKK

Right Livelihood Award 1994

Service Volunteered for All

Right Livelihood Award 1994

Astrid Lindgren

Right Livelihood Award 1994

Mary Dann & Carrie Dann

Right Livelihood Award 1993


Right Livelihood Award 1993

Arna Mer-Khamis

Right Livelihood Award 1993

Vandana Shiva

Right Livelihood Award 1993

Alla Yaroshinskaya

Right Livelihood Award 1992

John Gofman

Right Livelihood Award 1992

Helen Mack Chang

Right Livelihood Award 1992

Suomen Kylät/F V M A

Right Livelihood Award 1992

Landless Workers' Movement

Right Livelihood Award 1991


Right Livelihood Award 1991

Jeton Anjain/People of Rongelap

Right Livelihood Award 1991

Medha Patkar/ Narmada Bachao

Right Livelihood Award 1991

Edward Goldsmith

Right Livelihood Award 1991

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (1990 ~ 1986)

Felicia Langer

Right Livelihood Award 1990


Right Livelihood Award 1990

Bernard Lédéa Ouédraogo

Right Livelihood Award 1990

Alice Tepper Marlin

Right Livelihood Award 1990

Survival International

Right Livelihood Award 1989

Legesse Wolde-Yohannes

Right Livelihood Award 1989

Aklilu Lemma

Right Livelihood Award 1989

Melaku Worede

Right Livelihood Award 1989


Right Livelihood Award 1989

Mordechai Vanunu

Right Livelihood Award 1987

Inge Genefke/RRCTV

Right Livelihood Award 1988

José Lutzenberger

Right Livelihood Award 1988

John Charlewood Turner

Right Livelihood Award 1988

Friends of Nature

Right Livelihood Award 1988

Frances Moore Lappé

Right Livelihood Award 1987

The Hugging Movement

Right Livelihood Award 1987

Johan Galtung

Right Livelihood Award 1987

Hans-Peter Dürr

Right Livelihood Award 1987

Evaristo Nugkuag Ikanan

Right Livelihood Award 1986

Helena Norberg-Hodge/LEDeG

Right Livelihood Award 1986

Alice Stewart

Right Livelihood Award 1986

Rosalie Bertell, S.G.M.

Right Livelihood Award 1986

Robert Jungk

Right Livelihood Award 1986

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (1985 ~ 1980)

János Vargha

Right Livelihood Award 1985


Right Livelihood Award 1985

Pat Mooney

Right Livelihood Award 1985

Cary Fowler

Right Livelihood Award 1985

Theo van Boven

Right Livelihood Award 1985

Wangari Maathai

Right Livelihood Award 1984

Winefreda Geonzon/Free Lava

Right Livelihood Award 1984

Ela Bhatt/SEWA

Right Livelihood Award 1984

Imane Khalifeh

Right Livelihood Award 1984

Hunter Lovins & Amory Lovins

Right Livelihood Award 1983

Manfred Max-Neef

Right Livelihood Award 1983

Ibedul Gibbons

Right Livelihood Award 1983

Leopold Kohr

Right Livelihood Award 1983

Sir George Trevelyan

Right Livelihood Award 1982


Right Livelihood Award 1982

Anwar Fazal

Right Livelihood Award 1982

Erik Dammann/Future in Our Hands

Right Livelihood Award 1982

Petra Kelly

Right Livelihood Award 1982

Patrick van Rensburg

Right Livelihood Award 1981

Bill Mollison

Right Livelihood Award 1981

Mike Cooley

Right Livelihood Award 1981

Hassan Fathy

Right Livelihood Award 1980