
Creation of Common Platform
- Every human being is the part of this co-existing nature, so the principle of individualism which has been induced by this social and educational system will lead to devastation of co-existing nature.
- The selfishness & individualism has lead to establishment of numerous organization, through out the world which creates confusion in human understanding.
- As gradually, the human brain became fasten up & the concentration power has reduced to minimal, so common human being don’t have so much time to judge, validate the thing which he/she can’t force immediately, so in this content & in gradual process, human being stopped to do something which is beyond individualism.
- Establishment of numerous organization has created confusion & gradually the ethics of humanity has reduced to minimal.
- So creation of common platform & working under common platform of human values will lead to restoration of human confidence to do good for all.
Reformed Human Being
- Reformation is the part of evolution, every individual every moment reform their thought, speech, action to get better version.
- Living humanity provides the reformation tool to every individual or member, self-reformation is required for all individual or every human being, so living humanity consider that all the human population is the member of living humanity.
- Reformation start with self. So self-reformation is the first & foremost mission of living humanity. The concept of self-reformation starts with alteration of psychic memory & cellular memory
- The human mind works with psychic ability & body works with cellular structure synchronization.
Alteration of Psychic Memory
- Human understanding depends upon psychic memory. The data/information received by mind, creates the biosphere inside which human understanding floats. But unfortunately the data/information provided to us is originally required to lead life or these are some junk file still now we don’t have any mechanism to check it up, so piled up of narrow understanding through non desired data/information leads to creates confusion, contradiction, irritation, anxiety in human behaviour.
- These narrow or linear understanding gets boosted up and become more narrower when adapt the misinterpretation of present day educational system of competition & comparison.
- Prevailing conditions, society, systems feeds us with information which are required to fulfil our wishes, desires & need. However, we don’t know what is our original need, so many a times or very often or most frequently or every moment after achieving all these sorts, we feel emptiness or unsatisfied or unvalued.
- This problem can be resolved by universal knowledge & thorough understanding of human life.
- The meaning of universal knowledge means knowledge which never changes with any condition. The knowledge which remains same/intact irrespective of time and space.
- The universal knowledge required for human life to lead life in human form, the first and foremost identity of human being, the identity which can possess all other form.
- Self analysis and review of own activity, thought, speech & action with a universal prospective, every human being could get able to attain the true form and human values will restore. Thus with universal knowledge, the psychic memory will alter to its original form & it will work accordingly.
- .The universal knowledge is required by every individual to feel the original thoughts, vibrations, energy flowing inside each individual. Along with this to understand the feeling of every situation, to go back to the experience using knowledge to review the self & thyself.
- Self analysis and review of own activity, thought, speech & action with a universal prospective, every human being could get able to attain the true form and human values will restore
- Thus with universal knowledge, the psychic memory will alter to its original form & it will work accordingly.
Alteration of Cellular Memory
- Cellular memory is the tool to drive human physically consciously & unconsciously. The cellular memory has been gathered/induced through limited potential of human senses. The fed up data or information created a narrow understanding and human body act accordingly.
- Living humanity conceptualized to alter the cellular memory through humanitarian actions. Humanitarian actions are the activity in physical form to understand and train human body & mind to use the universal knowledge in daily life.
- The theory and concept of universal knowledge & understanding will get the practical experience in real life through humanitarian action.
- Humanitarian actions of selfless unconditional service to serve the needy will automatically bridge the gaps of both participants. The value gaps & need gaps will be bridged along with self reformation.
- Thus the feeling of being a human & real experience of humanitarian action can be cleanly understood by each participants which will help the human being to alter the cellular memory.
- Humanitarian action will give real & practical feel based experience to human being to understand the universal knowledge.
- Practicing the humanitarian actions in day to day life will lead to erase the prior cellular memory of individualness & selfishness.
- Thus through high intent humanitarian action will alter the cellular memory & make human being available in human form/human identity.
- Thus self reformation through alteration of psychic memory & cellular memory will lead to create a human race with reformed human being, who have the clear visualization of human mind functionality & human physical behaviour of body. The synchronization of mind & body activity will lead to form a complete/human being in human form.
- Thus self reformation through alteration of psychic memory & cellular memory will lead to create a human race with reformed human being, who have the clear visualization of human mind functionality & human physical behaviour of body. The synchronization of mind & body activity will lead to form a complete/human being in human form.
Bridging the Gaps
The process of self Reformation in it's gradual way leads to a outcome of reducing or minimizing the gaps which are created by human being.
The ego, ignorance, greed, selfishness and reduction in human values have created a society where you can find gaps everywhere and within everyone. The man made gaps like Value, knowledge, need, material and love are the main cause we fell invaluable, instable, insecure at every point of life.
With the process of self Reformation the gaps will be bridged through universal knowledge, clear understanding and visualization of life, needs will be fulfilled and all the creatures will attain a state of sustainability.
Reformed humans will act as an carrier of this principle and replicate the same through out world. The continuous process of self Reformation in every human being will lead to a near zero state of Gaps.
Reduction of Gaps will automatically start to unite all.
Uniting Souls
- Unity is the true nature of existence individually we can’t exist. To get connected with higher dimension, we need to unite & evolve. In this universal energy chain all are connected with each other. The lower energy forms wish to get connected to higher one to evolve & the higher energy version need to get connected with lower one to share his values. So all exist here for two way transaction. Both end transaction require a chain reaction. This chain reaction of trans receiving is called “Sneha” or Love. Continuation of the reaction will lead to the state of harmony/peace. So to attain peace which is the most favourable & stable state in this dimension, we need to get connected with each other. To attain the absolute human form, the reformed human being needs to be united. Unitedly peace can be restored on this earth, there is no other alternate to it.
Restoration of World Peace
- Obtaining the state of harmony will lead to attainment of peace in every
individual & replicating the same through human chain in united
approach will result a peaceful world.