Living Humanity identifies problems, verifies them minutely, reviews them from all the angles and finds out the universal solution. We communicate issues to the concerned authority, government organizations, non-government organization, individual dealing with this and the common public.
Uniting Souls is the mission of Living Humanity. Unity refers to living in harmony with other people. It means working for a common cause with those around the globe. We are each individual and eternal expressions of God. Our essential nature is divine and therefore inherently good.
Reconstructing a peaceful world is the vision of Living humanity. This vision has been conceptualized because every moment we are missing something. If we try to understand this feeling, then we can visualize that there is a blank space everywhere, there is something incomplete after achieving everything.
Being a human, we have infinite potential, possibilities, virtues and power to attain peace. There is no need to look for the virtues outside – you are the source of all virtues or human values.
Values are abstract and context- independent beliefs about what people want to achieve in life, e.g., Power, Knowledge, Happiness, Love, Bliss, Purity, Peace. Values are motivational goals which refer to desirable end states.
There are numerous values and each person holds a variety of values at the same time which differ in their importance. Over decades, different conditions, constructs, theories, beliefs evolved around the human race to attain these values. Up to date there are ways and all are significantly different from each other however, predicting the same result which seems to be difficult and endless.
When you set your intention to the purest level, every work you do will be a service to mankind. Living Humanity is a tool which can create a universal human network for bridging the gaps of problem and solutions.
Living Humanity is a tool to clear the dirt from your mind, body and souls. When you will be cleaned and uncover your true potency, your human values will be emerged. With human values, you can conquer the world.
Serving the needy whatever, whenever and however possible with selfless attitude and without any conditions not only by providing clothing, foods, money but also sharing your attentions, emotions, thoughts, good vibes, prayers, skills, interests and services.
A concept of world vision, a platform of young dynamics human resources where you can evolve by unlearning what you have learnt till today.
According to Living Humanity, Social work is not an act of donation, help, charity or kindness. It is the responsibility of human being who lives in this society to contribute towards coexistence.
A selfless, universal and dedicated contribution with a ubiquitous intention simply by altering the way to understand, feel, belief, see, speak, act, adopt human life and spread the same towards peace building of the universe while amalgamating the spirituality and science by uniting souls is defined as Living Humanity
Living Humanity is not an organization, it is the first and foremost movement to bridge the gap in this society by connecting people of different wishes, skills, interests, professions, possessions and passions which will ultimately increase the life span of an individual.
A mechanism developed to bridge the gaps through uniting souls.
A system developed where all the lives value their births following own inner voice beyond all limitations.
Living Humanity is a divine platform with highest collective consciousness established to reach out to highest human potential.
Humanity is a Trait , Neither to be Learned Nor to be Followed