Peace Maker

Peace Maker
Reformation means making changes to something with the intention of setting it back on the original path. The root of reformation is the Latin word "reformare", which means to form again or to change. Social reformers are the individual people or organizations who spends their life for betterment of society in socio-cultural, educational, economical and spiritual aspects. Peace makers are the persons, groups, or nations that tries to make harmony in human race.
There is no human being on the planet who has never experienced moments of love, moments of joy, and moments of bliss and peace at some time or the other hand the reverse phenomenon. Only when harmony has become the essential quality of human being, then only peace can be attained. The peace makers are the people or organization who have brought it to this point in human life where it has become the dominant force and the guiding light in every human life. The urge to find a solution for a social problem which can changes many lives now and then made them social reformer. In lieu of their lives, they work unconditionally for society leaving back their individual need, wishes and desires. Many a times, they have to force strong opposition, some has lost their lives while bringing betterment towards society.
Sacrificing their lives, energy, wishes, needs, desires, dreams they work for social reformation. Living Humanity heartly acknowledge their dedication in this planet earth and put together all their details in one platform to signify that these people and organization are different from rest others. While working for social reformation, they brings many positives changes in the life of human being. The impact of negativity has minimized and leads towards upliftment of lives. The positive energy surge brings many lives to reform and evolve. Their theory, actions and intention which has documented or not however clearly indicates that in different parts of world with different objectives they tries to bring the state of harmony among all life and non life forms. Their dedicated efforts still able to maintain goodness in society and love is alive.
Peace Personnel
Reformation means making changes to something with the intention of setting it back on the original path. The root of reformation is the Latin word "reformare", which means to form again or to change. Social reformers are the individual people or organizations who spends their life for betterment of society in socio-cultural, educational, economical and spiritual aspects. Peace makers are the persons, groups, or nations that tries to make harmony in human race.
Sl. | Name of the Awardee | Country | Year | Award/Prize | Awared for |
1 | Frederic Passy | France | 1901 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his lifelong work for international peace conferences, diplomacy and arbitration." |
2 | Henry Dunant | Switzerland | 1901 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his humanitarian efforts to help wounded soldiers and create international understanding" |
3 | Charles Albert Gobat | Switzerland | 1902 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his eminently practical administration of the Inter-Parliamentary Union." |
4 | Elie Ducommun | Switzerland | 1902 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his untiring and skilful directorship of the Bern Peace Bureau" |
5 | William Randal Cremer | United Kingdom | 1903 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his longstanding and devoted effort in favour of the ideas of peace and arbitration." |
6 | Institute of International Law | Belgium | 1904 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for its striving in public law to develop peaceful ties between nations and to make the laws of war more humane." |
7 | Bertha von Suttner | Austria-Hungary | 1905 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her audacity to oppose the horrors of war." |
8 | Theodore Roosevelt | United States | 1906 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his role in bringing to an end the bloody war recently waged between two of the world's great powers, Japan and Russia." |
9 | Ernesto Teodoro Moneta | Italy | 1907 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his work in the press and in peace meetings, both public and private, for an understanding between France and Italy" |
10 | Louis Renault | France | 1907 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his decisive influence upon the conduct and outcome of the Hague and Geneva Conferences." |
11 | Fredrik Bajer | Denmark | 1908 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their long time work for the cause of peace as politicians, peace society leaders, orators and authors." |
12 | Klas Pontus Arnoldson | Sweden | 1908 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their long time work for the cause of peace as politicians, peace society leaders, orators and authors." |
13 | Auguste Beernaert | Belgium | 1909 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their prominent position in the international movement for peace and arbitration." |
14 | Paul Henri d'Estournelles de Constant | France | 1909 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their prominent position in the international movement for peace and arbitration." |
15 | Permanent International Peace Bureau | Switzerland | 1910 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for acting as a link between the peace societies of the various countries, and helping them to organize the world rallies of the international peace movement." |
16 | Alfred Fried | Austria-Hungary | 1911 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his effort to expose and fight what he considers to be the main cause of war, namely, the anarchy in international relations." |
17 | Tobias Asser | Belgium | 1911 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his role as co-founder of the Institut de droit international, initiator of the Conferences on International Private Law (Conferences' de Droit international privé) at the Hague, and pioneer in the field of international legal relations" |
18 | Elihu Root | United States | 1912 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for bringing about better understanding between the countries of North and South America and initiating important arbitration agreements between the United States and other countries." |
19 | Henri La Fontaine | Belgium | 1913 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his unparalleled contribution to the organization of peaceful internationalism." |
20 | International Committee of the Red Cross | Switzerland | 1917 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for the efforts to take care of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war and their families." |
21 | Woodrow Wilson | United States | 1919 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his role as founder of the League of Nations." |
22 | Leon Bourgeois | France | 1920 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his longstanding contribution to the cause of peace and justice and his prominent role in the establishment of the League of Nations." |
23 | Christian Lange | Norway | 1921 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their lifelong contributions to the cause of peace and organized internationalism." |
24 | Hjalmar Branting | Sweden | 1921 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their lifelong contributions to the cause of peace and organized internationalism."[8][26] |
25 | Fridtjof Nansen | Norway | 1922 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his leading role in the repatriation of prisoners of war, in international relief work and as the League of Nations' High Commissioner for refugees." |
26 | Sir Austen Chamberlain | United Kingdom | 1925 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his crucial role in bringing about the Locarno Treaty." |
27 | Aristide Briand | France | 1926 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their crucial role in bringing about the Locarno Treaty." |
28 | Gustav Stresemann | Germany | 1926 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their crucial role in bringing about the Locarno Treaty." |
29 | Ferdinand Buisson | France | 1927 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their contribution to the emergence in France and Germany of a public opinion which favours peaceful international cooperation." |
30 | Ludwig Quidde | Germany | 1927 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their contribution to the emergence in France and Germany of a public opinion which favours peaceful international cooperation." |
31 | Frank Billings Kellogg | United States | 1929 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his crucial role in bringing about the Kellogg-Briand Pact." |
32 | Nathan Söderblom | Sweden | 1930 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for promoting Christian unity and helping create 'that new attitude of mind which is necessary if peace between nations is to become reality'." |
33 | Jane Addams | United States | 1931 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their assiduous effort to revive the ideal of peace and to rekindle the spirit of peace in their own nation and in the whole of mankind." |
34 | Nicholas Murray Butler | United States | 1931 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their assiduous effort to revive the ideal of peace and to rekindle the spirit of peace in their own nation and in the whole of mankind."[8][34] |
35 | Sir Norman Angell | United Kingdom | 1933 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for having exposed by his pen the illusion of war and presented a convincing plea for international cooperation and peace." |
36 | Arthur Henderson | United Kingdom | 1934 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his untiring struggle and his courageous efforts as Chairman of the League of Nations Disarmament Conference 1931-34." |
37 | Carl von Ossietzky | Germany | 1935 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his burning love for freedom of thought and expression and his valuable contribution to the cause of peace." |
38 | Carlos Saavedra Lamas | Argentina | 1936 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his role as father of the Argentine Antiwar Pact of 1933, which he also used as a means to mediate peace between Paraguay and Bolivia in 1935." |
39 | The Viscount Cecil of Chelwood | United Kingdom | 1937 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his tireless effort in support of the League of Nations, disarmament and peace." |
40 | Nansen International Office for Refugees | League of Nations | 1938 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for having carried on the work of Fridtjof Nansen to the benefit of refugees across Europe." |
41 | International Committee of the Red Cross | Switzerland | 1944 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for the great work it has performed during the war on behalf of humanity." |
42 | Cordell Hull | United States | 1945 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his indefatigable work for international understanding and his pivotal role in establishing the United Nations." |
43 | Emily Greene Balch | United States | 1946 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her lifelong work for the cause of peace" |
44 | John Raleigh Mott | United States | 1946 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his contribution to the creation of a peace-promoting religious brotherhood across national boundaries." |
45 | The Quakers (represented by Friends Service Council and American Friends Service Committee) | United States/United Kingdom | 1947 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their pioneering work in the international peace movement and compassionate effort to relieve human suffering, thereby promoting the fraternity between nations." |
46 | Lord Boyd-Orr | United Kingdom | 1949 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his lifelong effort to conquer hunger and want, thereby helping to remove a major cause of military conflict and war." |
47 | Ralph Bunche | United States | 1950 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his work as mediator in Palestine in 1948-1949." |
48 | Leon Jouhaux | France | 1951 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for having devoted his life to the fight against war through the promotion of social justice and brotherhood among men and nations." |
49 | Albert Schweitzer | France | 1952 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his altruism, reverence for life, and tireless humanitarian work which has helped making the idea of brotherhood between men and nations a living one." |
50 | George Catlett Marshall Jr. | United States | 1953 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for proposing and supervising the plan for the economic recovery of Europe." |
51 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | United Nations | 1954 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for its efforts to heal the wounds of war by providing help and protection to refugees all over the world." |
52 | Lester Bowles Pearson | Canada | 1957 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his crucial contribution to the deployment of a United Nations Emergency Force in the wake of the Suez Crisis." |
53 | Dominique Pire | Belgium | 1958 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his efforts to help refugees to leave their camps and return to a life of freedom and dignity." |
54 | Philip Noel-Baker | United Kingdom | 1959 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his longstanding contribution to the cause of disarmament and peace." |
55 | Albert Lutuli | South Africa | 1960 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his non-violent struggle against apartheid." |
56 | Dag Hammarskjöld | Sweden | 1961 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for developing the UN into an effective and constructive international organization, capable of giving life to the principles and aims expressed in the UN Charter." |
57 | Linus Pauling | United States | 1962 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his fight against the nuclear arms race between East and West." |
58 | International Committee of the Red Cross | Switzerland | 1963 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for promoting the principles of the Geneva Convention and cooperation with the UN." |
59 | League of Red Cross Societies | Switzerland | 1963 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for promoting the principles of the Geneva Convention and cooperation with the UN." |
60 | Martin Luther King Jr. | United States | 1964 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his non-violent struggle for civil rights for the Afro-American population." |
61 | United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) | United Nations | 1965 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for its effort to enhance solidarity between nations and reduce the difference between rich and poor states." |
62 | René Cassin | France | 1968 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his struggle to ensure the rights of man as stipulated in the UN Declaration." |
63 | International Labour Organization | United Nations | 1969 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for creating international legislation insuring certain norms for working conditions in every country." |
64 | Norman Ernest Borlaug | United States | 1970 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for having given a well-founded hope - the green revolution." |
65 | Willy Brandt | West Germany | 1971 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for paving the way for a meaningful dialogue between East and West." |
66 | Henry Kissinger | United States | 1973 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for jointly having negotiated a cease fire in Vietnam in 1973." |
67 | Le Duc Tho | Vietnam | 1973 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for jointly having negotiated a cease fire in Vietnam in 1973." |
68 | Eisaku Sato | Japan | 1974 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his contribution to stabilize conditions in the Pacific rim area and for signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty." |
69 | Seán MacBride | Ireland | 1974 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his efforts to secure and develop human rights throughout the world" |
70 | Andrei Sakharov | Soviet Union | 1975 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his struggle for human rights in the Soviet Union, for disarmament and cooperation between all nations." |
71 | Betty Williams | United Kingdom | 1976 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for the courageous efforts in founding a movement to put an end to the violent conflict in Northern Ireland." |
72 | Mairead Corrigan | United Kingdom | 1976 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for the courageous efforts in founding a movement to put an end to the violent conflict in Northern Ireland." |
73 | Amnesty International | United Kingdom | 1977 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for worldwide respect for human rights." |
74 | Menachem Begin | Israel | 1978 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for jointly having negotiated peace between Egypt and Israel in 1978." |
75 | Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat | Egypt | 1978 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for jointly having negotiated peace between Egypt and Israel in 1978." |
76 | Mother Teresa | India | 1979 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her work for bringing help to suffering humanity." |
77 | Adolfo Perez Esquivel | Argentina | 1980 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for being a source of inspiration to repressed people, especially in Latin America."[76][8] |
78 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | United Nations | 1981 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for promoting the fundamental rights of refugees." |
79 | Alfonso Garcia Robles | Mexico | 1982 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for disarmament and nuclear and weapon-free zones." |
80 | Alva Myrdal | Sweden | 1982 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for disarmament and nuclear and weapon-free zones." |
81 | Lech Walesa | Poland | 1983 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for non-violent struggle for free trade unions and human rights in Poland." |
82 | Desmond Tutu | South Africa | 1984 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his role as a unifying leader figure in the non-violent campaign to resolve the problem of apartheid in South Africa" |
83 | International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War | United States | 1985 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for spreading authoritative information and by creating awareness of the catastrophic consequences of nuclear war." |
84 | Elie Wiesel | United States | 1986 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for being a messenger to mankind: his message is one of peace, atonement and dignity." |
85 | Oscar Arias | Costa Rica | 1987 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his work for lasting peace in Central America." |
86 | United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces | United Nations | 1988 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for preventing armed clashes and creating conditions for negotiations." |
87 | Tenzin Gyatso | India | 1989 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for advocating peaceful solutions based upon tolerance and mutual respect in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of his people." |
88 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Soviet Union | 1990 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for the leading role he played in the radical changes in East-West relations." |
89 | Aung San Suu Kyi | Burma | 1991 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights." |
90 | Rigoberta Menchu | Guatemala | 1992 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her struggle for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples." |
91 | Frederik Willem de Klerk | South Africa | 1993 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa." |
92 | Nelson Mandela | South Africa | 1993 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa." |
93 | Shimon Peres | Israel | 1994 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." |
94 | Yasser Arafat | Palestine | 1994 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." |
95 | Yitzhak Rabin | Israel | 1994 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." |
96 | Joseph Rotblat | Poland | 1995 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and, in the longer run, to eliminate such arms." |
97 | Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs | Canada | 1995 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and, in the longer run, to eliminate such arms." |
98 | Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo | East Timor | 1996 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor." |
99 | Jose Ramos-Horta | East Timor | 1996 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor." |
100 | International Campaign to Ban Landmines | Switzerland | 1997 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines." |
101 | Jody Williams | United States | 1997 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines." |
102 | David Trimble | United Kingdom | 1998 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland." |
103 | John Hume | Ireland | 1998 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland." |
104 | Médecins Sans Frontières | Switzerland | 1999 | Nobel Peace Prize | "in recognition of the organization's pioneering humanitarian work on several continents." |
105 | Kim Dae-jung | South Korea | 2000 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular." |
106 | Kofi Annan | Ghana | 2001 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world." |
107 | United Nations | United Nations | 2001 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world." |
108 | Jimmy Carter | United States | 2002 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development." |
109 | Shirin Ebadi | Iran | 2003 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the rights of women and children." |
110 | Wangari Muta Maathai | Kenya | 2004 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace." |
111 | International Atomic Energy Agency | United Nations | 2005 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way." |
112 | Mohamed ElBaradei | Egypt | 2005 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way." |
113 | Grameen Bank | Bangladesh | 2006 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to create economic and social development from below." |
114 | Muhammad Yunus | Bangladesh | 2006 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to create economic and social development from below." |
115 | Al Gore | United States | 2007 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change." |
116 | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | United Nations | 2007 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change." |
117 | Martti Ahtisaari | Finland | 2008 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts." |
118 | Barack Obama | United States | 2009 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." |
119 | Liu Xiaobo | China | 2010 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China." |
120 | Ellen Johnson Sirleaf | Liberia | 2011 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work." |
121 | Leymah Gbowee | Liberia | 2011 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work." |
122 | Tawakkul Karman | Yemen | 2011 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work." |
123 | European Union | European Union | 2012 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe." |
124 | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | Belgium | 2013 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons." |
125 | Kailash Satyarthi | India | 2014 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education." |
126 | Malala Yousafzai | Pakistan | 2014 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education." |
127 | Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet | Tunisia | 2015 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011." |
128 | Juan Manuel Santos | Colombia | 2016 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his resolute efforts to bring the country's more than 50-year-long civil war to an end." |
129 | International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons | Switzerland | 2017 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons." |
130 | Denis Mukwege | Congo | 2018 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict." |
131 | Nadia Murad | Iraq | 2018 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict." |
132 | Abiy Ahmed | Ethiopia | 2019 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea." |
133 | World Food Programme | United Nations | 2020 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict." |
134 | Dmitry Muratov | Russia | 2021 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace." |
135 | Maria Ressa | Philippinis | 2021 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace." |
136 | Ales Bialiatski | Belarus | 2022 | Nobel Peace Prize | have promoted the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens. They have made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human right abuses and the abuse of power. |
137 | Centre for Civil Liberties | Ukraine | 2022 | Nobel Peace Prize | have promoted the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens. They have made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human right abuses and the abuse of power. |
138 | Memorial | Russia | 2022 | Nobel Peace Prize | have promoted the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens. They have made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human right abuses and the abuse of power. |
139 | Narges Mohammadi | Iran | 2023 | Nobel Peace Prize | "for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all" |
140 | Nelson Mandela | South Africa | 1991 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For their contribution to international peace, to encourage them to continue in their effort and as a tribute to what they have done to educate their people towards understanding and overcoming of prejudice that many would not have thought possible a few years ago" |
141 | Frederik Willem de Klerk | South Africa | 1991 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For their contribution to international peace, to encourage them to continue in their effort and as a tribute to what they have done to educate their people towards understanding and overcoming of prejudice that many would not have thought possible a few years ago" |
142 | Hague Academy of International Law | Belgium | 1992 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "We believe the world is in a new phase of international relations. Quite different from the one through which we have just gone and we are convinced that international law must be given a larger role in the settlement of international disputes and in the solution of international problems." |
143 | Yitzhak Rabin | Israel | 1993 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "We have concluded that this year, naturally, the most dramatic and important event has been the agreement between the Palestinians and Israel. |
144 | Shimon Peres | Israel | 1993 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "We have concluded that this year, naturally, the most dramatic and important event has been the agreement between the Palestinians and Israel. |
145 | Yasser Arafat | Palestinian Territories | 1993 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for the Palestine Liberation Organization." |
146 | Juan Carlos I of Spain | Spain | 1994 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for his role in guaranteeing the transition to democracy, for his continuing contribution to the protection of minorities in the transition to democracy, and for the international role of conciliation that Spain has played. |
147 | Jimmy Carter | United States | 1994 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for his capacity as Chairman of the Carter Center and his contribution to the pursuit of peace in many different parts of the world and succeeding in making such a contribution even before the government of his country had requested him to do so. |
148 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | Switzerland | 1995 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for the excellence of her efforts and for the way she has raised international concern for the refugees." |
149 | Sadako Ogata | Japan | 1995 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for the excellence of her efforts and for the way she has raised international concern for the refugees." |
150 | Álvaro Enrique Arzu Irigoyen | Guatemala | 1996 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for the excellence of her efforts and for the way she has raised international concern for the refugees." |
151 | Rolando Moran | Guatemala | 1996 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for the excellence of her efforts and for the way she has raised international concern for the refugees." |
152 | Fidel V. Ramos | Philippinis | 1997 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For the agreement they have made in ending the conflict on 2nd September 1996 between the Philippines Government and the Moro National Liberation Front." |
153 | Nur Misuari | Philippinis | 1997 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For the agreement they have made in ending the conflict on 2nd September 1996 between the Philippines Government and the Moro National Liberation Front." |
154 | Sheikh Hasina | Bangladesh | 1998 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "In awarding the 1998 Prize to Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh who, on 2 December 1997, signed a peace agreement which put an end to 25 years of civil war. |
155 | George J. Mitchell | United States | 1998 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | for his work that enabled the main players in the Irish crisis to sign the Good Friday Agreement, the Jury has wanted to focus attention on the efforts deployed in the search for peace through dialogue and negotiation." |
156 | Community of Sant'Egidio | Italy | 1999 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "In recognition of their efforts in achieving ecumenical understanding between all religions, their efforts of conciliation in Algeria, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau and Yugoslavia, for their contribution to human understanding and for eliminating the religious, political and ethnic sources of conflict." |
157 | Mary Robinson | Ireland | 2000 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For the great contribution that she has made for the defence and promotion of Human Rights. The decision, of course, was unanimous." |
158 | Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão | East Timor | 2002 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For his contribution to the fight for human dignity and for his conduct which has elevated the human spirit not only in his region, but in the world." |
159 | Roger Etchegaray | France | 2003 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "In recognition of their action in favour of inter-faith dialogue, tolerance and peace." |
160 | Mustafa Ceri? | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2003 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "In recognition of their action in favour of inter-faith dialogue, tolerance and peace." |
161 | Abdoulaye Wade | Senegal | 2005 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For his contributions to democracy in Senegal, and for his role in mediating political disputes in the region." |
162 | Martti Ahtisaari | Finland | 2007 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For leading the process that resulted in independence of Namibia and for [his] very great contribution to the resolution of the fatricidal conflict between the Indonesian Government and the Free Aceh Movement." |
163 | Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | Brazil | 2008 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For his actions in pursuit of peace, dialogue, democracy, social justice and equal rights, as well as for his valuable contribution to the eradication of poverty and the protection of minorities' rights." |
164 | Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo | Argentina | 2011 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For his actions in pursuit of peace, dialogue, democracy, social justice and equal rights, as well as for his valuable contribution to the eradication of poverty and the protection of minorities' rights." |
165 | François Hollande | France | 2013 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For his actions in pursuit of peace, dialogue, democracy, social justice and equal rights, as well as for his valuable contribution to the eradication of poverty and the protection of minorities' rights." |
166 | SOS Méditerranee | Europe | 2017 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | "For his actions in pursuit of peace, dialogue, democracy, social justice and equal rights, as well as for his valuable contribution to the eradication of poverty and the protection of minorities' rights." |
167 | Giuseppina Maria Nicolini | Italy | 2017 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | For saving lives of refugees and immigrants. |
168 | Abiy Ahmed | Ethiopia | 2019 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | For his peacemaking efforts in his country and the Horn of African region. |
169 | Angela Merkel | Germany | 2022 | Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize | For her efforts to welcome refugees during the 2015 European migrant crisis. |
170 | Eleanor Roosevelt | United States | 1960 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
171 | Edwin T. Dahlberg | United States | 1960 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
172 | Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath | United States | 1961 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
173 | John Haynes Holmes | United States | 1961 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
174 | Linus C. Pauling | United States | 1962 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
175 | James Paul Warburg | Germany | 1962 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
176 | E. Stanley Jones | United States | 1963 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
177 | Martin Luther King Jr. | United States | 1964 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
178 | A.J. Muste | Belgium | 1966 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
179 | Norman Thomas | United States | 1967 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
180 | Jerome Davis | United States | 1967 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
181 | William Sloane Coffin Jr. | United States | 1967 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
182 | Benjamin Spock | United States | 1968 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
183 | Wayne Morse | United States | 1970 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
184 | Willard Uphaus | United States | 1970 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
185 | U Thant | Burma | 1972 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
186 | Daniel Berrigan | United States | 1974 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
187 | Dorothy Day | United States | 1975 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
188 | Daniel Ellsberg | United States | 1976 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
189 | Peter Benenson | United Kingdom | 1978 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
190 | Martin Ennals | United States | 1964 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
191 | Roland Bainton | United States | 1979 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
192 | Helen Caldicott | Australia | 1980 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
193 | Corliss Lamont | United States | 1981 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
194 | Randall Watson Forsberg | United States | 1982 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
195 | Robert Jay Lifton | United States | 1984 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
196 | Kay Camp | United States | 1984 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
197 | Bernard Lown | Lithuania | 1986 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
198 | John Somerville | United States | 1987 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
199 | César Chávez | United States | 1989 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
200 | Marian Wright Edelman | United States | 1990 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
201 | George McGovern | United States | 1991 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
202 | Ramsey Clark | United States | 1992 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
203 | Lucius Walker | United States | 1993 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
204 | Roy Bourgeois | United States | 1994 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
205 | Edith Ballantyne | Canada | 1995 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
206 | Alan Wright | United States | 1996 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
207 | Paula Kline | United States | 1996 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
208 | Howard | United States | 1997 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
209 | Alice Frazier | United States | 1997 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
210 | Michael True | United States | 2002 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
211 | Dennis Kucinich | United States | 2003 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
212 | Adrienne van Melle-Hermans | Belgium | 2003 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
213 | Karen Jacob | United States | 2004 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
214 | David Cortright | United States | 2004 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
215 | Ehud Bandel | United States | 2011 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
216 | Arik Ascherman | Israel | 2011 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
217 | Amy Goodman | United States | 2012 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
218 | Bill McKibben | United States | 2013 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
219 | Medea Benjamin | United States | 2014 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
220 | Tom B.K. Goldtooth | United States | 2015 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
221 | Kathy Kelly | United States | 2015 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
222 | Ralph Nader | United States | 2017 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
223 | Omar Barghouti | Palestine | 2017 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
224 | Jackson Browne | United States | 2018 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
225 | Mayson Almisri | United States | 2020 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
226 | Zaher Sahloul | United States | 2020 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
227 | Kali Akuno | United States | 2023 | Gandhi Peace Award | contribution made in promotion of international peace and goodwill. |
228 | Zarqa Yaftali | Afghanistan | 2019 | n-peace award | for ‘Women Right to Heritage and Property’ (2011) |
229 | Dayani Panagoda | Sri Lanka | 2019 | n-peace award | for "career of formulating, implementing and sharing Women, Peace and Security policies". |
230 | Dewi Rana Amir | Indonesia | 2019 | n-peace award | for "Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia". |
231 | May Sabe Phyu | Myanmar | 2019 | n-peace award | for advocating women’s full realization of their human rights. |
232 | Sarita Saru B.K. | Nepal | 2019 | n-peace award | for advocating against the discrimination of Dalit women. |
233 | Meena Baber | Pakistan | 2019 | n-peace award | for capacity training on peacebuilding, psycho-social support for conflict affected populations, and providing safe zones for conflict-affected women. |
234 | Froilyn Tenorio Mendoza | Philippinis | 2019 | n-peace award | for advocating for the rights of Teduray and Lambangian women and girls. |
235 | Amina Rasul-Bernardo | Philippinis | 2019 | n-peace award | for sustainable peace development, academic advocacy on the intersections of gender, religion and peace, journalism, and community engagement with conflict affected communities to ensure inclusion of women on a myriad of levels. |
236 | Ram Bahadur Sunar | Nepal | 2019 | n-peace award | empowerment of marginalized Dalit communities in Kailali, through implementation of a human rights approach in Kailali. |
237 | Sohaila Rezaee | Afghanistan | 2019 | n-peace award | provides skills training to girl high school students, on leadership, advocacy for peace and providing mentorship support. |
238 | Maisam Iltaf-Kazemi | Afghanistan | 2019 | n-peace award | safe education is provided to all regardless of gender. |
239 | Khojasta Sameyee | Afghanistan | 2018 | n-peace award | for her work in using radio to inform remote communities of women's rights, politics, and peacebuilding. |
240 | Mahira Miyanji | Pakistan | 2018 | n-peace award | for her commitment to women's empowerment and girls' education in Lyari, Karachi. |
241 | Cynthia Maung | Myanmar | 2018 | n-peace award | for her efforts in providing emergency maternal healthcare in conflict areas to refugee women at the Thai-Myanmar border. |
242 | Visaka Dharmadasa | Sri Lanka | 2018 | n-peace award | for encouraging important dialogues between women of different ethnicities in Sri Lanka, advocating for the empowerment and inclusion of women in peacebuilding process. |
243 | Logshari Kunwar | Nepal | 2018 | n-peace award | for her work in investigating gender-based violence and human rights violations in Nepal. |
244 | Mira Kusumarini | Indonesia | 2018 | n-peace award | for her work in rehabilitating and reintegrating ISIS-affiliated children and women deportees back safely into society. |
245 | Samira Gutoc-Tomawis | Philippinis | 2018 | n-peace award | for her commitment to advocating the rights of women and marginalised groups in post-conflict Philippines. |
246 | Hira Singh Thapa | Nepal | 2018 | n-peace award | Social activist and champion of women's rights, he was awarded for his continuous efforts in encouraging men to help end the practice of "chauupadi", child marriage, domestic violence, and menstruation taboos in Nepal. |
247 | Mary Akrami | Afghanistan | 2018 | n-peace award | for having established peace "shuras" for women seeking conflict resolution. |
248 | Muqadasa Ahmadzai | Afghanistan | 2018 | n-peace award | for her grassroots community efforts against conflict and supporting survivors of domestic violence. |
249 | Sayeeda Muradi | Afghanistan | 2017 | n-peace award | for her role in managing inclusive'peace shuras' and supporting conflict resolutions for women's issues at community and district level. |
250 | Cheery Zahau | Myanmar | 2017 | n-peace award | for her efforts in empowering Chin women refugees with leadership training, education programmes, and health and nursing programmes. |
251 | Srijana Karki | Nepal | 2017 | n-peace award | Leading social activist calling for the end of gender-based violence, Srijana was awarded for her role in ensuring that the voices of those belonging to marginalised groups or communities are adequately represented and heard at the government level. |
252 | Rahmatan | Indonesia | 2017 | n-peace award | for her work in empowering Acehnese women and providing them with the support to emerge as leaders from the grassroots level. |
253 | Farhat Sajaad | Pakistan | 2017 | n-peace award | Co-founder of the Shining Light Community Development Organisation, a social welfare organisation that equips communities with innovative education, training, and development programmes, she was awarded for encourages Muslim-Christian dialogue through providing training for both communities in economic empowerment activities. |
254 | Bernadine Anderson | Sri Lanka | 2017 | n-peace award | for her work in supporting rehabilitation efforts by engaging with young former Tamil Tigers, achieving peace through education. |
255 | Hadja Giobay Diocolano | Philippinis | 2017 | n-peace award | for promoting a culture of peace among communities affected by conflict, especially targeting youth and women. |
256 | Suraya Yosufi | Afghanistan | 2017 | n-peace award | Founder of the Afghan Girls Debating Project, a project for high school and university students offering specialised training in critical thinking, rational reasoning, research skills, time management, and teamwork, Suraya was awarded for empowering young girls and providing a platform for Afghan women to speak their minds freely. |
257 | Sharif Shah Safi | Afghanistan | 2017 | n-peace award | University lecturer and Debate Program Director of the Afghanistan Youths Civic Engagement and Educational Organization, Sharif was recognised for his role in preventing extremism, violence, and inequalities by promoting education and respectful conversations among youths. |
258 | Gunawan | Indonesia | 2017 | n-peace award | for his role in empowering women in Poso to take more prominent roles in both village decision-making and the correlating peace-building process. |
259 | Farhat Asif | Pakistan | 2017 | n-peace award | Founder of the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, she was awarded for facilitating cooperation between government officials, civil societies, think-tanks, and educational institutions to raise the subject of women's inclusion in peace negotiations in Pakistan. |
260 | Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah | Indonesia | 2016 | n-peace award | for her role in spreading peace education throughout Indonesia and work in developing leadership skills for women. |
261 | Basanti Chaudary | Nepal | 2016 | n-peace award | Former bonded-laborer and Chair of the Kamaiya Pratha Unmulan Samaj (KAPUS), she was recognised for her role in helping violence-affected women to improve their economic and social circumstances, raising awareness of their rights, and providing them with the tools for empowerment. |
262 | Habiba Sarabi | Afghanistan | 2016 | n-peace award | for her role in bringing peace to Afghanistan and to enhance and enrich civil and political rights for women and girls following the Taliban rule. |
263 | Sumika Perera | Sri Lanka | 2016 | n-peace award | Social activist and founder of the Women's Resource Centre, Sumika was recognised for her role in empowering and supporting women to embrace their rights and face the subjugation entrenched in the society they live in. |
264 | Rizwana Shah | Pakistan | 2016 | n-peace award | for her role in empowering women to gain financial independence in conservative and patriarchal parts of society and advocating for peace as a source of inclusion. |
265 | Mariam Barandia | Philippinis | 2016 | n-peace award | Executive Director of Kapamagogopa Inc., an NGO which provides skills training for young Muslims and former women combatants to expand their economic opportunities and exercise their role in building peace, she was awarded for her efforts in dispelling negative perceptions and prejudices between communities in the Philippines. |
266 | Mossarat Qadeem | Pakistan | 2016 | n-peace award | for her role in educating women to develop critical negotiation skills to aid wider peace-building. |
267 | Rizky Ashar Murdiono | Indonesia | 2016 | n-peace award | for his role in empowering and engaging young people in the implementation of SDGs and the promotion of peace and rights awareness, LGBT rights, and disability acceptance. |
268 | Aliya Harir | Pakistan | 2016 | n-peace award | for the Global Youth Peace Festival, aliya was recognised for her role in advocating for a world where young people are empowered, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or gender. |
269 | Hasina Neekzad | Afghanistan | 2015 | n-peace award | Political and human rights activist for women and children's rights in Afghanistan, she was awarded for building a culture of peace through the positive engagement of young men and villages elders in the Herat province. |
270 | Ja Nan Lahtaw | Myanmar | 2015 | n-peace award | Peace advocate and Executive Director of the Nyein Foundation, Ja Nan was recognised for her work in facilitating political dialogues between the Myanmar government and cease-fired ethnic armed organizations and advocating for their inclusion in Myanmar's political life. |
271 | Sharmila Thapa | Nepal | 2015 | n-peace award | for advocating for legislative changes against gender-based violence and providing a support system to women victims of violence. |
272 | Rubina Feroze Bhatti | Pakistan | 2015 | n-peace award | Executive Director of Taangh Wasaib Organisation, a rights-based organisation tackling violence against women, religious intolerance, and discriminatory laws in Pakistan, Rubina was recognised for her role in fighting against gender-based violence and introduced human rights education programming in over 200 schools. |
273 | Jo Genna Martin Jover | Philippinis | 2015 | n-peace award | for her dedication to promoting social and cultural equality of indigenous people, specifically the Moro women, and for encouraging peacebuilding between the government and the Moro communities. |
274 | Maryam Durani | Afghanistan | 2015 | n-peace award | Former Kandahar Provincial Council Member and advocate for women's rights, Maryam was awarded for her many initiatives championing women's inclusion in political and social life in Kandahar, Afghanistan. |
275 | Rahmat Ullah Rahimi | Afghanistan | 2015 | n-peace award | for championing women and girls' rights and efforts to end child marriages. |
276 | Kaushila Chaudhary | Nepal | 2015 | n-peace award | Former bonded laborer and human rights activist, Kaushila was awarded for her work in ending discrimination and gender-based violence against ex-Kamaiyas in Nepal. |
277 | Rahmatullah Noorzai | Afghanistan | 2015 | n-peace award | for his work with internally displaced women and children in Afghanistan. |
278 | Hasina Jalal | Afghanistan | 2014 | n-peace award | Advocate for women's rights, journalist and lecturer in rural Afghanistan, she was awarded for pushing the agenda of women's rights in Afghanistan through capacity building with numerous national NGOs. |
279 | Syarifah Aliyyah Shihab | Indonesia | 2014 | n-peace award | for contributing to the creation of an anti-terrorism mentality among youth in Indonesia. |
280 | Mi Kun Chan Non | Myanmar | 2014 | n-peace award | for advocating women's participation in the peace processes and political life in Myanmar. |
281 | Bimala Kadayat | Nepal | 2014 | n-peace award | Youth mobilizer and community role model for building sustainable peace, she was awarded for her efforts in educating her community on issues of bonded labour, violence against women, discrimination, and child marriage. |
282 | Mona Parkash | Pakistan | 2014 | n-peace award | for her efforts in promoting and providing education to marginalised Pakistani children. |
283 | Democracy and Peace Women Network | Myanmar | 2014 | n-peace award | Yangon-based local civil society organisation that strives to connect with individuals and communities whose rights and freedoms have been marginalised. they are awarded for their committed to contributing to both democracy and peace for an inclusive Myanmar. |
284 | Rabiah Jamil Beg | Pakistan | 2014 | n-peace award | for her commitment to cover the social issues that hamper the progress of women in conservative societies, and she has been instrumental in bringing to the debate women's perspective. |
285 | Hajji Khalil | Afghanistan | 2014 | n-peace award | for his contribution to conflict management, reconciliation, and inclusive peace in Afghanistan. |
286 | Miriam Coronel Ferrer | Philippinis | 2014 | n-peace award | for her dedication in bringing more women to the peace table and implementing UNSCR 1325 at the national level in the Philippines. |
287 | Shah Zaman | Pakistan | 2014 | n-peace award | Chairman of the Milky Way Foundation, lecturer and human rights activist, Shah was awarded for his dedication to ensuring high quality, free education to over 200 students in Pakistan. |
288 | Wai Wai Nu | Myanmar | 2014 | n-peace award | Former political prisoner, Wai Wai Nu is a peacebuilder and human rights advocate. Founder of the Women's Peace Network, a platform that promotes peace and mutual understanding between Myanmar's different ethnicities, she was awarded for her commitment to advocating marginalised women's rights. |
289 | Magdalena Bidau Soares | Timor Leste | 2013 | n-peace award | for her dedication to the ongoing struggle for peace, unity and women's rights in Timor-Leste. |
290 | Thavachsri Charles Vijayaratnam | Sri Lanka | 2013 | n-peace award | Co-founder of the Kilinochchi District Women's Development Federation, an NGO providing psychosocial support and social integration programmes for service users, Thavachsri was awarded for promoting the improvement of the lives of marginalised peoples in rural communities in Sri Lanka. |
291 | Irene M. Santiago | Philippinis | 2013 | n-peace award | for her commitment to advancing the significant role of women in the Women, Peace, and Security agenda. |
292 | Valentina Sagala | Indonesia | 2013 | n-peace award | Founder of Yayasan Institut Perempuan, an NGO advocating for laws to promote the protection of women and children, monitoring policy formulation and law enforcement, providing direct services to women and children survivors of violence, Valentina was awarded for her efforts in promoting and shaping laws against gender-based violence. |
293 | Shashi Kumary Adhikary | Nepal | 2013 | n-peace award | Lawyer and advocate for gender equality, she was awarded for her commitment to campaigning for gender equity within Nepal's laws and women's access to equitable justice, promoting women's rights from education and property rights to the basic right of identity. |
294 | Masuada Karokhi | Afghanistan | 2013 | n-peace award | for raising awareness about the promotion and protection of women's rights in Afghanistan. |
295 | Suprayoga Hadi | Indonesia | 2013 | n-peace award | Civil servant and champion of women's rights, Suprayoga was awarded for his efforts in the inclusion of women in peace and security issues in Indonesia. |
296 | Rohaniza Usman | Philippinis | 2013 | n-peace award | for promoting peace and development through education, inter-generational engagement and socio-economic development in Mindanao and Bangsamoro. |
297 | Farkhunda Zahra Naderi | Afghanistan | 2012 | n-peace award | Former Afghan Parliamentarian and Senior Advisor to the President on UN Affairs, she was awarded for her commitment to representing women's voice in institutional settings and fighting for their political participation. |
298 | Quhramaana Kakar | Afghanistan | 2012 | n-peace award | for her commitment to engaging women and youth in the most insecure parts of the country towards creating peace and rebuilding Afghanistan |
299 | Suraiya Kamaruzzaman | Indonesia | 2012 | n-peace award | Founder of Flower Aceh and advocate for the rights of Acehnese women, Suraiya was awarded for work to empower women by ensuring their safety and advising them on issues of economic and reproductive rights. |
300 | Rupika De Silva | Sri Lanka | 2012 | n-peace award | Founder of Saviya, an NGO focused on supporting the rights of women and children in local communities, she was awarded for promoting a peace based approach of development for southern provinces and other conflict-affected areas of Sri Lanka and empowerment of women's entrepreneurship skills. |
301 | Radha Paudel | Nepal | 2012 | n-peace award | Author and activist, she was awarded for her commitment to advocating for equal citizenship, the stop of child marriage and the empowerment of Mahesh women in Nepal. |
302 | Teresita Quintos Deles | Philippinis | 2012 | n-peace award | for her efforts in implementing UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security at national level in the Philippines. |
303 | Sister Lourdes (Mana Lou) | Timor Leste | 2012 | n-peace award | Founder of ISMAIK, a solidarity network across Timor-Leste dealing with urgent humanitarian assistance and poverty, she was awarded for her dedication in promoting and defending human rights in Timor-Leste. |
304 | Sadhu Ram Sapkota | Nepal | 2012 | n-peace award | for his efforts in applying the UN Security Resolutions 1325 and 1820 on recognizing and empowering women's rights and experiences, making Nepal the first country in South Asia to nationalize and operationalize these provisions. |
305 | Amina Azimi | Afghanistan | 2012 | n-peace award | Founder of Empowering Women with Disability and Landmine survivors, Amina was awarded for her advocacy for the protection and the promotion of the rights of women and girls with disabilities. |
306 | Purna Shova Chitrakar | Nepal | 2011 | n-peace award | for her effort in empowering landmines victims and providing them with access to the opportunities they need to fulfil their goals. |
307 | Filomena Barros Dos Reis | Timor Leste | 2011 | n-peace award | Human rights and justice activist, she was awarded for her commitment to campaigning for political change on behalf of Timorese women. |
308 | Shreen Abdul Saroor | Sri Lanka | 2011 | n-peace award | for the empowerment and promotion of women's rights, she was awarded for her efforts in campaigning for peace and creating stability between the different ethnic groups in Sri Lanka. |
309 | Electronita Duan | Indonesia | 2011 | n-peace award | Founder of Politenik Perdamaian Halamahera, an institute for those whose education was interrupted by armed conflict, she was awarded for her commitment to peacebuilding and the pursuit of peace through education and creative means. |
310 | Rubina Feroze Bhatti | Pakistan | 2011 | n-peace award | for devoting her life to creating a more peaceful Pakistan. She protects the rights of religious minorities and women who are targets of gender-based violence. |
311 | Julius Nyerere | Tanzania | 1995 | Gandhi Peace Prize | for served as the leader of Tanzania, and previously Tanganyika, from 1960 until his retirement in 1985. |
312 | A. T. Ariyaratne | Sri Lanka | 1996 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Founder of Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement |
313 | Gerhard Fischer | Germany | 1997 | Gandhi Peace Prize | German diplomat, recognised for his work against leprosy and polio |
314 | Ramakrishna Mission | India | 1998 | Gandhi Peace Prize | for promoting social welfare, tolerance, and non-violence among disadvantaged groups |
315 | Baba Amte | India | 1999 | Gandhi Peace Prize | for his work for the rehabilitation and empowerment of poor people suffering from leprosy |
316 | Nelson Mandela | South Africa | 2000 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Former President of South Africa |
317 | Grameen Bank | Bangladesh | 2000 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Founded by Muhammad Yunus |
318 | John Hume | Ireland | 2001 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Northern Irish Politician and major figure in the Northern Ireland peace process |
319 | Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan | India | 2002 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Educational trust that emphasises Indian culture |
320 | Václav Havel | Czech Republic | 2003 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Last President of Czechoslovakia and first President of the Czech Republic |
321 | Coretta Scott King | United States | 2004 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Activist and civil rights leader. |
322 | Desmond Tutu | South Africa | 2005 | Gandhi Peace Prize | South African cleric and activist.He was South African social rights activist and retired Anglican bishop who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. |
323 | Chandi Prasad Bhatt | India | 2013 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Environmentalist, social activist and pioneer of the Chipko movement. Founded Dasholi Gram Swarajya Sangh (DGSS) |
324 | ISRO | India | 2014 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Space agency of the Indian Govt. Objective is to advance space technology and deliver the applications of it |
325 | Vivekananda Kendra | India | 2015 | Gandhi Peace Prize | A Hindu spiritual organisation based on the principles preached by Swami Vivekananda |
326 | Akshaya Patra Foundation | India | 2016 | Gandhi Peace Prize | A non-profit organisation in India that runs school lunch programme across India |
327 | Sulabh International | India | 2016 | Gandhi Peace Prize | A social service organization that works to promote human rights, environmental sanitation, non-conventional sources of energy, waste management and social reforms through education. |
328 | Ekal Abhiyan Trust | India | 2017 | Gandhi Peace Prize | Contribution in providing Education for Rural and Tribal Children in remote areas pan India, Rural Empowerment, Gender and Social Equality. |
329 | Y?hei Sasakawa | Japan | 2018 | Gandhi Peace Prize | For his contribution in Leprosy Eradication in India and across the world. |
330 | Qaboos bin Said Al Said | Oman | 2019 | Gandhi Peace Prize | For contributions for social, economic and political transformation through non-violent and other Gandhian methods. |
331 | Sheikh Mujibur Rahman | Bangladesh | 2020 | Gandhi Peace Prize | For his contributions towards social, economic and political transformation through non-violent and other Gandhian methods. |
332 | Gita Press | India | 2021 | Gandhi Peace Prize | For outstanding contributions towards social, economic and political transformation through non-violent and other Gandhian methods. |
333 | Flora Brovina | Kosovo | 1993 | Millennium Peace Prize for Women | Women Building Peace campaign |
334 | Asma Jahangir | Pakistan | 1994 | Millennium Peace Prize for Women | Women Building Peace campaign |
335 | Hina Jilani | Pakistan | 1994 | Millennium Peace Prize for Women | Women Building Peace campaign |
336 | Veneranda Nzambazamariya | Rwanda | 1995 | Millennium Peace Prize for Women | Women Building Peace campaign |
337 | Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres (Group) | Colombia | 1996 | Millennium Peace Prize for Women | Women Building Peace campaign |
338 | Leitana Nehan Women's Development Agency Group) | Papua New Guinea | 1997 | Millennium Peace Prize for Women | Women Building Peace campaign |
339 | Women in Black (Group) | International | 1998 | Millennium Peace Prize for Women | Women Building Peace campaign |
340 | Zenon Rossides | Cyprus | 1982 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
341 | Jorge Illueca | Panama | 1983 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
342 | Javier Pérez de Cuéllar | Peru | 1986 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
343 | Russell Barber | United States | 1986 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
344 | Vilayat Khan | India | 1991 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
345 | Guido de Marco | Malta | 1991 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
346 | Ganesh Man Singh | Nepal | 1993 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
347 | Siddhartha Shankar Ray | India | 1993 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
348 | Chidambaram Subramaniam | India | 1993 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
349 | James P. Grant | United States | 1994 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
350 | Mother Teresa | India | 1994 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
351 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Russia | 1994 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
352 | Laxmi Mall Singhvi | India | 1995 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
353 | Rafael Hernández Colón | Puerto Rico | 1995 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
354 | Desmond Tutu | South Africa | 1995 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
355 | Nelson Mandela | South Africa | 1996 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
356 | Robert Mugabe | Zimbabwe | 1996 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
357 | Maurice Strong | Canada | 1996 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
358 | Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan | India | 1996 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
359 | Ananda Guruge | Sri Lanka | 1997 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
360 | Vladimir Petrovsky | Russia | 1997 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
361 | Carl Lewis | United States | 1997 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
362 | 14th Dalai Lama | China | 1997 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
363 | Inder Kumar Gujral | India | 1997 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
364 | Dada Vaswani | India | 1998 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
365 | Pope John Paul II | Poland | 1998 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
366 | Claiborne Pell | United States | 1998 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
367 | Ja'afar of Negeri Sembilan | Malaysia | 1998 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
368 | Mahathir Mohamad | Malaysia | 1999 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
369 | Girija Prasad Koirala | Nepal | 1999 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
370 | Krishna Prasad Bhattarai | Nepal | 1999 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
371 | Ted Turner | United States | 1999 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
372 | Anwarul Karim Chowdhury | Bangladesh | 1999 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
373 | Svenn Kristiansen | Norway | 2000 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
374 | Humayun Rashid Choudhury | Bangladesh | 2000 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
375 | Gary Ackerman | United States | 2000 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
376 | Sivaya Subramuniyaswami | United States | 2000 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
377 | Atal Bihari Vajpayee | India | 2001 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
378 | James Parks Morton | United States | 2001 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
379 | Satchidananda Saraswati | India | 2002 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
380 | Daw Aye Aye Thant | Myanmar | 2002 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
381 | Ravi Shankar | India | 2002 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
382 | Kurt Waldheim | Austria | 2004 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
383 | Ibrahim Gambari | United States | 2007 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
384 | Bill Pearl | United States | 2007 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
385 | Pascal Alan Nazareth | United States | 2007 | U Thant Peace Award | for dreating and promoting awards |
386 | Alfred Worden | United States | 1971 | United Nation Peace Medal | By U Thant to Apollo 15 astronauts. First recipients. |
387 | David Scott | United States | 1971 | United Nation Peace Medal | By U Thant for composing the music and text of a "Hymn to the United Nations" |
388 | James Irwin | United States | 1971 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
389 | Pau Casals | Spain | 1971 | United Nation Peace Medal | In presenting the medal, UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim spoke of Selassie's support for UN principles and of his contribution to promote international peace and understanding. Selassie is the first Head of State to receive the medal. |
390 | W. H. Auden | United States | 1971 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
391 | Norman Cousins | United States | 1971 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
392 | Emperor Haile Selassie I | Ethiopia | 1972 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
393 | Kathleen D'Olier Courtney | United Kingdom | 1972 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
394 | Dixy Lee Ray | United States | 1973 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Kurt Waldheim "for his significant contribution to international peace" |
395 | Ada Norris | Australia | 1975 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Kurt Waldheim in Moscow "in recognition of his considerable and fruitful activities in favor of universal peace and people's security" |
396 | Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden | Sweden | 1976 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
397 | King Khalid of Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | 1977 | United Nation Peace Medal | For a record entitled “Music for UNICEF”, the proceeds of which were donated to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). |
398 | Leonid Brezhnev | Russia | 1977 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
399 | Obert C. Tanner | United States | 1978 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Kurt Waldheim. Chair of the UNESCO international commission for peace. |
400 | Bee Gees | Australia | 1978 | United Nation Peace Medal | For his work on the World Fertility Survey |
401 | Nobusuke Kishi | Japan | 1979 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Kurt Waldheim |
402 | Estefania Aldaba-Lim | Philippinis | 1979 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Javier Pérez de Cuéllar to his predecessor as Secretary-General |
403 | Maurice Kendall | United Kingdom | 1980 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
404 | Carlos Romulo | Philippinis | 1981 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Javier Pérez de Cuéllar after a screening of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial at the UN. |
405 | Kurt Waldheim | Australia | 1982 | United Nation Peace Medal | the President Soka Gakkai International and Honorary President of Soka Gakkai. |
406 | Ry?ichi Sasakawa | Japan | 1982 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Javier Pérez de Cuéllar to the administrative head of Brahma Kumaris at a conference of NGOs. |
407 | Steven Spielberg | United States | 1982 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
408 | Daisaku Ikeda | Japan | 1983 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Javier Perez de Cuellar for contributions to the United Nations in Canada and abroad. |
409 | Dadi Prakashmani | India | 1984 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Phyllis Kraminsky in Washington, D.C., for producing We Are The World |
410 | Jiddu Krishnamurti | India | 1985 | United Nation Peace Medal | |
411 | Firdaus Kharas | Canada | 1985 | United Nation Peace Medal | For his "extraordinary efforts to promote peace, dialogue, and free elections in several critical parts of the world". |
412 | Ken Kragen | United States | 1985 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, for his anti-apartheid activism |
413 | Eric Bogle | Scotland | 1986 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Boutros Boutros-Ghali to his predecessor as Secretary-General |
414 | Allen Weinstein | United States | 1986 | United Nation Peace Medal | Germany honors "Mama Africa" for her Human Rights Engagement |
415 | Bill Cosby | United States | 1987 | United Nation Peace Medal | For a solo concert at Carnegie Hall to fund scholarships for descendants of United Nations Command veterans of the Korean War |
416 | Javier Pérez de Cuéllar | Peru | 1992 | United Nation Peace Medal | By Boutros Boutros-Ghali to his predecessor as Secretary-General |
417 | Miriam Makeba | South Africa | 2001 | United Nation Peace Medal | Germany honors "Mama Africa" for her Human Rights Engagement |
418 | Lim Hyung-joo | South Korea | 2010 | United Nation Peace Medal | For a solo concert at Carnegie Hall to fund scholarships for descendants of United Nations Command veterans of the Korean War |
419 | Pro-femmes Twese Hamwe | Rwanda | 1996 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
420 | Narayan Desai | India | 1998 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
421 | Joint Action Committee for People's Rights | Pakistan | 1998 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
422 | Pope Shenouda III | Egypt | 2000 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
423 | Aung San Suu Kyi | Myanmar | 2002 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
424 | Taslima Nasreen | Bangladesh | 2004 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
425 | Veerasingham Anandasangaree | Sri Lanka | 2006 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
426 | François Houtart | Belgium | 2009 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
427 | Abdul Sattar Edhi | Pakistan | 2009 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
428 | Anarkali Kaur Honaryar | Afghanistan | 2011 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
429 | Khaled Abu Awwad | Palestine | 2011 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
430 | Ibrahim Ag Idbaltanat | Mali | 2014 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
431 | Francisco Javier Estevez Valencia | Chile | 2014 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
432 | Federal Research and Methodological Center for Tolerance, Psychology and Education | Russia | 2016 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
433 | Ms Manon Barbeau, Canadian filmmaker & President and Founder of Wapikoni Mobile[ | Canada | 2018 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
434 | The Coexist Initiative, Kenyan NGO | Kenya | 2018 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
435 | Centre Résolution Conflits | Congo | 2020 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
436 | Franca Ma-ih Sulem Yong | Cameroon | 2022 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
455 | Helena Kekkonen | Finland | 1981 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
456 | World Organization of the Scout Movement | Switzerland | 1981 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
457 | Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) | Sweden | 1982 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
458 | Pax Christi International | France | 1983 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
459 | IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) | United States | 1984 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
460 | Indar Jit Rikhye | India | 1985 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
461 | Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung | Germany | 1985 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
462 | Paulo Freire | Brazil | 1986 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
463 | Laurence Deonna | Switzerland | 1987 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
464 | "Servicio Paz y Justicia en America Latina" | Costa Rica | 1987 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
465 | Frère Roger | France | 1988 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
466 | Robert Muller | France | 1989 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
467 | International Peace Research Association (IPRA) | Belgium | 1989 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
468 | Rigoberta Menchú Tum | Guatemala | 1990 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
469 | World Order Models Project (WOMP) | United States | 1990 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
470 | Ruth Leger Sivard | United States | 1991 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
471 | Cours Sainte Marie de Hann | Senegal | 1991 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
472 | Mother Teresa | India | 1992 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
473 | Madeleine de Vits | Belgium | 1993 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
474 | Graduate Institute of Peace Studies at Kyung Hee University | South Korea | 1993 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
475 | Prayudh Payutto | Thailand | 1994 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
476 | Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (Austria) | Austria | 1995 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
477 | Chiara Lubich | Italy | 1996 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
478 | Francois Giraud | France | 1997 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
479 | Educators for Peace and Mutual Understanding | Ukraine | 1998 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
480 | Fridtjof Nansen Academy | Norway | 1998 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
481 | World Court Project | New Zealand | 1998 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
482 | Ulpan Akiva Netanya | Israel | 1998 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
483 | Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, | Argentina | 1999 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
484 | Verein für Friedenspädagogik, Tübingen | Germany | 1999 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
485 | Toh Swee-Hin (Australian Peace Educator) | Australia | 2000 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
486 | Jewish-Arab Centre for Peace Education | Israel | 2001 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
487 | Bishop Nelson Onono Onweng | Uganda | 2001 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
488 | City Montessori School | India | 2002 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
489 | Emile Shoufani (Greek-Catholic Archimandrite in Nazareth) | Israel | 2003 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
490 | Christopher Gregory Weeramantry | Sri Lanka | 2006 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
491 | Fundación para la Reconciliación | Colombia | 2006 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
492 | Institute for Justice and Reconciliation | South Africa | 2008 | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education | excellent effort in the drive to reach a better quality education. |
493 | Paul-Émile Léger | Canada | 1979 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
494 | J. King Gordon | Canada | 1980 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
495 | E. L. M. Burns | Canada | 1981 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
496 | Hugh L. Keenleyside | Canada | 1982 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
497 | George-Henri Lévesque | Canada | 1983 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
498 | George Ignatieff | Canada | 1984 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
499 | Lois Miriam Wilson | Canada | 1985 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
500 | Meyer Brownstone | Canada | 1986 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
501 | Nancy Meek Pocock | Canada | 1987 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
502 | Edward Scott | Canada | 1988 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
503 | Maurice Strong | Canada | 1989 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
504 | Murray Thomson | Canada | 1990 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
505 | Muriel Duckworth | Canada | 1991 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
506 | Eric Hoskins | Canada | 1992 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
507 | Escott Reid | Canada | 1993 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
508 | Martin Connell | Canada | 1994 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
509 | Gisèle Côté-Harper | Canada | 1995 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
510 | Gerry Barr | Canada | 1996 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
511 | Hanna Newcombe | Canada | 1997 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
512 | Pat Roy Mooney | Canada | 1998 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
513 | Flora MacDonald | Canada | 1999 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
514 | No award made | Canada | 2000 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
515 | Ursula M. Franklin | Canada | 2001 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
516 | Alex Morrison | Canada | 2002 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
517 | Stephen Lewis | Canada | 2003 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
518 | Roméo Dallaire | Canada | 2004 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
519 | No award made | Canada | 2005 - 2009 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
520 | Ernie Regehr | Canada | 2010 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
521 | Donald S. Ethell | Canada | 2013 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
522 | Nigel Fisher | Canada | 2014 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
523 | Louise Arbour | Canada | 2016 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
524 | Lloyd Axworthy | Canada | 2017 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
525 | Willie Littlechild | Canada | 2018 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
526 | No award made | Canada | 2019 - 2020 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
527 | Beverly McLachlin | Canada | 2021 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
528 | John McGarry | Canada | 2022 | Pearson Medal of Peace | contribution towards international service |
529 | Tadatoshi Akiba | Japan | 2006 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
530 | No winner | 2007 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance | |
531 | Prince Hassan bin Talal | Jordan | 2008 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
532 | Louise Arbour | Canada | 2009 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
533 | Sally Armstrong | Canada | 2010 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
534 | Vandana Shiva | India | 2011 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
535 | Izzeldin Abuelaish | Canada | 2012 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
536 | Emmanuel Jal | Canada | 2013 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
537 | Samantha Nutt | Canada | 2014 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
538 | Roméo Dallaire | Canada | 2015 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
539 | Murray Sinclair | Canada | 2016 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
540 | Marie Wilson | Canada | 2016 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
541 | Wilton Littlechild | Canada | 2016 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
542 | Douglas Roche | Canada | 2017 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
543 | Rosalie Abella | Canada | 2018 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
544 | Anote Tong | China | 2019 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
545 | Stephanie Nolen | Canada | 2020 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
546 | No winner | Canada | 2021 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
547 | Fatima Hassan | South Africa | 2022 | Calgary Peace Prize | global work for supporting peace and non-violance |
548 | Cindy Sheehan | United States | 2008 | American Peace Award | promoting and preservation of world peace |
549 | Rosalynn Carter | United States | 2009 | American Peace Award | promoting and preservation of world peace |
550 | Jimmy Carter | United States | 2009 | American Peace Award | promoting and preservation of world peace |
551 | Greg Mortenson | United States | 2010 | American Peace Award | promoting and preservation of world peace |
552 | Roy Bourgeois | United States | 2011 | American Peace Award | promoting and preservation of world peace |
553 | Niels Bohr | Denmark | 1957 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
554 | George C. de Hevesy | Hungary | 1958 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
555 | Leó Szilárd | Hungary | 1959 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
556 | Eugene Paul Wigner | Hungary | 1959 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
557 | Alvin M. Weinberg | United States | 1960 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
558 | Walter Henry Zinn | Canada | 1960 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
559 | Sir John Cockcroft | United Kingdom | 1961 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
560 | Edwin M. McMillan | United States | 1963 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
561 | Vladimir I. Veksler | Russia | 1963 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
562 | Isidor I. Rabi | United States | 1967 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
563 | W. Bennett Lewis | Canada | 1967 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
564 | Bertrand Goldschmidt | France | 1967 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
565 | Sigvard Eklund | Sweden | 1968 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
566 | Abdus Salam | Pakistan | 1968 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
567 | Henry DeWolf Smyth | United States | 1968 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
568 | Aage Boh | Denmark | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
569 | Ben Roy Mottelson | United States | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
570 | Floyd L. Culler, Jr. | United States | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
571 | Henry Kaplan | United States | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
572 | Anthony L. Turkevich | United States | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
573 | Mikhail Ioffe | Russia | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
574 | Compton A. Rennie | England | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
575 | Dwight D. Eisenhower | United States | 1969 | Atoms for Peace Award | development and application of peaceful nuclear technology |
576 | Dr. Jehan Sadat | Egypt | 1993 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
577 | Dr. M. Scott Peck | United States | 1994 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
578 | Lily Ho Peck | Singapore | 1994 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
579 | Marian Wright Edelman | United States | 1995 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
580 | Senator Juan M | Philippinis | 1997 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
581 | Rev. Dr. Marie Fortune, founder of FaithTrust Institute | United States | 1998 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
582 | Dr. Jane Goodall | England | 1999 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
583 | Dr. John Paul Lederach | United States | 2000 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
584 | Dr. Swanee Hunt | United States | 2001 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
585 | Ms. Ela Gandhi, MP, ANC, South Africa | South Africa | 2002 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
586 | Dr. Jean Vanier (revoked) | Canada | 2003 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
587 | Rev. James Lawson | United States | 2004 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
588 | Craig Kielburger | Canada | 2005 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
589 | Dr. Howard Zehr | United States | 2006 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
590 | Dolores Huerta | United States | 2007 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
591 | Virgilio Elizondo | Mexico | 2007 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
592 | Koinonia Partners | Georgia | 2008 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
593 | Dr. Halima Bashir | Sudan | 2009 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
594 | Greg Mortenson | United States | 2010 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
595 | Terry Tempest Williams | United States | 2011 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
596 | Tadatoshi Akiba | Japan | 2012 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
597 | John L. Bell | Scotland | 2013 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
598 | Bread for the World | United States | 2014 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
599 | Leymah Gbowee | Libya | 2016 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
600 | Gary White | United States | 2019 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
601 | Sister Andrea Kantner | United States | 2020 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
602 | Community Peacemaker Teams | United States | 2023 | Community of Christ International Peace Award | working for peace making |
603 | Alva Myrdal | Sweden | 1980 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | For "her outspoken insistence on action by the great powers toward control over their nuclear competition and for her major contributions to the achievement of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1969, and agreements prohibiting the deployment of nuclear weapons on the seabed and in space." |
604 | George F. Kennan | United States | 1981 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | "For his continuing efforts to reduce tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and the world in general." Kennan had not heard of the prize when informed he had won it. His conferral ceremony was attended by members of the Reagan administration and Anatoly Dobrynin. |
605 | McGeorge Bundy | United States | 1982 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Joint award for opposing pre-emptive nuclear strikes |
606 | Robert McNamara | United States | 1982 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Joint award for opposing pre-emptive nuclear strikes |
607 | Gerard C. Smith | United States | 1982 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Joint award for opposing pre-emptive nuclear strikes |
608 | Joseph Bernardin | United States | 1983 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | for his part in drafting the U.S. bishops' pastoral letter calling for new arms agreements |
609 | Pierre Trudeau | Canada | 1984 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | for working to promote disarmament |
610 | Willy Brandt | Germany | 1985 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | widerange effort on behalf of peace. |
611 | Olof Palme | Sweden | 1986 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Awarded posthumously for "wide-ranging efforts on behalf of peace" |
612 | Andrei Sakharov | Russia | 1988 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Fearless commitment in upholding the fundamental principles for peace |
613 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Russia | 1990 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Contribution to peace and mutual understanding among people. |
614 | Joseph Rotblat | United Kingdom | 1992 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Conferred at a conference marking the fiftieth anniversary of Chicago Pile-1. |
615 | Hans Bethe | Germany | 1992 | Albert Einstein Peace Prize | Conferred at a conference marking the fiftieth anniversary of Chicago Pile-1. |
616 | Martin Dent | United Kingdom | 2001 | Gandhi International Peace Award | Jubilee 2000 Internation colliation for cancellation of 3rd world debt. |
617 | Bill Peters. | United Kingdom | 2001 | Gandhi International Peace Award | Jubilee 2000 Internation colliation for cancellation of 3rd world debt. |
618 | Denis Halliday | Ireland | 2003 | Gandhi International Peace Award | In his acceptance speech, he described Gandhi as one of his formative influences. |
619 | Helen Steven | Scotland | 2004 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for their non-violent campaigning against weapons of mass destruction |
620 | Ellen Moxley | Scotland | 2005 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for their non-violent campaigning against weapons of mass destruction |
621 | David Edwards | United Kingdom | 2007 | Gandhi International Peace Award | In his acceptance speech, Cromwell cited Gandhi's maxim that "non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind". |
622 | David Cromwell | United Kingdom | 2007 | Gandhi International Peace Award | In his acceptance speech, Cromwell cited Gandhi's maxim that "non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind". |
623 | Coram Children's Legal Centre (CLC) | United Kingdom | 2009 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for children's right |
624 | The Parents Circle-Families Forum (PC-FF) | Palestine/Israel | 2010 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for supporting families who have lost immediate family member due to conflict. |
625 | Binayak Sen | India | 2011 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for his humanitarian work with India's Adivasis. The award was presented by Lord Bhikhu Parekh. |
626 | Bulu Imam | India | 2012 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for his humanitarian work with India's Adivasis. The award was presented by Lord Bhikhu Parekh. |
627 | St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group | Israel | 2012 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for their humanitarian work. |
628 | Jeremy Corbyn | United Kingdom | 2013 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for his "consistent efforts over a 30 year Parliamentary career to uphold the Gandhian values of social justice and non-violence." |
629 | Godric Bader | United Kingdom | 2014 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for "the alternative business model created by him and his family." |
630 | The Scott Bader Commonwealth | United Kingdom | 2014 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for "the alternative business model created by him and his family." |
631 | Bike for Peace founders Tore Nærland and Frank Tomlinson. | Norway | 2015 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for spreading peace. |
632 | Peter Tatchell | United Kingdom | 2016 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for his "consistent dedication over many decades in promoting human and gay rights". |
633 | Ramzi Aburedwan and his organisation, Al Kamandjâti, | Palestine | 2017 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for teaching music skills to children in the Occupied Palestinian territories and south Lebanon. |
634 | Victoria Tauli-Corpuz | Philippinis | 2018 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for indegenos people's fundamental rights |
635 | Roger Moody | United Kingdom | 2019 | Gandhi International Peace Award | For people's rights for mines. |
636 | Esther Trienekins of Action Village India. | United Kingdom | 2022 | Gandhi International Peace Award | for strenthening the livelhood of indian rural communities. |
637 | Saidie Patterson | Northern Ireland | 1977 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
638 | Anwar Sadat | Egypt | 1978 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
639 | Abel Hendricks | South Africa | 1980 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
640 | Donald Soper, Baron Soper | Great Britain | 1981 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
641 | Kenneth Mew | Zimbabwe | 1982 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
642 | Tai-Young Lee | North Korea | 1984 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
643 | Jimmy Carter | United States | 1985 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
644 | Sir Alan Walker | Australia | 1986 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
645 | Lady Winifred Walker | Australia | 1986 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
646 | Bert Bissell | United Kingdom | 1987 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
647 | Woodrow Bradley Seals | United States | 1987 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
648 | Gordon Wilson | Northern Ireland | 1988 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
649 | Mikhail Gorbachev | USSR | 1990 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
650 | Bärbel Bohley | Germany | 1991 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
651 | Zdravko Beslov | Bulgaria | 1992 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
652 | Bishop Elias Chacour | Palestine | 1994 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
653 | Stanley Mogoba | South Africa | 1996 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
654 | Community of Sant'Egidio | Italy | 1997 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
655 | Kofi Annan | Ghana | 1998 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
656 | Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo | Argentina | 1999 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
657 | Nelson Mandela | South Africa | 2000 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
658 | Evangelist Joseph Rice Hale | United States | 2001 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
659 | Boris Trajkovski | Macedonia | 2002 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
660 | Casimira Rodríguez | Venezuela | 2003 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
661 | Millard Fuller | United States | 2004 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
662 | Habitat for Humanity | United States | 2004 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
663 | Bishop Lawi Imathiu | Kenya | 2005 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
664 | Sunday Mbang | Nigeria | 2006 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
665 | Harold Good | Northern Ireland | 2007 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
666 | Helen Prejean | United States | 2008 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
667 | Jeannine Brabon | Colombia | 2009 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
668 | Rosalind Colwill | Nigeria | 2011 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
669 | Joy Balazo | Philippinis | 2012 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
670 | Marion | Angola | 2013 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
671 | Anita Way | Brazil | 2013 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
672 | Dr. Hugh | Algeria | 2014 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
673 | Shirliann Johnson | Algeria | 2014 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
674 | Jo Anne Lyon | United States | 2015 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
675 | Nassar Family | Israel | 2017 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
676 | Tent of Nations | Palestine | 2017 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
677 | Methodist Churches (OPCEMI) | Italy | 2017 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
678 | Inderjit Bhogal | United Kingdom | 2018 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
679 | James T. Laney | United States | 2019 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
680 | John K. Yambasu | Sierra Leone | 2020 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
681 | Rev. Olav Pärnamets | Estonia | 2021 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
682 | Rev. Ebenezer Joseph | Sri Lanka | 2022 | World Methodist Peace Award | significant contribution to peace restoration, reconcilliation and justice on the basis of courage, creativity and consistancy. |
683 | John Howard Griffin | United States | 1964 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for his "powerful book, Black Like Me, which has showed us how we are too often judged not by the content of our character but by the color of our skin." |
684 | John F. Kennedy | United States | 1964 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "awakened in us a hope that no problem was too great to conquer — race relations, violence or poverty — when citizens work together" (posthumously awarded) |
685 | Martin Luther King Jr. | United States | 1965 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "challenged us to dream of a world transformed through nonviolent civil rights activism." |
686 | Sargent Shriver | United States | 1966 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "taught us that one person can indeed make a difference." |
687 | A. Philip Randolph | United States | 1967 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for his "efforts to organize railway employees convinced us that the dignity of work must be rewarded with a just wage." |
688 | James Groppi | United States | 1968 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for "waking people to the injustice of unfair housing and racial prejudice in Milwaukee." |
689 | Saul Alinsky | United States | 1969 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "taught people how to organize and to act together in promoting justice in society." |
690 | Dorothy Day | United States | 1972 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "founded the Catholic Worker Movement and reminded us to look for Christ in the faces of the poor." |
691 | Harold Hughes | United States | 1974 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "brought the message of the Gospel to the cause of equal education, civil rights and opposition to capital punishment." |
692 | Hélder Câmara | Brazil | 1975 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | as "gentle shepherd of the poor of northwestern Brazil, who embraced the impoverished and gave sharp prophecy to the wealthy." |
693 | Mother Teresa, M.C. | India | 1976 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | who "gave hope to the desperate and offered light to those living in abject poverty." |
694 | Thomas Gumbleton | United States | 1979 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "challenged church leadership to embrace nonviolence instead of the just war theory." |
695 | Crystal Lee Sutton | United States | 1980 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "organized labor in the South and reminded us that equal work demands equal pay." |
696 | Ernest Leo Unterkoefler | United States | 1980 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "advocated for the rights of workers and helped to buoy the labor movement among the poor in Appalachia." |
697 | George F. Kennan | United States | 1982 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "realized that the only hope for solving the world's problems lies in abandoning violence." |
698 | Helen Caldicott | United States | 1983 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having " spoken on behalf of the world's children in the face of possible nuclear holocaust." |
699 | Joseph Bernardin | United States | 1985 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "through his notion of the consistent ethic of life and the seamless garment taught us that all life is God-given and therefore precious." |
700 | Maurice John Dingman | United States | 1986 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "through his love for the land worked for peace and justice and reminded all of us of our roots in the soil." |
701 | Desmond Tutu | South Africa | 1987 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "helped free South Africa from the yoke of apartheid, teaching the entire world that racial injustice is sacrilege." |
702 | Eileen Egan | United States | 1989 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "through her work with Pax Christi and Catholic Relief Services addressed the world's problems through missionary zeal and creative nonviolence." |
703 | Mairead Maguire | United States | 1990 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "become a global force against violence in the name of religion." |
704 | María Julia Hernández | El Salvador | 1991 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "directed the Human Rights Committee and spoke for the victims of the long civil war in El Salvador." |
705 | Cesar Chavez | United States | 1992 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "become a passionate voice for workers who have long been disenfranchised." |
706 | Daniel Berrigan, S.J. | United States | 1993 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "offered powerful witness on behalf of peace and justice." |
707 | Jim Wallis | Ireland | 1995 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having " brought people of faith to espouse radical social engagement." |
708 | Samuel Ruiz | Mexico | 1996 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "lent great courage to his fight against violence and injustice inflicted against the poor and oppressed of Chiapas, Mexico." |
709 | James W. Douglass | United States | 1997 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "been steadfast in their efforts to build a world of peace based on justice." |
710 | Shelley Douglass | United States | 1997 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "been steadfast in their efforts to build a world of peace based on justice." |
711 | Helen Prejean, C.S.J. | United States | 1998 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "through her loving presence on death row has fostered reconciliation and spiritual healing." |
712 | Adolfo Pérez Esquivel | Argentina | 1999 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "inspired the world with his Gospel-rooted work on behalf of Argentina's 'disappeared ones.'" |
713 | George G. Higgins | United States | 2000 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "wove together communities of faith and organized labor to support economic justice." |
714 | Lech Wa??sa | Poland | 2001 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "become a global leader for freedom and democracy." |
715 | Gwen Hennessey, O.S.F. | United States | 2002 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "devoted their lives and ministry to local activism on global issues of peace and justice." |
716 | Dorothy Hennessey, O.S.F. | United States | 2002 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "devoted their lives and ministry to local activism on global issues of peace and justice." |
717 | Arthur Simon | United States | 2004 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "shown how one person can make a difference alleviating world hunger." |
718 | Donald Mosley | United States | 2005 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "served others by offering hospitality to refugees, housing for the homeless and mediation to situations of war." |
719 | Salim Ghazal | Lebanon | 2007 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "worked with Muslims and Christians to promote reconciliation, peace and hope for young people and others displaced by Lebanon's civil war." |
720 | Marvin Mottet | United States | 2008 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "devoted his life to walking the two feet of social action: direct service and social justice." |
721 | Hildegard Goss-Mayr | Austria | 2009 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "one of the world's leading experts on nonviolence, a teacher, visionary and pioneer who helped forge a new path toward peace on earth for all humanity." |
722 | John Dear | United States | 2010 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "delivered the message of the nonviolent Jesus in word and deed in confronting nuclear arms manufacturing and use." |
723 | Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri | Guatemala | 2011 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "for his continuing efforts on behalf of Guatemala's most vulnerable communities, the indigenous people of Guatemala." |
724 | Kim Bobo | United States | 2012 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "educated a nation about the prevalence of wage theft and injustice that disproportionately affects the poor amongst us." |
725 | Jean Vanier | Canada | 2013 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "founded L’Arche, an international, faith-based federation of communities where people with and without intellectual disabilities share life together." |
726 | Simone Campbell | United States | 2014 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "organized the "Nuns on the Bus" Campaign in 2012 that riveted the nation's attention. She is the driving force for programs and policies that support faith, families and fairness." |
727 | Thích Nh?t H?nh | Vietnam | 2015 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "honored for his lifelong commitment to peace and for his inspired, dedicated work to bridge Eastern and Western spiritual traditions." |
728 | Gustavo Gutiérrez, O.P. | Peru | 2016 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "recognized as a prominent figure in Latin American Catholicism with his book A Theology on Liberation led many to view him as the founder of liberation theology." |
729 | Widad Akrawi | Iraq | 2017 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "cofounded the human rights organization, Defend International." |
730 | Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama | Tibet | 2019 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "worked tirelessly for peace and justice and advocates for human dignity for all in Asia." |
731 | Munib Younan | Palestine | 2019 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | for having "committed to cultivating peace by building bridges among religions." |
732 | Norma Pimentel, M.J. | United States | 2022 | Pacem in Terris Peace Award | "for her dedication to serving asylum seekers as executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in the Brownsville Diocese in Texas." |
733 | Lien Chan | Taiwan | 2010 | Confucius Peace Prize | for positive ties between Taiwan and Mainland china. |
734 | Vladimir Putin | Russia | 2011 | Confucius Peace Prize | for his opposition to NATO's Libya action. |
735 | Kofi Annan | South Africa | 2012 | Confucius Peace Prize | for having revitalised the UN and having given priority to Human Right. |
736 | Yuan Longping | China | 2013 | Confucius Peace Prize | for outstanding contribution towards agricultural research. |
737 | Yicheng | China | 2013 | Confucius Peace Prize | for his work as chairman of the Buddhist Association of China and his contribution for Chinese Buddhism. |
738 | Fidel Castro | Cuba | 2014 | Confucius Peace Prize | "never used any violence or force when faced with problems and conflicts in international relations, especially in Cuba's relationship with the United States." |
739 | Robert Mugabe | Zimbabwe | 2015 | Confucius Peace Prize | for working tirelessly to build the political and economics stability of Zimbabwe. |
740 | Shen Liangliang | China | 2016 | Confucius Peace Prize | serving on the mission in Mali |
741 | Yang Shupeng | China | 2016 | Confucius Peace Prize | serving on the mission in South Sudan |
742 | Li Lei | China | 2016 | Confucius Peace Prize | serving on the mission in South Sudan |
743 | Hun Sen | Cambodia | 2017 | Confucius Peace Prize | for his patriotic oppertunism than official response |
744 | Parliamentarians for Global Action | – | 1986 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
745 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Soviet Union | 1987 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
746 | Gro Harlem Brundtland | Norway | 1988 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
747 | UNICEF | United Nations | 1989 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
748 | Sam Nujoma | Namibia | 1990 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
749 | Rajiv Gandhi | India | 1991 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
750 | Saburo Okita | Japan | 1992 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
751 | Václav Havel | Czech Republic | 1993 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
752 | Trevor Huddleston | United Kingdom | 1994 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
753 | Olusegun Obasanjo | Nigeria | 1995 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
754 | Médecins Sans Frontières | France | 1996 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
755 | Jimmy Carter | United States | 1997 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
756 | Muhammad Yunus | Bangladesh | 1998 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
757 | M. S. Swaminathan | India | 1999 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
758 | Mary Robinson | Ireland | 2000 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
759 | Sadako Ogata | Japan | 2001 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
760 | Shridath Ramphal | Guyana | 2002 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
761 | Kofi Annan | Ghana | 2003 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
762 | Maha Chakri Sirindhorn | Thailand | 2004 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
763 | Hamid Karzai | Afghanistan | 2005 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
764 | Wangari Maathai | Kenya | 2006 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
765 | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | United States | 2007 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
766 | Mohamed ElBaradei | Egypt | 2008 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
767 | Sheikh Hasina | Bangladesh | 2009 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
768 | Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva | Brazil | 2010 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
769 | Ela Bhatt | India | 2011 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
770 | Ellen Johnson Sirleaf | Liberia | 2012 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
771 | Angela Merkel | Germany | 2013 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
772 | Indian Space Research Organisation | India | 2014 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
773 | UNHCR | United Nations | 2015 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
774 | Manmohan Singh | India | 2017 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
775 | Centre for Science and Environment | India | 2018 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
776 | Sir David Attenborough | United Kingdom | 2019 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
777 | Pratham | India | 2021 | Indira Gandhi Prize | creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. |
778 | Tenzin Gyatso ( 14th Dalai Lama ) | China | 2019 | Gandhi Mandela Awards | carried legacies of Mahatma Gandhi & Nelson Mandela. |
779 | Dom Hélder Câmara | Brazil | 1983 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
780 | Homer A. Jack | United States | 1984 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
781 | Zhao Puchu | China | 1985 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
782 | Philip A. Potter | Dominican Republic | 1986 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
783 | World Muslim Congress | Pakistan | 1987 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
784 | Etai Yamada | Japan | 1989 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
785 | Norman Cousins | United States | 1990 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
786 | Dr. Hildegard Goss-Mayr | Austria | 1991 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
787 | A. T. Ariyaratne | Sri Lanka | 1992 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
788 | Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam | Israel | 1993 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
789 | Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, Archbishop of Sao Paulo | Brazil | 1994 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
790 | M. Aram | India | 1995 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
791 | Marii Hasegawa | United States | 1996 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
792 | Corrymeela Community | Northern Ireland | 1997 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
793 | Maha Ghosananda | Cambodia | 1998 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
794 | Community of Sant'Egidio | Italy | 1999 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
795 | Kang Won Yong | South Korea | 2000 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
796 | Elias Chacour, bishop of the Melkite-Catholic Chuch | Israel | 2001 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
797 | Samuel Ruiz García, Bishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de las Casas | Mexico | 2002 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
798 | Dr. Scilla Elworthy | United Kingdom | 2003 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
799 | Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative (ARLPI) | Uganda | 2004 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
800 | Dr. Hans Küng | Switzerland | 2005 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
801 | Rabbis for Human Rights | Israel | 2006 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
802 | Master Cheng Yen (Tzu-Chi, the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi Foundation) | Taiwan | 2007 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
803 | Prince El Hassan bin Talal | Jordan | 2008 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
804 | Reverend Canon Gideon Byamugisha | Uganda | 2009 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
805 | Ela Bhatt | India | 2010 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
806 | Sulak Sivaraksa | Thailand | 2011 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
807 | Rosalina Tuyuc | Guatemala | 2012 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
808 | Gunnar Stålsett | Norway | 2013 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
809 | Dena Merriam | United States | 2014 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
810 | Esther Ibanga | Nigeria | 2015 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
811 | Center for Peace Building and Reconciliation (CPBR) | Sri Lanka | 2016 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
812 | Munib Younan | Palestine | 2017 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
813 | Adyan Foundation | Lebanon | 2018 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
814 | John Paul Lederach | United States | 2019 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
815 | Ven. Pomnyun Sunim | South Korea | 2020 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
816 | Venerable Shih Chao-hwei | Taiwan | 2021 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
817 | Michael Lapsley | South Africa | 2022 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
818 | Rajagopal P. V. | India | 2023 | Niwano Peace Prize | inter-religious cooperation in the cause of peace. |
819 | Hon. John Moustos | Greece | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | Banking and Finance |
820 | Hon. Lascelles Chin | Jamaica | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | Humanatarianism and social service |
821 | Dr. Ronald Harden | Great Britain | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | educational medicine |
822 | Hon. Mhd. Abdulaziz Suleiman AI-Afaleq | Saudi Arabia | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | job alleviation |
823 | Dr. Ashok Kumar Yogendra Gupta | India | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | medicine-cardiovascular surgery |
824 | Dr. Pauline Jean Roselle Ubial | Philippinis | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | medicine and public service |
825 | Dr. Leilani Mercado Asis | Philippinis | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | educational medicine and patient care |
826 | Hon. Asif Chowdhury | Bangladesh | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | business ecomonics |
827 | Dr. Wang Yao Xian | China | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | medicine naturapathy |
828 | Engr. Khalid Ismael | Egypt | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | technological engineering and scientific research |
829 | Dr. Fiorentino De Araujo Cardoso Filho | Brazil | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | oncological medicine |
830 | Dr. Nikolai Korpan | Austria | 2017 | Gusi Peace Prize | medicine cryo surgery |
831 | Dr. Susana Pesis | Argentina | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | economics |
832 | Dr. Isaias Salas Heirra | Costa Rica | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | medicine, medicine pain management and palliative care |
833 | Engr. Dawit Tesfaye | Ethiopia | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | engineering science of fabrication of insecticide nets against malaria. |
834 | Dr. Peter Seeberger | Germany | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | scientif research of Tesfa llg (Hope of Africa Healthcare) |
835 | Dr. Madalena Patricio | Portugal | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | academe |
836 | Hon. Faruk Cengic | Turkey | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | econonic sustainabilities and development ethics |
837 | Prof. Lincoln Mc Curdy | United States | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | social service |
838 | Lucas P. Bersamin | Philippinis | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | Humanatarian Law |
839 | Brig. General. Antonio L. Tamayo | Philippinis | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | academic excellence |
840 | Prof. Malcolm Mcculloch | South Africa | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | sustainable energy technology |
841 | Dr. Mirza Ikhtiar Baig | Pakistan | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | social service |
842 | Prof. Katte Bharathiramachar Akhilesh | India | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | engineering research on future technology |
843 | Dr. Gerhardt Wolfgang Sennewald | Germany | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | medicine-hiperthermic oncology |
844 | Dr. Paul Beaver | Australia | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | nutrigenomics |
845 | Dr. Jose Ricardo Navarro De Vergas | Colombia | 2018 | Gusi Peace Prize | anesthesiology |
846 | Operation Brotherhood | Philippinis | 1958 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "in acknowledgement of the spirit of service to other peoples in a time of need, with which it was conceived and has been carried forward, as well as the international amity it has fostered." |
847 | No Award | 1959 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | ||
848 | Y.C. James Yen | Taiwan | 1960 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his continuing concern for the whole man and molding his social institutions, rather than simply refashioning the physical environment." |
849 | Genevieve Caulfield | United States | 1961 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for her international citizenship and guidance to full and useful lives of those in other lands afflicted like herself." |
850 | Mother Teresa, M.C. | Albania | 1962 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for her merciful cognizance of the abject poor of a foreign land, in whose service she has led a new congregation." |
851 | Peace Corps in Asia | United States | 1963 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "in recognition of the Peace Corps Volunteers serving in the Near East, Africa and Latin America." |
852 | Welthy Honsinger Fisher | United States | 1964 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for her unstinting personal commitment to the cause of literacy in India and other Asian countries whose teachers have sought her guidance." |
853 | Bayanihan Folk Arts Center | Philippinis | 1965 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for their projection of a warm and artistic portrayal of the Filipino people to audiences on five continents." |
854 | Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin and Cooperating Entities | Cambodia | 1966 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its purposeful progress toward harnessing one of Asia's greatest river systems, setting aside divisive national interests in deference to regional opportunities." |
855 | Shiroshi Nasu | Japan | 1967 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his practical humanitarianism, enhancing cooperation in agriculture by learning through multinational experience." |
856 | Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere (CARE) | United States | 1968 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its constructive humanitarianism, fostering dignity among the needy in Asia and on three other continents for over 22 years." |
857 | International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) | United States | 1969 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its seven years of innovative, interdisciplinary teamwork by Asian and Western scientists, unprecedented in scope, that is achieving radical, rapid advances in rice culture." |
858 | No Award | 1970 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | ||
859 | Sabur? ?kita | Japan | 1971 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his sustained and forceful advocacy of genuine Japanese partnership in the economic progress of her Asian neighbors." |
860 | Summer Institute of Linguistics | United States | 1973 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its inspired outreach to non-literate tribespeople, recording and teaching them to read their own languages and enhancing their participation in the larger community of man." |
861 | William Masterson, S.J. | United States | 1974 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his multinational education and inspiration of rural leaders prompting their return to and love of the land." |
862 | Patrick James McGlinchey, S.S.C.M.E. | Ireland | 1975 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for mobilizing international support and foreign volunteers to modernize livestock farming in his adopted country." |
863 | Henning Holck-Larsen | Denmark | 1976 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his signal contribution towards India's technical modernization, complementing industrialization with human concern." |
864 | College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines at Los Baños (UPLB) | Philippinis | 1977 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its quality of teaching and research, fostering a sharing of knowledge in modernizing Southeast Asian agriculture." |
865 | Soedjatmoko Mangoendiningrat | Indonesia | 1978 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his persuasive presentation of the case for developing Asia's basic needs in the councils of world decision making." |
866 | Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) | Indonesia | 1979 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its supplanting national jealousies that led to confrontation, with increasingly effective cooperation, goodwill among the neighboring peoples of Southeast Asia." |
867 | Shigeharu Matsumoto | Japan | 1980 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for building constructive relations between Japanese and others through shared knowledge of their diverse histories, needs and national aspirations." |
868 | Augustine Joung Kang | South Korea | 1981 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his practical democracy and use of regional cooperation to foster economically and humanly sound credit unions." |
869 | Aloysius Schwartz | United States | 1983 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for mobilizing European and American support to succor acutely deprived Korean youngsters, homeless elderly and infirm." |
870 | Jiro Kawakita | Japan | 1984 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for winning the participating of remote Nepalese villagers in researching their problems, resulting in practical benefits of potable water supplies and rapid ropeway transport across mountain gorges." |
871 | Harold Ray Watson | United States | 1985 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for encouraging international utilization of the Sloping Agricultural Lang Technology created by him and his coworkers to help the poorest of small tropical farmers." |
872 | International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) | Philippinis | 1986 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its training of agrarian development workers from four continents, enabling them to share experience and ideas for more effective progress." |
873 | Richard William Timm, C.S.C. | United States | 1987 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his 35 years of sustained commitment of mind and heart to helping Bangladeshis build their national life." |
874 | The Royal Project | Thailand | 1988 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for its concerted national and international effort to curtail opium growing by bringing worthy livelihoods to Thailand’s hill tribes." |
875 | Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) | Thailand | 1989 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for shaping a new generation of engineers and managers committed to Asia in an atmosphere of academic excellence and regional camaraderie." |
876 | Press Foundation of Asia | Philippinis | 1991 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for guiding Asia's press to look beyond national borders and speak intelligently to complex issues of regional change and development. |
877 | Washington SyCip | Philippinis | 1992 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for fostering economic growth and mutual understanding in Asia through professionalism, public-spirited enterprise, and his own esteemed example." |
878 | Noboru Iwamura | Japan | 1993 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for heeding the call of the true physician in a lifetime of service to Japan's Asia neighbors." |
879 | Eduardo Jorge Anzorena | Argentina | 1994 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for fostering a collaborative search for humane and practical solutions to the housing crisis among Asia’s urban poor." |
880 | Asian Institute of Management (AIM) | Philippinis | 1995 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for setting regionwide standards for excellence and relevance in training Asians to manage Asia's business and development." |
881 | Toshihiro Takami | Japan | 1996 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for enlisting community leaders from fifty countries in the common cause of secure, sustainable, and equitable livelihoods for the world's rural people." |
882 | Sadako Ogata | Japan | 1997 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for invoking the moral authority of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to insist that behind the right of every refugee to asylum lies the greater right of every person to remain at home in peace." |
883 | Corazon Aquino | Philippinis | 1998 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for giving radiant moral force to the nonviolent movement for democracy in the Philippines and in the world." |
884 | Jockin Arputham | India | 2000 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for extending the lessons of community building in India to Southeast Asia and Africa and helping the urban poor of two continents improve their lives by learning from one another." |
885 | Ikuo Hirayama | Japan | 2001 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his efforts to promote peace and international cooperation by fostering a common bond of stewardship for the world's cultural treasures." |
886 | Pomnyun Sunim | South Korea | 2002 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his compassionate attention to the human cost of Korea's bitter division and his hopeful appeal for reconciliation." |
887 | Tetsu Nakamura | Japan | 2003 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his passionate commitment to ease the pain of war, disease, and calamity among refugees and the mountain poor of the Afghanistan-Pakistan borderlands." |
888 | Seiei Toyama | Japan | 2003 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for his twenty-year crusade to green the deserts of China in a spirit of solidarity and peace." |
889 | Laxminarayan Ramdas | India | 2004 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for reaching across a hostile border to nurture a citizen-based consensus for peace between Pakistan and India." |
890 | Sanduk Ruit | Nepal | 2006 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for placing Nepal at the forefront of developing safe, effective, and economical procedures for cataract surgery, enabling the needlessly blind in even poorest countries to see again." |
891 | Tang Xiyang | China | 2007 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for guiding China to meet its mounting environmental crisis by heeding the lessons of its global neighbors and the timeless wisdom of nature itself." |
892 | Ahmad Syafi'i Maarif | Indonesia | 2008 | Ramon Magsaysay Peace Award | "for guiding Muslims to embrace tolerance and pluralism as the basis for justice and harmony in Indonesia and in the world at large." |
893 | Lokamitra Jeremy Goody | United Kingdom | 2008 | Manhae Peace Prize | Peace, Social Service, Academic Excellence, Art, Literature, and Buddhist Missionary Work awarded by The Society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts in memory of Buddhist reformer and anti-Japanese independence activist Han Yong-un |
894 | Shirin Ebadi | Iran | 2009 | Manhae Peace Prize | Peace, Social Service, Academic Excellence, Art, Literature, and Buddhist Missionary Work awarded by The Society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts in memory of Buddhist reformer and anti-Japanese independence activist Han Yong-un |
895 | World Fellowship of Buddhists | Sri Lanka | 2013 | Manhae Peace Prize | Peace, Social Service, Academic Excellence, Art, Literature, and Buddhist Missionary Work awarded by The Society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts in memory of Buddhist reformer and anti-Japanese independence activist Han Yong-un |
896 | Mohsen Makhmalbaf | Iran | 2014 | Manhae Peace Prize | Peace, Social Service, Academic Excellence, Art, Literature, and Buddhist Missionary Work awarded by The Society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts in memory of Buddhist reformer and anti-Japanese independence activist Han Yong-un |
897 | Alxis Dudden | United States | 2015 | Manhae Peace Prize | Peace, Social Service, Academic Excellence, Art, Literature, and Buddhist Missionary Work awarded by The Society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts in memory of Buddhist reformer and anti-Japanese independence activist Han Yong-un |
898 | Margarida Maria Alves (Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura) | Brazil | 1988 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
899 | Luis Pérez Aguirre | Uruguay | 1989 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
900 | Dana Nemcova | Czech Republic | 1990 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
901 | Osservatorio Meridionale | Italy | 1991 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
902 | Joaquim Pinto de Andrade | Angola | 1992 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
903 | Ray Williams | United States | 1993 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
904 | Dorraine Booth-Williams | United States | 1993 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
905 | José Mpundu E'Booto | Congo | 1994 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
906 | Janina Ochojska | Poland | 1995 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
907 | Franjo Komarica | Croatia | 1996 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
908 | Hadzi Haillovic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1996 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
909 | Jelena Santic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1996 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
910 | Gordana Stojanovic | Serbia | 1996 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
911 | Domingos Soares | Timor Leste | 1997 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
912 | Maria de Lourdes Martins Cruz | Timor Leste | 1997 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
913 | Laurien Ntezimana | Rwanda | 1998 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
914 | Modeste Mungwarareba | Rwanda | 1999 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
915 | Clonard Fitzroy Fellowship | Northern Ireland | 1999 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
916 | Ann Pettifor | United Kingdom | 2000 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
917 | Laura Vargas (Jubilee 2000) | Peru | 2001 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
918 | Eddie Kneebone | Australia | 2001 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
919 | Teesta Setavaid | Australia | 2001 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
920 | Roberto Layson | Philippinis | 2002 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
921 | Franjo Starcevic | Croatia | 2003 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
922 | Sérgio Vieira de Mello | Brazil | 2004 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
923 | Jacques Delors | France | 2005 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
924 | Ogarit Younan | Labanon | 2006 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
925 | Rami George Khouri | Palestine | 2006 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
926 | Women's Active Museum on War and Peace | Japan | 2007 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
927 | Luiz Flávio Cappio | Brazil | 2008 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
928 | Justine Masika Bihamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo | Congo | 2009 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
929 | Louis Raphaël I Sako | Iraq | 2010 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
930 | Pontanima | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2011 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
931 | John Onaiyekan | Nigeria | 2012 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
932 | Memorial | Russia | 2013 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
933 | Jesuit Refugee Service | Syria | 2014 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
934 | Women, Peace and Security Collective for Reflection and Action | Colombia | 2015 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
935 | Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace of Pakistan and Human Rights Commission of Pakistan | Pakistan | 2016 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
936 | ZODEVITE | Mexico | 2017 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
937 | No Boundaries Coalition | United States | 2018 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
938 | European Lawyers in Lesvos (ELIL) | Greece | 2019 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
939 | Pacific Climate Warriors | Australia | 2020 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
940 | Catholic Radio Network for South Sudan and Nuba Mountains | South Sudan | 2021 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
941 | CONCORDIA Social Projects | Switzerland | 2022 | Pax Christi International Peace Award | honour men and women who standup for peace, justice, non-violence across the globe. |
942 | Juan Antonio Samaranch | Spain | 1990 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
943 | George Shultz | United States | 1992 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
944 | Médecins Sans Frontières | Switzerland | 1996 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
945 | Kofi Annan | Ghana | 1998 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
946 | Sadako Ogata | Japan | 2000 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
947 | Oxfam | United Kingdom | 2002 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
948 | Václav Havel | Czech Republic | 2004 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
949 | Muhammad Yunus | Bangladesh | 2006 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
950 | Suzanne Scholte | United States | 2008 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
951 | José Antonio Abreu | Venezuela | 2010 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
952 | Ban Ki-moon | South Korea | 2012 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
953 | Angela Merkel | Germany | 2014 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
954 | Denis Mukwege | Congo | 2016 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
955 | Narendra Modi | India | 2018 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
956 | Thomas Bach | Germany | 2020 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
957 | Tim Berners-Lee | United Kingdom | 2022 | Seoul Peace Prize | for harmony and friendship |
958 | Anote Tong | Kiribati | 2015 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Improved global awareness of the severity of climate change and sought action by the international community for its solution. |
959 | Modadugu Vijay Gupta | India | 2015 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Pioneered the blue revolution and made innovative contributions to aquaculture development as an alternative solution to the looming food crisis. |
960 | Gino Strada | Italy | 2017 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Providing emergency medical relief in the Middle East and Africa and advocating for refugees’ right to be cured Contributing to spreading a culture of peace through anti-war movement |
961 | Sakena Yacoobi | Afghanistan | 2017 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Presenting a fundamental solution to refugee resettlement through education and contributing to the improvement of human rights and status of Muslim women |
962 | Waris Dirie | Somalia | 2019 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | A human rights activist who publicized the issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to the world Advocating human rights of girls and women and calling for a worldwide resolution to eradicate FGM |
963 | Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina | Nigeria | 2019 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Spearheading Good Governance of Africa through Agricultural Innovation and Eradication of Poverty. |
964 | Macky Sall | Senegal | 2020 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Promoting a model of good governance in Africa Reducing the presidential term Developing Senegal as a model democratic country through reformations such as the Plan Senegal Emergent |
965 | Munib Younan | Israel | 2020 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Pioneering religious harmony Promoting harmony among Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the Middle East leading the reconciliation between the Catholic and Protestant Churches |
966 | Dame Sarah Catherine Gilbert | United Kingdom | 2022 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Protecting lives in underdeveloped countries with vulnerable medical conditions by providing affordable Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines for easy storage and transportation during the COVID-19 outbreak. |
967 | Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance | Switzerland | 2022 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Improving the overall health of humanity by increasing access to vaccines for children in vulnerable countries Leading the "Covax Facility," an international joint vaccine purchase and distribution project after the outbreak of COVID-19 |
968 | Ban Ki-moon | South Korea | 2020 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Raising the alarm on the seriousness of climate change, and led the adoption of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change in 2015 Presenting a joint masterplan for humanity by adopting Sustainable Development Goals |
969 | H.E. Samdech Hun Sen | Cambodia | 2022 | Sunhak Peace PrizeSunhak Peace Prize | Promoting international cooperation for peace by leading international peace forums and peace initiatives Demonstrating outstanding leadership for the sustainable development in Southeast Asia |
970 | Julius Fucík | Czechoslovakia | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous. |
971 | Pablo Picasso | Spain | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
972 | Pablo Neruda | Chile | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
973 | Paul Robeson | United States | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
974 | Nâz?m Hikmet | Turkey | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
975 | Wanda Jakubowska | Poland | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | For her 1948 film Ostatni etap ("The Last Stage") |
976 | Candido Portinari | Brazil | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
977 | Jean-Richard Bloch | France | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
978 | Mihail Sadoveanu | Romania | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
979 | Renato Guttuso | Italy | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
980 | Václav Dobiaš | Czechoslovakia | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
981 | Louis Daquin | France | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
982 | Al-Tariq | Lebanon | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | Journal. |
983 | Yunost' mira ("Youth of the World") | Soviet Union | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | Documentary about the 1949 World Youth Festival in Budapest. |
984 | Warsaw | Poland | 1950 | World Peace Council Prizes | An exceptional award to the city as "a symbol of peaceful restoration". |
985 | Nikola Vaptsarov | Bulgaria | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award. |
986 | Leopoldo Méndez | Mexico | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | Member of the Comite por la Paz Mexicano |
987 | Mulk Raj Anand | India | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
988 | W.E.B. Du Bois | United States | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | Won the Lenin Peace Prize in 1959. |
989 | Paul Éluard | France | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
990 | Halldór Laxness | Iceland | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
991 | Martin Hellberg | Germany | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For directing Das verurteilte Dorf ("The condemned village"). |
992 | Kurt Stern | Germany | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For co-writing Das verurteilte Dorf ("The condemned village"). |
993 | Jeanne Stern | Germany | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For co-writing Das verurteilte Dorf ("The condemned village"). |
994 | Jean Effel | France | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
995 | Vít?zslav Nezval | Czechoslovakia | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
996 | James Aldridge | Australia | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For his novel The Diplomat. |
997 | Cláudio Santoro | Brazil | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For his orchestral work Canto de Amor e Paz. |
998 | Maria Rosa Oliver | Argentina | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
999 | Toshiko Akamatsu | Japan | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For Hiroshima panels |
1000 | Iri Maruki | Japan | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For Hiroshima panels |
1001 | Bozorg Alavi | Iran | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1002 | Jean Salandre | France | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1003 | S. Csorvás | Romania | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For sculpture "Korean partisans" |
1004 | Carlos Augusto León | Venezuela | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1005 | Luis Carlos Pérez | Colombia | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1006 | Wäinö Aaltonen | Finland | 1953 | World Peace Council Prizes | For statue entitled "Peace". |
1007 | Charlie Chaplin | United Kingdom | 1954 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1008 | Dmitri Shostakovich | Soviet Union | 1954 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1009 | Béla Bartók | Hungary | 1955 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award |
1010 | Édouard Herriot | France | 1955 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1011 | Joris Ivens | Belgium | 1955 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1012 | Cesare Zavattini | Italy | 1955 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1013 | Josué de Castro | Brazil | 1955 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1014 | Irène Joliot-Curie | France | 1956 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award |
1015 | William Howard Melish | United States | 1956 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1016 | Qi Baishi | China | 1956 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1017 | Nikos Kazantzakis | Greece | 1956 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1018 | Bertrand Russell | United Kingdom | 1957 | World Peace Council Prizes | Refused award. |
1019 | Guo Moruo | China | 1957 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1020 | Manolis Glezos | Greece | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1021 | Tristao de Braganza Cunha | India | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award |
1022 | Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organisation | International | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1023 | Mouvement de la Paix | France | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1024 | Czechoslovak Peace Committee | Czechoslovakia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1025 | Boris Polevoy | Russia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1026 | Zaharia Stancu | Romania | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1027 | George Hanna | Lebanon | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1028 | Olga Poblete de Espinosa | Chile | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1029 | Eva Sanderson | Canada | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1030 | Alexei Adzhubei | Russia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1031 | Yevgeny Zhukov | Russia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1032 | Konstantin Fedin | Russia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1033 | Trofim Lysenko | Ukraine | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1034 | Aleksandr V. Topchiev | Russia | ? | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1035 | Katharine Susannah Prichard | Australia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1036 | Igor Kurchatov | Russia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1037 | Bill Morrow | Australia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1038 | R. K. Aggarwal | India | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1039 | Pyotr Kapitsa | Russia | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1040 | Juan Marinello Vidaurreta | Cuba | 1959 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1041 | Ferdinando Targetti | Italy | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1042 | Walter Diehl | Germany | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1043 | Edith Höreth-Menge | Germany | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1044 | Erwin Eckert | Germany | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1045 | Gerhard Wohlrath | Germany | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1046 | Gustav Tiefes | Germany | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1047 | Johannes Oberhof | Germany | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1048 | Erich Kompalla | Germany | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1049 | Nikita Khrushchev | Russia | 1960 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1050 | Ilya Ehrenburg | Russia | 1961 | World Peace Council Prizes | Marking his 70th birthday. |
1051 | Eugénie Cotton | France | 1961 | World Peace Council Prizes | Marking her 80th birthday. |
1052 | World Federation of Democratic Youth | International | 1961 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1053 | Political prisoners in Francoist Spain | Spain | ? | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1054 | Nicolai Gribachov | Russia | ? | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1055 | Dmitri Skobeltsyn | Russia | ? | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1056 | Lazaro Cardenas | Mexico | ? | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1057 | Manolis Glezos | Greece | 1963 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1058 | Gregoris Lambrakis | Greece | 1963 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award |
1059 | Jaramogi Oginga Odinga | Kenya | 1963 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1060 | Julián Grimau | Spain | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award. |
1061 | Tawfiq Munir | Iraq | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award. |
1062 | Ahmed Boumendjel | Algeria | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award. |
1063 | Árpád Szakasits | Hungary | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | Marking his 75th birthday. |
1064 | Ferdinando Targetti | Italy | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1065 | Walter Friedrich | Germany | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1066 | Alfred Weber | Germany | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1067 | Wilhelm Elfes | Germany | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1068 | Hewlett Johnson | United Kingdom | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1069 | Stanis?aw Kulczy?ski | Poland | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1070 | Yiangos Potamitis | Cyprus | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1071 | Alberto T. Casella | Argentina | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1072 | José R. Gabaldón | Venezuela | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1073 | Jean Boulier | France | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1074 | Wanda Wasilewska | Russia | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1075 | Viktor Chkhikvadze | Russia | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1076 | Mikhail Kotov | Russia | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1077 | Hiroshima | Japan | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1078 | Nagasaki | Japan | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1079 | Nelson Mandela | South Africa | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1080 | Jaros?aw Iwaszkiewicz | Poland | 1964 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1081 | Khaled Mohi El Din | Egypt | 1965 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1082 | Shafi Ahmed el Sheikh | Sudan | 1965 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1083 | Francis John Hartley | Australia | 1965 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1084 | Eric Henry Stoneley Burhop | Australia | 1965 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1085 | Valentina Tereshkova | Russia | 1966 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1086 | Agostinho Neto | Angola | 1966 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1087 | Juan Marinello Vidaurreta | Cuba | 1966 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1088 | Pablo Neruda | Chile | 1968 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1089 | György Lukács | Hungary | 1969 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1090 | Dondogiyn Tsevegmid | Mongolia | 1969 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1091 | Denis Nowell Pritt | United Kingdom | 1969 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1092 | Hugo Pesce | Peru | 1969 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award. |
1093 | Jawaharlal Nehru | India | 1970 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award. |
1094 | Martin Luther King Jr. | United States | 1971 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award, accepted by Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. |
1095 | Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum | Poland | 1971 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1096 | Amílcar Cabral | Guinea-Bissau | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1097 | Fidel Castro | Cuba | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1098 | Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal | Mongolia | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1099 | Gamal Abdel Nasser | Egypt | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | Posthumous award. |
1100 | Salvador Allende | Chile | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1101 | Coalition for Peace and Justice | United States | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1102 | Organization of African Unity | International | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1103 | "the people of Lao fighting for independence and freedom" | Laos | 1972 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1104 | Raymond Goor | Belgium | 1973 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1105 | Sheikh Mujibur Rahman | Bangladesh | 1973 | World Peace Council Prizes | For his contribution to the establishment of world peace. |
1106 | Edward Gierek | Poland | 1974 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1107 | Urho Kekkonen | Finland | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1108 | Yasser Arafat | Palestine | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1109 | Makarios III | Cyprus | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1110 | Government of North Vietnam | Vietnam | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1111 | Government of South Vietnam | Vietnam | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1112 | United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid | International | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1113 | United Nations Special Committee on Decolonisation | International | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1114 | Leonid Brezhnev | Soviet Union | 1975 | World Peace Council Prizes | Considered a riposte to Andrei Sakharov's 1975 Nobel Peace Prize. |
1115 | Samora Machel | Mozambique | 1976 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1116 | Vietnam | Vietnam | 1977 | World Peace Council Prizes | Presented to Nguy?n H?u Th?. The Vietnamese government had earlier awarded the WPC its Friendship Order. |
1117 | World Marxist Review | Czechoslovakia | 1977 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1118 | Nicolae Ceau?escu | Romania | 1977 | World Peace Council Prizes | The award was delayed by Soviet objections, but pushed through by Indira Gandhi. |
1119 | Mengistu Haile Mariam | Ethiopia | 1978 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1120 | Laos President Souphanouvong | Laos | 1979 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1121 | Michael Manley | Jamaica | 1979 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1122 | Heng Samrin | Cambodia | 1980 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1123 | Yasser Arafat | Palestine | 1980 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1124 | Federico Sotolongo Guerra | Cuba | 1980 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1125 | Sandinista National Liberation Front | Nicaragua | 1981 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1126 | Líber Seregni | Uruguay | 1981 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1127 | Enuga Sreenivasulu Reddy | India | 1983 | World Peace Council Prizes | Director of the UN Centre against Apartheid |
1128 | Yusuf Maitama Sule | Nigeria | 1983 | World Peace Council Prizes | Chairman of the UN Special Committee against Apartheid |
1129 | James E. Jackson | United States | 1985 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1130 | African National Congress | South Africa | 1986 | World Peace Council Prizes | Accepted by Oliver Tambo. |
1131 | Sam Nujoma | Namibia | 1986 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1132 | Bratislava | Slovakia | 1986 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1133 | Julius Nyerere | Tanzania | 1988 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1134 | Pimen I of Moscow | Soviet Union | 1988 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1135 | Daniel Ortega | Nicaragua | 1989 | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1136 | P. J. Patterson | Jamaica | ? | World Peace Council Prizes | for peace among nations |
1137 | Max Tau | Norway | 1950 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1138 | Albert Schweitzer | France | 1951 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1139 | Romano Guardini | Germany | 1952 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1140 | Martin Buber | Israel | 1953 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1141 | Carl Jacob Burckhardt | Switzerland | 1954 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1142 | Hermann Hesse | Germany | 1955 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1143 | Reinhold Schneider | Germany | 1956 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1144 | Thornton Wilder | United States | 1957 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1145 | Karl Jaspers | Germany | 1958 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1146 | Theodor Heuss | Germany | 1959 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1147 | Victor Gollancz | United Kingdom | 1960 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1148 | Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan | India | 1961 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1149 | Paul Tillich | United States | 1962 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1150 | Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker | Germany | 1963 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1151 | Gabriel Marcel | France | 1964 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1152 | Nelly Sachs | Germany | 1965 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1153 | Augustin Bea | Germany | 1966 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1154 | W. A. Visser 't Hooft | Belgium | 1966 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1155 | Ernst Bloch | Germany | 1967 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1156 | Léopold Sédar Senghor | Senegal | 1968 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1157 | Alexander Mitscherlich | Germany | 1969 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1158 | Alva Myrdal | Sweden | 1970 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1159 | Gunnar Myrdal | Sweden | 1970 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1160 | Marion Gräfin Dönhoff | Germany | 1971 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1161 | Janusz Korczak (posthumous) | Poland | 1972 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1162 | Club of Rome | Italy | 1973 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1163 | Frère Roger, prior of Taizé | Switzerland | 1974 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1164 | Alfred Grosser | Germany | 1975 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1165 | Max Frisch | Switzerland | 1976 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1166 | Leszek Kolakowski | Poland | 1977 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1167 | Astrid Lindgren | Sweden | 1978 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1168 | Frederik Hetmann | Sweden | 1979 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1169 | Yehudi Menuhin | United States | 1979 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1170 | Ernesto Cardenal | Nicaragua | 1980 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1171 | Lev Kopelev | Russia | 1981 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1172 | George F. Kennan | United States | 1982 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1173 | Manès Sperber | Austria | 1983 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1174 | Octavio Paz | Mexico | 1984 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1175 | Teddy Kollek | Israel | 1985 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1176 | Wladyslaw Bartoszewski | Poland | 1986 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1177 | Hans Jonas | Germany | 1987 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1178 | Siegfried Lenz | Germany | 1988 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1179 | Václav Havel | Czechoslovakia | 1989 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1180 | Karl Dedecius | Germany | 1990 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1181 | György Konrád | Hungary | 1991 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1182 | Israel Amos Oz | Israel | 1992 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1183 | Friedrich Schorlemmer | Germany | 1993 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1184 | Jorge Semprún | Spain | 1994 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1185 | Annemarie Schimmel | Germany | 1995 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1186 | Mario Vargas Llosa | Peru | 1996 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1187 | Yasar Kemal | Turkey | 1997 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1188 | Martin Walser | Germany | 1998 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1189 | Fritz Stern | United States | 1999 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1190 | Assia Djebar | Algeria | 2000 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1191 | Jürgen Habermas | Germany | 2001 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1192 | Chinua Achebe | United States | 2002 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1193 | Susan Sontag | United States | 2003 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1194 | Péter Esterházy | Hungary | 2004 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1195 | Orhan Pamuk | Turkey | 2005 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1196 | Wolf Lepenies | Germany | 2006 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1197 | Saul Friedländer | Israel | 2007 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1198 | Anselm Kiefer | Germany | 2008 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1199 | Claudio Magris | Italy | 2009 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1200 | David Grossman | Israel | 2010 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1201 | Boualem Sansal | Algeria | 2011 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1202 | Liao Yiwu | China | 2012 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1203 | Belarus Svetlana Alexievich | Belarus | 2013 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1204 | Jaron Lanier | United States | 2014 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1205 | Navid Kermani | Germany | 2015 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1206 | Carolin Emcke | Germany | 2016 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1207 | Margaret Atwood | Canada | 2017 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1208 | Aleida and Jan Assmann | Germany | 2018 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1209 | Sebastião Salgado | Brazil | 2019 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1210 | Amartya Kumar Sen | India | 2020 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1211 | Tsitsi Dangarembga | Zimbabwe | 2021 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1212 | Serhiy Zhadan (Sasha Marianna Salzmann | Ukraine | 2022 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1213 | Salman Rushdie | United Kingdom | 2023 | Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | for made an important contribution to peace, humanity and understanding between peoples. |
1214 | Sandro Pertini | Italy | 1988 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1215 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Russia | 1989 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1216 | Simon Wiesenthal | Australia | 1991 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1217 | Sir Karl R. Popper | United Kingdom | 1993 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1218 | Hans Koschnick | Germany | 1995 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1219 | Lord Yehudi Menuhin | United Kingdom | 1997 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1220 | Gerd Ruge | Germany | 1999 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1221 | Miriam Makeba | South Africa | 2001 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1222 | Muhammad Ali | United States | 2003 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1223 | Hans Küng | Switzerland | 2005 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1224 | Daniel Barenboim | Argentina | 2008 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1225 | Tadatoshi Akiba | Japan | 2010 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1226 | Manfred Nowak | Austria | 2012 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1227 | Melinda Gates | United States | 2014 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1228 | John Kerry | United States | 2016 | Otto Hahn Peace Medal | Outstanding services to peace, tolerance and international understanding |
1229 | Michael D. Higgins | Ireland | 1992 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For human rights advocacy domestically, and in Nicaragua, Chile, Cambodia, Iraq, and Somalia |
1230 | Motarilavoa Hilda Lini | Vanuatu | 1993 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | Played a key role in the WHO's decision to approve a request to the World Court on the legal status of nuclear weapons. |
1231 | Mordechai Vanunu | Isreal | 1994 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | Sentenced to 18 years solitary confinement for revealing details of Israel's nuclear arsenal. |
1232 | The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia | Russia | 1995 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | Foremost among Russian citizens’ groups opposing the war in Chechnya. |
1233 | Selim Bešlagi? | Germany | 1996 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "his fight against nationalism, ethnic cleansing and intolerance during his country's war." |
1234 | Seeds of Hope Group | United Kingdom | 1997 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For disarming a Hawk aircraft bound for Indonesia. |
1235 | John Hume | Ireland | 1998 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "his contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process." |
1236 | Barbara Gladysch | South Africa | 1999 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For her "extraordinary and year-long commitment to disarmament and practical solidarity with victims of wars and disasters." |
1237 | Praful Bidwai | India | 2000 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For being at the "forefront of the international campaign against the nuclearisation of South Asia." |
1238 | Achin Vanaik | Switzerland | 2000 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For being at the "forefront of the international campaign against the nuclearisation of South Asia." |
1239 | Rosalie Bertell | United States | 2001 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "her lifelong engagement to the cause of peace and for her deep concern for the well-being of peoples all over the planet. |
1240 | Barbara Lee | United States | 2002 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "her sole vote against the bombing of Afghanistan." |
1241 | Nihon Hidanky? | Japan | 2003 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | Survivors of the A bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. They have devoted the rest of their lives to the elimination of nuclear weapons. |
1242 | Leaders of the Geneva Initiative on the Middle East | Switzerland | 2004 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | |
1243 | Tadatoshi Akiba (Mayors for Peace) | Japan | 2006 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "its achievements in arousing international public demand for the abolition of nuclear weapons and lasting world peace." |
1244 | Iccho Itoh (Mayors for Peace) | Japan | 2006 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "its achievements in arousing international public demand for the abolition of nuclear weapons and lasting world peace." |
1245 | Jayantha Dhanapala | Sri Lanka | 2007 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "his dedication to the cause of disarmament and his initiatives towards creating the Central Asian Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone." |
1246 | Jacqueline Cabasso | United States | 2008 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "her years of outstanding work with NGOs and initiatives toward peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons." |
1247 | Betty Reardon | United States | 2009 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "her contribution to peace education and to the wider peace movement." |
1248 | Binalakshmi Nepram | India | 2010 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "her extraordinary efforts to promote disarmament and an end to gun violence in India." |
1249 | Hanaa Edwar | Iraq | 2011 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "her contribution to the advancement of democracy and human rights, as well as her firm stand against violence and war;" |
1250 | Dr. Peter Becker | Germany | 2011 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For his work with the German section of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA). |
1251 | Lina Ben Mhenni | Tunisia | 2012 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For showing "great courage and ... substantial contributions to what is known as the Arab Spring." |
1252 | Nawal El Saadawi | Egypt | 2012 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For showing "great courage and ... substantial contributions to what is known as the Arab Spring." |
1253 | Chelsea Manning | United States | 2013 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For her "courageous actions in revealing information about US war crimes." |
1254 | The People and Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands | Marshall Islands | 2014 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "courageously taking the nine nuclear weapons-possessing countries to the International Court of Justice to enforce compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty and international customary law." |
1255 | The People and the Island Communities of Lampedusa, Italy and Jeju Island, South Korea | Italy/South Korea | 2015 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For showing "a profound commitment to peace and social justice." |
1256 | Colin Archer (IPB Secretary-General ) | United Kingdom | 2016 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For 26 years "in the service of peace and of the IPB community." |
1257 | All Okinawa Council Against Henoko New Base | Japan | 2017 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "its unflagging commitment to close the Futemna Marine Air Base, and for its nonviolent opposition to the construction of a massive new air, land and sea base in Henoko;" |
1258 | Noam Chomsky | United States | 2017 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For his "tireless commitment to peace, his strong critiques to U.S. foreign policy, and his anti-imperialism;" |
1259 | Jeremy Corbyn | United Kingdom | 2017 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For his "sustained and powerful political work for disarmament and peace." |
1260 | Association For Historical Dialogue and Research and Home for Cooperation | Cyprus | 2018 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For its "efforts and promotion of [a] Culture of Peace and as well as the peace building activities;" |
1261 | Helena Maleno | Spain | 2018 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For her "efforts to save hundreds of lives in the Mediterranean Sea, and her strong commitment to defending human rights;" |
1262 | Douglas Roche | Canada | 2018 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For his "tireless efforts to promote international peace and disarmament." |
1263 | Bruce Kent | United Kingdom | 2019 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | An "internationally known peace activist and a 'real peace hero' who, even in his 90th year, remains an active campaigner and organizer for peace and human rights." |
1264 | Elayne Whyte Gómez | United States | 2019 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For "her invaluable contribution to the completion of the historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons." |
1265 | Black Lives Matter | United States | 2020 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For its ‘leading roles in building resistance to and transforming local policies against systemic police violence and extrajudicial murders of Black people across the United States.’ |
1266 | Alexander Kmentt | Australia | 2021 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For his dedication towards disarmament and the elimination of nuclear weapons, bringing these issues to the highest level of government and imploring decision makers to take notice and action and being one of the key architects to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. |
1267 | Assistant Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) | Burma | 2021 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For their dedication, courage and diligence ensuring that every life taken by military during the country's struggle to return the power to the right hands is properly documented – in the face of threats due to the military coup in Myanmar in February 2021. |
1268 | Hiroshi "Taka" Takakusaki | Japan | 2022 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For his lifelong dedication to a just peace, the abolition of nuclear weapons and social justice, as well as his care and unstinting support for the Hibakusha. |
1269 | Asya Maruket | Russia | 2022 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | Activist from Russia for their work towards peace, women's and human rights – showing us what commitment and bravery looks like in the face of unjust war. |
1270 | Yurii Sheliazhenko | Ukraine | 2022 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | Activist from Ukraine for their work towards peace, women's and human rights – showing us what commitment and bravery looks like in the face of unjust war. |
1271 | Fred Lubang | Philippinis | 2022 | Seán MacBride Peace Prize | For his unflagging work and commitment towards peacebuilding, disarmament and non-violence, especially in the face of ongoing wars. |
1272 | Committee for Basic Liberties and Democracy | Germany | 2003 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1273 | Lama Tarayra | Palestine | 2004 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1274 | Giuliana Sgrena | Italy | 2005 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1275 | Wolfram Hülsemann | Germany | 2006 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1276 | Agustín Aguayo | United States | 2007 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1277 | POEMA | Germany | 2008 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1278 | Susan Bardócz | Germany | 2009 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1279 | Árpád Pusztai | South Africa | 2009 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1280 | Werner Baumgarten | Germany | 2010 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1281 | Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan | Kenya | 2011 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1282 | Aktion Aufschrei | Germany | 2012 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1283 | Enio Mancini | Italy | 2013 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1284 | Enrico Pieri | Italy | 2013 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1285 | Edward Snowden | United States | 2014 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1286 | Giusi Nicolini | Italy | 2015 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1287 | Jürgen Grässlin | Germany | 2016 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1288 | Asl? Erdo?an | Turkey | 2017 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1289 | X González | Italy | 2018 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1290 | Sea-Watch | Germany | 2019 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1291 | Julian Assange | Australia | 2020 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1292 | Maria Kalesnikava | Belarus | 2021 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1293 | Reporters Without Borders | Germany | 2022 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1294 | Seebrücke Baden-Württemberg | Germany | 2023 | Stuttgart Peace Prize | involved "in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity". |
1295 | Fernanda Pivano | Italy | 2002 | Art, Science and Peace Prize | For translating and disseminating great USA pacifist writers who bring a message of peace and non-violence to the world |
1296 | Franco Zeffirelli | Italy | 2005 | Art, Science and Peace Prize | For his directing of the movies “Jesus of Nazareth”, “Brother Sun and Sister Moon” and “Romeo and Juliet”, which have expressed a message of brotherhood and peace worldwide. |
1297 | Umberto Verones | Italy | 2012 | Art, Science and Peace Prize | For his long career dedicated to alleviating suffering and spreading principles directed to respect for the human person in the world |
1298 | Tenor Andrea Bocelli | Italy | 2015 | Art, Science and Peace Prize | For spreading with his voice a worldwide message of brotherhood and peace, beyond all barriers of race, nationality or religion |
1299 | Roberto Benigni | Italy | 2018 | Art, Science and Peace Prize | For his unequalled ability to reach the heart of the public by transmitting a message of high artistic, human and spiritual value aimed at reawakening one’s conscience and favoring understanding and love between people and populations |
1300 | Roberto Benigni | Italy | 2002 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1301 | Italian National Singers' Football Team | Italy | 2003 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1302 | Cat Stevens | United Kingdom | 2004 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1303 | Bob Geldof | Ireland | 2005 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1304 | The PeaceJam Foundation | United States | 2005 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1305 | Peter Gabriel | United Kingdom | 2006 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1306 | Don Cheadle | United States | 2007 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1307 | George Clooney | United States | 2007 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1308 | Bono | Ireland | 2008 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1309 | Annie Lennox | Scotland | 2009 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1310 | Roberto Baggio | Italy | 2010 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1311 | Sean Penn | United States | 2011 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1312 | Sharon Stone | United States | 2012 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1313 | Bernardo Bertolucci | Italy | 2013 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1314 | Rene Perez | Puerto Rico | 2014 | Man of Peace | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1315 | PeaceJam | United States | 2005 | Peace Summit Award for Social Activism | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1316 | Nihon Hidankyo | Japan | 2010 | Peace Summit Award for Social Activism | stood up for human rights and for the spread of the principles of Peace and Solidarity in the world. |
1317 | Community of San Josè de Apartadò | Colombia | 2007 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1318 | Father Fabrizio Valletti | Italy | 2008 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1319 | Salvatore Cancemi | Italy | 2009 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1320 | The weavers of Riace | Italy | 2010 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1321 | Shachman Akbulatov | Kazakhstan | 2011 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1322 | Bruno Pesce and Romana Blasotti | Palestine | 2012 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1323 | Jerry Essan Masslo volunteer association | Italy | 2013 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1324 | Don Walter Fiocchi | Italy | 2014 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1325 | Anderious Gorguees Oraha | Iraq | 2015 | Premio Testimone di Pace (Peace's Witness Award) | for commitment and action in the field of peace and non-violence |
1326 | Nkosi Johnson | South Africa | 2005 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1327 | Om Prakash Gurjar | India | 2006 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1328 | Thandiwe Chama | Zambia | 2007 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1329 | Mayra Avellar Neves | Brazil | 2008 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1330 | Baruani Ndume | Tanzania | 2009 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1331 | Francia Simon | Dominican Republic | 2010 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1332 | Michaela Mycroft | South Africa | 2011 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1333 | Kesz Valdez | Philippinis | 2012 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1334 | Malala Yousafzai | Pakistan | 2013 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1335 | Neha Gupta | United States | 2014 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1336 | Abraham Keita | Liberia | 2015 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1337 | Kehkashan Basu | United Arab Emirates | 2016 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1338 | Mohamad Al Jounde | Syria | 2017 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1339 | March for Our Lives | United States | 2018 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1340 | Greta Thunberg | Sweden | 2019 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1341 | Divina Maloum | Cameroon | 2019 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1342 | Sadat Rahman | Bangladesh | 2020 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1343 | Vihaan | India | 2021 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1344 | Nav Agarwal | India | 2022 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1345 | Rena Kawasaki | Japan | 2022 | International Children's Peace Prize | for fighting courageously for children's rights |
1346 | Dr Robert Mathews | Australia | 2014 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1347 | VERIFIN | Virgin Island | 2014 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1348 | Dr Mahdi Balali-Mood | Iran | 2015 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1349 | Dr Alastair Hay | Australia | 2015 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1350 | African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) | Algeria | 2017 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1351 | International Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe Events | Italy | 2017 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1352 | Robert Mikulak | Belgium | 2019 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1353 | Cheng Tang | China | 2019 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1354 | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry | Switzerland | 2019 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1355 | Special Risks Brigade of the Federal Police of Argentina | Argentina | 2022 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1356 | Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition | Belgium | 2022 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1357 | Population Protection Institute, Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic | Czech Republic | 2022 | OPCW–The Hague Award | for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons. |
1358 | Union Internationale des Associations pour la Société des Nations | Switzerland | 1931 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1359 | Vereeniging voor Volkenbond en Vrede | Belgium | 1932 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1360 | Mr. Arthur Henderson | United Kingdom | 1933 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1361 | Afdeeling Nederland van den Wereldbond voor Internationale Vriendschap door de Kerken | Switzerland | 1934 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1362 | Radio-Omroepdienst van den Volkenbond | Switzerland | 1935 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1363 | Haagsche Academie voor Internationaal Recht | Belgium | 1936 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1364 | The Right Hon. Lord Baden-Powell | United Kingdom | 1937 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1365 | Nederlandsche Jeugd-Herberg Centrale; Oecomenische Vereeniging | Belgium | 1938 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1366 | American Friends' Service Committee, Philadelphia; Friends' Service Council | England | 1939 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1367 | H.Ch.G.J. van der Mandere | Belgium | 1948 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1368 | World Council of Churches | Switzerland | 1949 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1369 | Haagsche Academie voor Internationaal Recht | Belgium | 1950 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1370 | Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales à Genève | Switzerland | 1951 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1371 | His Excellency Mr. D.U. Stikker | Belgium | 1952 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1372 | M. Jean Monnet, Paris | France | 1953 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1373 | Nederlandse Raad der Europese Beweging | Belgium | 1954 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1374 | Sir Anthony Eden | England | 1955 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1375 | Mr. G.J. van Heuven Goedhart | Belgium | 1956 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1376 | UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) | UN | 1957 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1377 | Dr. A. Pelt | Belgium | 1958 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1378 | Count Moens de Fernig | Belgium | 1959 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1379 | Stichting Opbouwfonds Jeugdherbergen | Switzerland | 1960 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1380 | Mlle Marguérite Nobs | Switzerland | 1961 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1381 | Dr. W.A. Visser 't Hooft | Belgium | 1962 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1382 | Dag Hammarskjøld Minnesfond | Sweden | 1963 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1383 | Jongeren Vrijwilligers Programma | Belgium | 1964 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1384 | World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) | Switzerland | 1965 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1385 | Eduard van Beinum Stichting | Belgium | 1966 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1386 | La Communauté de Taizé | France | 1967 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1387 | Interkerkelijk Overleg in Radio Aangelegenheden (I.K.O.R.), special t.b.v. de Commissie voor de Wilde Ganzen Omroep | France | 1968 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1388 | Mrs. Martin Luther King | United States | 1969 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1389 | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht | Belgium | 1970 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1390 | International Social Service | Switzerland | 1971 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1391 | Prof. Dr. B.V.A. Röling | Belgium | 1972 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1392 | Mrs. Alva Myrdal | Sweden | 1973 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1393 | Dr. Ir. A.H. Boerma (F.A.O.) | Belgium | 1974 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1394 | Dr. H.A. Kissinger | United States | 1975 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1395 | Drs. M. Kohnstamm | Italy | 1976 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1396 | H.E. Dr. Manfred Lachs | Belgium | 1977 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1397 | Leger des Heils | Belgium | 1980 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1398 | Danny Kaye | United States | 1981 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1399 | Mr. Cornelis Brouwer | Belgium | 1982 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1400 | Prof. Dr. H. Gmeiner | Austria | 1983 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1401 | Dr. J.H. van Roijen | Belgium | 1984 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1402 | International Commission of Jurists | Switzerland | 1985 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1403 | UNIFIL Detachment | Belgium | 1986 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1404 | Dr. Verghese Kurien | India | 1986 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1405 | De Stichting Nederlandse Gehandicaptenraad | Belgium | 1987 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1406 | Sir Brian Urquhart | England | 1988 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1407 | Artsen zonder grenzen Nederland (MSF the Netherlands/Médécins sans frontières Pays-Bas) | Belgium | 1989 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1408 | Jiří Hájek | Czech | 1990 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1409 | The City of Leyden | Belgium | 1991 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1410 | Wilhelm Huber, SOS - Kinderdorpen International | Germany | 1992 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1411 | Dr Krijn, his wife Mrs. Krijn-van Goudoever and their child (posthumously) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1993 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1412 | The Jewish Cultural and Humanitarian Society “La Benevolencia Sarajevo” | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1994 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1413 | M. van der Stoel | Belgium | 1995 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1414 | Ambassador Rolf Ekéus | Sweden | 1996 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1415 | Ambassador J. Ramaker | Belgium | 1997 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1416 | Permanent Court of Arbitration | Belgium | 1998 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1417 | Het Liliane Fonds | Belgium | 1999 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1418 | The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | UN | 2000/01 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1419 | Theo van Boven | Belgium | 2004 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1420 | Javier Solana | Spain | 2006 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1421 | Patrick Cammaert | Belgium | 2008 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1422 | Peace One Day and its founder Jeremy Gilley | United Kingdom | 2010 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1423 | War Child | United Kingdom | 2012 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1424 | Lakhdar Brahimi | Algeria | 2014 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1425 | Sigrid Kaag | Belgium | 2016 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1426 | Rudi Vranckx | Belgium | 2018 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1427 | Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue | Switzerland | 2022 | Wateler Peace Prize | made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace |
1428 | Ross P. Marine | Slovakia | 2020 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1429 | Joachim Ernst | Germany | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1430 | Rustambek Qurbanov | Uzbekistan | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1431 | Ján Bóry | Slovakia | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1432 | International Commission for the Protection of the Alps | Liechtenstein | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1433 | Borwin Herzog zu Mecklenburg | Germany | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1434 | Alice, Duchess of Mecklenburg | England | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1435 | Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia | Yugoslavia | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1436 | Grace Andrej, Bishop | Romania | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1437 | Momcilo Babic | Serbia | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1438 | Ivan Korcok | Slovakia | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1439 | Lubomír Rehák PPSP | Slovakia | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1440 | Pavol Dubcek | Slovakia | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1441 | Alexander Vladimirovich Nagin | Russia | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1442 | Margareta the Custodian of the Romanian Crown | Romania | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1443 | Prince Radu of Romania | Romania | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1444 | Karan Singh | India | 2021 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1445 | Michael-Benedict | United States | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1446 | Archdeacon Ngira Simmonds | New Zealand | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1447 | Tomáš Ferko | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1448 | Margaret Beazley AC QC | Australia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1449 | Gaj Singh II of Marwar-Jodhpur | India | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1450 | N’ga Tiaipoi | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1451 | Maurice Lau Poui Cheung | France | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1452 | Dr. Tapio Luoma | Finland | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1453 | Major Gabriel Ion | Romania | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1454 | Peter Fiabáne | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1455 | Dr. Štefan Žídek | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1456 | Peter Štanský | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1457 | Jozef Feiler | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1458 | Tomáš Galis | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1459 | Markus Habsburg-Lothringen | Austria | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1460 | Jozef Paluba | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1461 | Erika Jurinová | Slovakia | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1462 | Dominik Cardinal Duka O.P. | Czech Republic | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1463 | Daniel Petrescu | Romania | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1464 | Kyle Stice | Fiji | 2022 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1465 | Gerry Manolas | Slovakia | 2023 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1466 | Dom Duarte | Portugal | 2023 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1467 | Dona Isabel | Portugal | 2023 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1468 | Eduard, Duke of Anhalt | Germany | 2023 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1469 | Princess Angelika Latufuipeka Halaevalu Mata’aho Napua-o-kalani Lavaka ‘Ata Tuku’aho | Tonga | 2023 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1470 | Stefan Finck von Finckenstein | Germany | 2023 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1471 | Dr. Albrecht Tintelnot | Slovakia | 2023 | Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace | contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations and significant environmental merits leading to sustainable development of human society. |
1472 | Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová | Czech Republic | 2020 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1473 | Markus Habsburg-Lothringen | Austria | 2020 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1474 | Farah Pahlavi | Iran | 2020 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1475 | Soane Patita Paini Cardinal Mafi | Tonga | 2020 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1476 | King Simeon II | Bulgaria | 2020 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1477 | Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII | New Zealand | 2020 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1478 | Sir Iakoba Taeia Italeli CMT, GCMG | Tuvalu | 2020 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1479 | Sir David Suchet | United Kingdom | 2021 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1480 | Grand Ducal House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz | Germany | 2021 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1481 | Mr. Olivier Merbau | France | 2023 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1482 | Mr. Antony McCallum | United Kingdom | 2023 | Friend of Peace | By awarding this title and award, international personalities express their support for the Tree of Peace initiative in their country of birth. |
1483 | Dr. Marek Sobola | Romania | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1484 | Ms. Dominika Sobolová | Belgium | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1485 | Mr. Gabriel Rehák | United States | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1486 | Mr. Lubomír Rehák PPSP | Slovakia | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1487 | Mr. Robert Stingray | Australia | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1488 | Mrs. Kristina Stingray | Slovakia | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1489 | Mr. Lukáš Macek | Czechoslovakia | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1490 | Mr. Martin Fronc | Slovakia | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1491 | Milan Rastislav Štefánik Society / Spolocnost Milana Rastislava Štefánika | Slovakia | 2022 | Tree of Peace Around the World Commemorative Medal | significantly contributed to the realization of this magnificent and successful journey, which at an excellent high level represented not only the Tree of Peace and Servare et Manere |
1492 | Zuzana Caputová | Slovakia | 2019 | Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque | made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the Tree of Peace initiative. |
1493 | Lubomír Rehák | Slovakia | 2019 | Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque | made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the Tree of Peace initiative. |
1494 | Queen Margrethe II | Denmark | 2020 | Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque | made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the Tree of Peace initiative. |
1495 | Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII | New Zealand | 2022 | Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque | made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the Tree of Peace initiative. |
1496 | Edouard Fritch | France | 2022 | Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque | made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the Tree of Peace initiative. |
1497 | International Committee of the Red Cross | Switzerland | 2023 | Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque | made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the Tree of Peace initiative. |
1498 | Tsar Simeon II | Bulgaria | 2023 | Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque | made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the Tree of Peace initiative. |
1499 | ETSSC, a student organization | Timor Leste | 1993 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1500 | Antero Benedito da Silva | Timor Leste | 1993 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1501 | ABFSU, a student organization | Burma | 2001 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1502 | Min Ko Naing | Burma | 2001 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1503 | ZINASU, a student organization | Zimbabwe | 2003 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1504 | ACEU, a student organization | Colombia | 2005 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1505 | Charm Tong | Burma | 2007 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1506 | Elkouria «Rabab» Amidane | Western Sahara | 2009 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1507 | Duško Kostic | Crotia | 2011 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1508 | Majid Tavakoli | Iran | 2013 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1509 | Ayat Al-Qurmezi | Bahrain | 2015 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1510 | Hajer Sharief | Libya | 2017 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1511 | Fasiha Hassan | South Africa | 2019 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1512 | METU LGBT+ Solidarity from Middle East Technical University | Turkey | 2021 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1513 | DOXA Magazine | Russia | 2022 | Student Peace Prize | has made a significant contribution to creating peace and promoting human rights. |
1514 | Louis Aragon | France | 1957 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1515 | Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie | France | 1957 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1516 | Heinrich Brandweiner [de] | Austria | 1957 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1517 | Danilo Dolci | Italy | 1957 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1518 | María Rosa Oliver | Argentina | 1957 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1519 | Udakendawala Siri Saranankara Thero | Ceylon/Sri Lanka | 1957 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1520 | Nikolai Tikhonov | Soviet Union | 1957 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1521 | C. V. Raman | India | 1958 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1522 | Josef Hromádka | Czechoslovakia | 1958 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1523 | Artur Lundkvist | Sweden | 1958 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1524 | Louis Saillant | France | 1958 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1525 | Kaoru Yasui | Japan | 1958 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1526 | Arnold Zweig | East GermanyBurma | 1958 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1527 | Otto Buchwitz | East GermanyBurma | 1959 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1528 | W. E. B. Du Bois | United States | 1959 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1529 | Nikita Khrushchev | Soviet Union | 1959 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1530 | Ivor Montagu | United Kingdom | 1959 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1531 | Kostas Varnalis | Greece | 1959 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1532 | Laurent Casanova | France | 1960 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1533 | Cyrus S. Eaton | Canada | 1960 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1534 | Aziz Sharif [ar] | Iraq | 1960 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1535 | Sukarno | Indonesia | 1960 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1536 | Fidel Castro | Cuba | 1961 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1537 | Ostap D?uski [pl] | Poland | 1961 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1538 | Bill Morrow | Australia | 1961 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1539 | Rameshwari Nehru | India | 1961 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1540 | Mihail Sadoveanu | Romania | 1961 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1541 | Antoine Tabet | Lebanon | 1961 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1542 | Ahmed Sékou Touré | Guinea | 1961 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1543 | István Dobi | Hungary | 1962 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1544 | Faiz Ahmad Faiz | Pakistan | 1962 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1545 | Kwame Nkrumah | Ghana | 1962 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1546 | Pablo Picasso | Spain | 1962 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1547 | Olga Poblete | Chile | 1962 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1548 | Manolis Glezos | Greece | 1963 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1549 | Modibo Keïta | Mali | 1963 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1550 | Oscar Niemeyer | Brazil | 1963 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1551 | Georgi Traykov | Bulgaria | 1963 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1552 | Rafael Alberti | Spain | 1964 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1553 | Aruna Asaf Ali | India | 1964 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1554 | Ahmed Ben Bella | Algeria | 1964 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1555 | Herluf Bidstrup | Denmark | 1964 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1556 | Dolores Ibárruri | Spain | 1964 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1557 | Ota Kaoru | Japan | 1964 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1558 | Peter Ayodele Curtis Joseph | Nigeria | 1965 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1559 | Jamsrangiin Sambuu | Mongolia | 1965 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1560 | Mirjam Vire-Tuominen | Finland | 1965 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1561 | David Alfaro Siqueiros | Mexico | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1562 | Miguel Ángel Asturias | Guatemala | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1563 | Bram Fischer | South Africa | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1564 | Rockwell Kent | United States | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1565 | Ivan Málek | Czechoslovakia | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1566 | Giacomo Manzù | Italy | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1567 | Martin Niemöller | West Germany | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1568 | Herbert Warnke | East Germany | 1966 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1569 | Romesh Chandra | India | 1967 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1570 | Jean Effel | France | 1967 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1571 | Joris Ivens | Belgium | 1967 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1572 | Nguy?n Th? ??nh | Vietnam | 1967 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1573 | Endre Sík | Hungary | 1967 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1574 | Jorge Zalamea Borda | Colombia | 1967 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1575 | Akira Iwai | Japan | 1968-69 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1576 | Jaros?aw Iwaszkiewicz | Poland | 1968-69 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1577 | Khaled Mohieddin | Egypt | 1968-69 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1578 | Linus Pauling | United States | 1968-69 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1579 | Shafie Ahmed el Sheikh | Sudan | 1968-69 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1580 | Bertil Svahnström | Sweden | 1968-69 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1581 | Hikmat Abu Zayd | Egypt | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1582 | Eric Burhop | Australia | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1583 | Ernst Busch | East Germany | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1584 | Tsola Dragoycheva | Bulgaria | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1585 | Renato Guttuso | Italy | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1586 | Kamal Jumblatt | Lebanon | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1587 | Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti | Nigeria | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1588 | Alfredo Varela | Argentina | 1970-71 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1589 | James Aldridge | Australia | 1972 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1590 | Salvador Allende | Chile | 1972 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1591 | Leonid Brezhnev | Soviet Union | 1972 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1592 | Enrique Pastorino | Uruguay | 1972 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1593 | Luis Corvalán | Chile | 1973-74 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1594 | Raymond Goor | Belgium | 1973-74 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1595 | Jeanne Martin Cissé | Guinea | 1973-74 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1596 | Sam Nujoma | Namibia | 1973-74 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1597 | Hortensia Bussi de Allende | Chile | 1975-76 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1598 | János Kádár | Hungary | 1975-76 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1599 | Seán MacBride | Ireland | 1975-76 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1600 | Samora Machel | Mozambique | 1975-76 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1601 | Agostinho Neto | Angola | 1975-76 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1602 | Pierre Pouyade | France | 1975-76 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1603 | Yiannis Ritsos | Greece | 1975-76 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1604 | Kurt Bachmann | West Germany | 1977-78 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1605 | Freda Brown | Australia | 1977-78 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1606 | Vilma Espín | Cuba | 1977-78 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1607 | K. P. S. Menon | India | 1977-78 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1608 | Halina Skibniewska | Poland | 1977-78 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1609 | Hervé Bazin | France | 1977-78 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1610 | Angela Davis | United States | 1977-78 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1611 | Urho Kekkonen | Finland | 1979 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1612 | Abd al-Rahman al-Khamisi | Egypt | 1979 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1613 | Lê Du?n | Vietnam | 1979 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1614 | Miguel Otero Silva | Venezuela | 1979 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1615 | Mahmoud Darwish | Palestine | 1980-82 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1616 | John Hanly Morgan | United States | 1980-82 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1617 | Líber Seregni | Uruguay | 1980-82 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1618 | Mikis Theodorakis | Greece | 1980-82 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1619 | Charilaos Florakis | Greece | 1983-84 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1620 | Indira Gandhi | India | 1983-84 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1621 | Jean-Marie Legay | France | 1983-84 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1622 | Nguy?n H?u Th? | Vietnam | 1983-84 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1623 | Eva Palmær | Sweden | 1983-84 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1624 | Luis Vidales | Colombia | 1983-84 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1625 | Josef Weber | West Germany | 1983-84 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1626 | Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann | Nicaragua | 1985-86 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1627 | Dorothy Hodgkin | United Kingdom | 1985-86 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1628 | Herbert Mies | West Germany | 1985-86 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1629 | Julius Nyerere | Tanzania | 1985-86 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1630 | Petur Tanchev | Bulgaria | 1985-86 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1631 | Abdul Sattar Edhi | Pakistan | 1988 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1632 | Nelson Mandela | South Africa | 1990 | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1633 | Martti Ahtisaari | Finland | Unknown year | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1634 | Valerie Goulding | Ireland | Unknown year | Lenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1635 | Eugénie Cotton | France | 1950 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1636 | Heriberto Jara Corona | Mexico | 1950 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1637 | Hewlett Johnson | United Kingdom | 1950 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1638 | Frédéric Joliot-Curie | France | 1950 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1639 | Arthur Moulton | United States | 1950 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1640 | Pak Chong-ae | North Korea | 1950 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1641 | Soong Ching-ling | China | 1950 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1642 | Jorge Amado | Brazil | 1951 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1643 | Monica Felton | United Kingdom | 1951 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1644 | Guo Moruo | China | 1951 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1645 | Pietro Nenni | Italy | 1951 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1646 | Oyama Ikuo | Japan | 1951 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1647 | Anna Seghers | East Germany | 1951 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1648 | Johannes R. Becher | East Germany | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1649 | Elisa Branco | Brazil | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1650 | Ilya Ehrenburg | Soviet Union Burkina Faso | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1651 | James Gareth Endicott | Canada | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1652 | Yves Farge | France | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1653 | Halldór Laxness | Iceland | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1654 | Saifuddin Kitchlew | India | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1655 | Paul Robeson | United States | 1952 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1656 | Andrea Andreen | Sweden | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1657 | John Desmond Bernal | United Kingdom | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1658 | Isabelle Blume | Belgium | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1659 | Pierre Cot | France | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1660 | Howard Fast | United States | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1661 | Andrea Gaggiero | Italy | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1662 | Leon Kruczkowski | Poland | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1663 | Pablo Neruda | Chile | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1664 | Nina Popova | Soviet Union | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1665 | Sahib Singh Sokhey | India | 1953 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1666 | André Bonnard | Switzerland | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1667 | Bertolt Brecht | Austria | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1668 | Nicolás Guillén | Cuba | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1669 | Felix Iversen | Finland | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1670 | Thakin Kodaw Hmaing | Burma | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1671 | Alain Le Léap | France | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1672 | Prijono | Indonesia | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1673 | Denis Pritt | United Kingdom | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1674 | Baldomero Sanín Cano | Colombia | 1954 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1675 | Muhammad al-Ashmar | Syria | 1955 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1676 | Lázaro Cárdenas | Mexico | 1955 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1677 | Ragnar Forbech | Norway | 1955 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1678 | Seki Akiko | Japan | 1955 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1679 | Tôn ??c Th?ng | Vietnam | 1955 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1680 | Karl Joseph Wirth | West Germany | 1955 | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1681 | Martin Andersen Nexø | Denmark | Unknown | Stalin Peace PrizeLenin Peace Prize | "strengthened peace among comrades". |
1682 | Hassan Fathy | Egypt | 1980 | Right Livelihood Award | "for developing an 'Architecture for the Poor'." |
1683 | Stephen Gaskin | United States | 1980 | Right Livelihood Award | "for caring, sharing and acting with and on behalf of those in need at home and abroad." |
1684 | Plenty International | United States | 1980 | Right Livelihood Award | "for caring, sharing and acting with and on behalf of those in need at home and abroad." |
1685 | Mike Cooley | United Kingdom | 1981 | Right Livelihood Award | "for designing and promoting the theory and practice of human-centred, socially useful production." |
1686 | Bill Mollison | Australia | 1981 | Right Livelihood Award | "for developing and promoting the theory and practice of permaculture." |
1687 | Patrick van Rensburg | South Africa | 1981 | Right Livelihood Award | "for developing replicable educational models for the third world majority." |
1688 | Foundation for Education with Production (FEP) | Botswana Burkina Faso | 1981 | Right Livelihood Award | "for developing replicable educational models for the third world majority." |
1689 | Erik Dammann | Norway | 1982 | Right Livelihood Award | "for challenging Western values and lifestyles in order to promote a more responsible attitude to the environment and the third world." |
1690 | Anwar Fazal | Malaysia | 1982 | Right Livelihood Award | "for fighting for the rights of consumers and helping them to do the same." |
1691 | Petra Kelly | Germany | 1982 | Right Livelihood Award | "for forging and implementing a new vision uniting ecological concerns with disarmament, social justice and human rights." |
1692 | Participatory Institute for Development Alternatives (PIDA) | Sri Lanka | 1982 | Right Livelihood Award | "for developing exemplary processes of self-reliant, participatory development among the poor in Asia." |
1693 | George Trevelyan | United Kingdom | 1982 | Right Livelihood Award | "for educating the adult spirit to a new non-materialistic vision of human nature." |
1694 | Leopold Kohr | Austria | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his early inspiration of the movement for a human scale." |
1695 | Amory Lovins | United States | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for pioneering soft energy paths for global security." |
1696 | Hunter Sheldon-Lovins | United States | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for pioneering soft energy paths for global security." |
1697 | Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) | United States | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for pioneering soft energy paths for global security." |
1698 | Manfred Max-Neef | Chile | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for revitalising small and medium-sized communities through 'Barefoot Economics'." |
1699 | Centre for Development Alternatives (CEPAUR) | Chile | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for revitalising small and medium-sized communities through 'Barefoot Economics'." |
1700 | Ibedul Gibbons | Palau | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for upholding the democratic, constitutional right of their island to remain nuclear-free." |
1701 | The People of Belau | Palau | 1983 | Right Livelihood Award | "for upholding the democratic, constitutional right of their island to remain nuclear-free." |
1702 | Imane Khalifeh | Lebanon | 1984 | Right Livelihood Award | "for inspiring and organising the Beirut peace movement." |
1703 | Ela Bhatt | India | 1984 | Right Livelihood Award | "for helping home-based producers to organise for their welfare and self-respect." |
1704 | Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) | India | 1984 | Right Livelihood Award | "for helping home-based producers to organise for their welfare and self-respect." |
1705 | Winefreda Geonzon | Philippinis | 1984 | Right Livelihood Award | "for giving assistance to prisoners and aiding their rehabilitation." |
1706 | Free Legal Assistance Volunteers' Association (FREE LAVA) | Philippinis | 1984 | Right Livelihood Award | "for giving assistance to prisoners and aiding their rehabilitation." |
1707 | Wangari Maathai | Kenya | 1984 | Right Livelihood Award | "for converting the Kenyan ecological debate into mass action for reforestation." |
1708 | Green Belt Movement (GBM) | Kenya | 1984 | Right Livelihood Award | "for converting the Kenyan ecological debate into mass action for reforestation." |
1709 | Theo van Boven | Belgium | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for speaking out on human rights abuse without fear or favour in the international community." |
1710 | Cary Fowler | United States | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for working to save the world's genetic plant heritage." |
1711 | Pat Mooney | Canada | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for working to save the world's genetic plant heritage." |
1712 | Rural Advancement Fund International (RAFI) | United States | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for working to save the world's genetic plant heritage." |
1713 | Rajni Kothari | India | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for linking and strengthening local groups working to protect civil liberties, women's rights and the environment." |
1714 | Dialogue of the People [Lokayan] | India | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for linking and strengthening local groups working to protect civil liberties, women's rights and the environment." |
1715 | János Vargha | Hungary | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for working under unusually difficult circumstances to preserve the river Danube, a vital part of Hungary's environment." |
1716 | Danube Circle [Duna Kör] | Hungary | 1985 | Right Livelihood Award | "for working under unusually difficult circumstances to preserve the river Danube, a vital part of Hungary's environment." |
1717 | Robert Jungk | Austria | 1986 | Right Livelihood Award | "for struggling indefatigably on behalf of peace, sane alternatives for the future and ecological awareness." |
1718 | Rosalie Bertell, S.G.M. | Canada | 1986 | Right Livelihood Award | "for raising public awareness about the destruction of the biosphere and human gene pool, especially by low-level radiation." |
1719 | Alice Stewart | United Kingdom | 1986 | Right Livelihood Award | "for bringing to light in the face of official opposition the real dangers of low-level radiation." |
1720 | Helena Norberg-Hodge | Sweden | 1986 | Right Livelihood Award | "for preserving the traditional culture and values of Ladakh against the onslaught of tourism and development." |
1721 | Ladakh Ecological Development Group (LEDeG) | India | 1986 | Right Livelihood Award | "for preserving the traditional culture and values of Ladakh against the onslaught of tourism and development." |
1722 | Evaristo Nugkuag Ikanan | Peru | 1986 | Right Livelihood Award | "for organising to protect the rights of the Indians of the Amazon basin." |
1723 | Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP) | Peru | 1986 | Right Livelihood Award | "for organising to protect the rights of the Indians of the Amazon basin." |
1724 | Johan Galtung | Norway | 1987 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his systematic and multidisciplinary study of the conditions which can lead to peace." |
1725 | The Chipko Movement | India | 1987 | Right Livelihood Award | "for its dedication to the conservation, restoration and ecologically-sound use of India's natural resources." |
1726 | Hans-Peter Dürr | Germany | 1987 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his profound critique of the strategic defence initiative (SDI) and his work to convert high technology to peaceful uses." |
1727 | Global Challenges Network | Germany | 1987 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his profound critique of the strategic defence initiative (SDI) and his work to convert high technology to peaceful uses." |
1728 | Frances Moore Lappé | United States | 1987 | Right Livelihood Award | "for revealing the political and economic causes of world hunger and how citizens can help to remedy them." |
1729 | Institute for Food and Development Policy | United States | 1987 | Right Livelihood Award | "for revealing the political and economic causes of world hunger and how citizens can help to remedy them." |
1730 | Mordechai Vanunu | Israel | 1987 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his courage and self-sacrifice in revealing the extent of Israel's nuclear weapons programme." |
1731 | Inge Genefke | Denmark | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for helping those whose lives have been shattered by torture to regain their health and personality." |
1732 | International Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (IRCT) | Denmark | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for helping those whose lives have been shattered by torture to regain their health and personality." |
1733 | José Lutzenberger | Brazil | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his contribution to protecting the natural environment in Brazil and worldwide." |
1734 | John Charlewood Turner | United Kingdom | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for championing the rights of people to build, manage and sustain their own shelter and communities." |
1735 | Mohammed Idris | Malaysia | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary struggle to save the tropical forests of Sarawak." |
1736 | Harrison Ngau Laing | Malaysia | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary struggle to save the tropical forests of Sarawak." |
1737 | Friends of Nature Malaysia [Sahabat Alam Malaysia, SAM] | Malaysia | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary struggle to save the tropical forests of Sarawak." |
1738 | the Penan people | Malaysia | 1988 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary struggle to save the tropical forests of Sarawak." |
1739 | Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operative Union (SCCCU) | Japan | 1989 | Right Livelihood Award | "for creating the most successful, sustainable model of production and consumption in the industrialised world." |
1740 | Melaku Worede | Ethiopia | 1989 | Right Livelihood Award | "for preserving Ethiopia's genetic wealth by building one of the finest seed conservation centres in the world." |
1741 | Aklilu Lemma | Ethiopia | 1989 | Right Livelihood Award | "for discovering and campaigning relentlessly for an affordable preventative against bilharzia." |
1742 | Legesse Wolde-Yohannes | Ethiopia | 1989 | Right Livelihood Award | "for discovering and campaigning relentlessly for an affordable preventative against bilharzia." |
1743 | Survival International | United Kingdom | 1989 | Right Livelihood Award | "for working with tribal peoples to secure their rights, livelihood and self-determination." |
1744 | Alice Tepper Marlin | United States | 1990 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing the direction in which the Western economy must develop to promote the well-being of humanity." |
1745 | Council on Economic Priorities (SA8000) | United States | 1990 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing the direction in which the Western economy must develop to promote the well-being of humanity." |
1746 | Bernard Lédéa Ouédraogo [fr] | Burkina Faso | 1990 | Right Livelihood Award | "for strengthening peasant self-help movements all over West Africa." |
1747 | Felicia Langer | Poland | 1990 | Right Livelihood Award | "for the exemplary courage of her advocacy for the basic rights of the Palestinian people." |
1748 | Association of Peasant Workers of the Carare (Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos del Carare, ATCC) | Colombia | 1990 | Right Livelihood Award | "for its outstanding commitment to peace, family and community in the midst of the most senseless violence." |
1749 | Edward Goldsmith | United Kingdom | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his uncompromising critique of industrialism and promotion of environmentally sustainable and socially just alternatives to it." |
1750 | Baba Amte | India | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their inspired opposition to the disastrous Narmada Valley dams project and their promotion of alternatives designed to benefit the poor and the environment." |
1751 | Medha Patkar | India | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their inspired opposition to the disastrous Narmada Valley dams project and their promotion of alternatives designed to benefit the poor and the environment." |
1752 | Save the Narmada Movement [Narmada Bachao Andolan, NBA] | India | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their inspired opposition to the disastrous Narmada Valley dams project and their promotion of alternatives designed to benefit the poor and the environment." |
1753 | Bengt Danielsson | Sweden | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for exposing the tragic results of, and advocating an end, to French nuclear colonialism." |
1754 | Marie-Thérèse Sailley-Danielsson | Sweden | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for exposing the tragic results of, and advocating an end, to French nuclear colonialism." |
1755 | Jeton Anjain | Marshall Islands | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their steadfast struggle against United States nuclear policy in support of their right to live on an unpolluted Rongelap island." |
1756 | The People of Rongelap | Marshall Islands | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their steadfast struggle against United States nuclear policy in support of their right to live on an unpolluted Rongelap island." |
1757 | Landless Workers' Movement [Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, MST] | Brazil | 1991 | Right Livelihood Award | "for winning land for landless families and helping them to farm it sustainably." |
1758 | Finnish Village Action Movement [Suomen Kylät, SK] | Finland | 1992 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing a dynamic path to rural regeneration decentralisation and popular empowerment." |
1759 | Zafrullah Chowdhury | Bangladesh | 1992 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their outstanding record of promotion of health and human development." |
1760 | People's Health Centre [Gonoshasthaya Kendra] | Bangladesh | 1992 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their outstanding record of promotion of health and human development." |
1761 | Helen Mack Chang | Guatemala | 1992 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her personal courage and persistence in seeking justice and an end to the impunity of political murderers." |
1762 | John Gofman | United States | 1992 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his pioneering work in exposing the health effects of low-level radiation." |
1763 | Alla Yaroshinskaya | Ukraine | 1992 | Right Livelihood Award | "for revealing, against official opposition and persecution, the extent of the damaging effects of the Chernobyl disaster on local people." |
1764 | Arna Mer-Khamis | Israel | 1993 | Right Livelihood Award | "for passionate commitment to the defence and education of the children of Palestine." |
1765 | Care and Learning | Israel | 1993 | Right Livelihood Award | "for passionate commitment to the defence and education of the children of Palestine." |
1766 | Sithembiso Nyoni | Zimbabwe | 1993 | Right Livelihood Award | "for building a remarkable grassroots movement and motivating its million members to follow their own path of human development." |
1767 | Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress (ORAP) | Zimbabwe | 1993 | Right Livelihood Award | "for building a remarkable grassroots movement and motivating its million members to follow their own path of human development." |
1768 | Vandana Shiva | India | 1993 | Right Livelihood Award | "for placing women and ecology at the heart of modern development discourse." |
1769 | Mary Dann (1923–2005) | United States | 1993 | Right Livelihood Award | "for exemplary courage and perseverance in asserting the rights of indigenous people to their land." |
1770 | Carrie Dann (1932–2021) | United States | 1993 | Right Livelihood Award | "for exemplary courage and perseverance in asserting the rights of indigenous people to their land." |
1771 | Astrid Lindgren | Sweden | 1994 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her unique authorship dedicated to the rights of children and respect for their individuality." |
1772 | Service Volunteered for All (SERVOL) | Trinidad and Tobago | 1994 | Right Livelihood Award | "for fostering spiritual values, cooperation and family responsibility in building society." |
1773 | Hanumappa Sudarshan | India | 1994 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing how tribal culture can contribute to a process that secures the basic rights and fundamental needs of indigenous people and conserves their environment." |
1774 | Vivekananda Girijana Kalyana Kendra (VGKK) | India | 1994 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing how tribal culture can contribute to a process that secures the basic rights and fundamental needs of indigenous people and conserves their environment." |
1775 | Ken Saro-Wiwa | Nigeria | 1994 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary courage in striving non-violently for the civil, economic and environmental rights of their people." |
1776 | Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) | Nigeria | 1994 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary courage in striving non-violently for the civil, economic and environmental rights of their people." |
1777 | András Bíró | Hungary | 1995 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their resolute defence of Hungary's Roma minority and effective efforts to aid their self-development." |
1778 | Hungarian Foundation for Self-Reliance [Autonómia Alapítvány, HFSR] | Hungary | 1995 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their resolute defence of Hungary's Roma minority and effective efforts to aid their self-development." |
1779 | Serb Civic Council [Srpsko Gra?ansko Vije?e, SGV] | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1995 | Right Livelihood Award | "for maintaining their support for a humane, multi-ethnic, democratic Bosnia-Herzegovina." |
1780 | Carmel Budiardjo | Indonesia | 1995 | Right Livelihood Award | "for holding the Indonesian government accountable for its actions and upholding the universality of fundamental human rights." |
1781 | Political Prisoners [Tahanan Politik, TAPOL] | Indonesia | 1995 | Right Livelihood Award | "for holding the Indonesian government accountable for its actions and upholding the universality of fundamental human rights." |
1782 | Sulak Sivaraksa | Thailand | 1995 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his vision, activism and spiritual commitment in the quest for a development process that is rooted in democracy, justice and cultural integrity." |
1783 | Herman Daly | United States | 1996 | Right Livelihood Award | "for defining a path of ecological economics that integrates the key elements of ethics, quality of life, environment and community." |
1784 | Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia (CKCMP) | Russia | 1996 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their courage in upholding the common humanity of Russians and Chechens and opposing the militarism and violence in Chechnya." |
1785 | People's Science Movement of Kerala [Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad, KSSP] | India | 1996 | Right Livelihood Award | "for its major contribution to a model of development rooted in social justice and popular participation." |
1786 | George Vithoulkas | Greece | 1996 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his outstanding contribution to the revival of homeopathic knowledge and the training of homeopaths to the highest standards." |
1787 | Joseph Ki-Zerbo | Burkina Faso | 1997 | Right Livelihood Award | "for a lifetime of scholarship and activism that has identified the key principles and processes by which Africans can create a better future." |
1788 | Jinzaburo Takagi | Japan | 1997 | Right Livelihood Award | "for serving to alert the world to the unparalleled dangers of plutonium to human life." |
1789 | Mycle Schneider | France | 1997 | Right Livelihood Award | "for serving to alert the world to the unparalleled dangers of plutonium to human life." |
1790 | Michael Succow | Germany | 1997 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his commitment to safeguard natural eco-systems and areas of outstanding natural value for future generations." |
1791 | Cindy Duehring | United States | 1997 | Right Livelihood Award | "for putting her personal tragedy at the service of humanity by helping others understand and combat the risks posed by toxic chemicals." |
1792 | International Baby Food Action Network | United States | 1998 | Right Livelihood Award | "for its committed and affective campaigning in support of breastfeeding." |
1793 | Samuel Epstein | United States | 1998 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his exemplary life of scholarship wedded to activism on behalf of humanity." |
1794 | Juan Pablo Orrego | Chile | 1998 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his personal courage, self-sacrifice and perseverance in working for sustainable development in Chile." |
1795 | Biobío Action Group [Grupo de Acción por el Biobío, GABB] | Chile | 1998 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his personal courage, self-sacrifice and perseverance in working for sustainable development in Chile." |
1796 | Katarina Kruhonja | Croatia | 1998 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their dedication to a long-term process of peace-building and reconciliation in the Balkans." |
1797 | Vesna Terselic | Croatia | 1998 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their dedication to a long-term process of peace-building and reconciliation in the Balkans." |
1798 | Hermann Scheer | Germany | 1999 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his indefatigable work for the promotion of solar energy worldwide." |
1799 | Juan Garcés | Spain | 1999 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his long-standing efforts to end the impunity of dictators." |
1800 | Consolidation of the Amazon Region (COAMA) | Colombia | 1999 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing how indigenous people can improve their livelihood, sustain their culture and conserve their rainforests." |
1801 | Organic Agriculture Group [Grupo de Agricultura Orgánica, GAO] | Cuba | 1999 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing that organic agriculture is a key to both environmental sustainability and food security." |
1802 | Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher | Ethiopia | 2000 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his exemplary work to safeguard biodiversity and the traditional rights of farmers and communities to their genetic resources." |
1803 | Munir Said Thalib | Indonesia | 2000 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his courage and dedication in fighting for human rights and civilian control of the military in Indonesia." |
1804 | Birsel Lemke | Turkey | 2000 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her long-standing struggle to protect her country from the devastation of cyanide-based gold mining." |
1805 | Wes Jackson | United States | 2000 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his single-minded commitment to developing an agriculture that is both highly productive and truly ecologically sustainable." |
1806 | José Antonio Abreu | Venezuela | 2001 | Right Livelihood Award | "for achieving a unique cultural renaissance, bringing the joys of music to countless disadvantaged children and communities." |
1807 | Uri Avnery | Israel | 2001 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their unwavering conviction, in the midst of violence that peace can only be achieved through justice and reconciliation." |
1808 | Rachel Greenboim-Avnery (1932–2011) | Israel | 2001 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their unwavering conviction, in the midst of violence that peace can only be achieved through justice and reconciliation." |
1809 | Gush Shalom Movement | Israel | 2001 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their unwavering conviction, in the midst of violence that peace can only be achieved through justice and reconciliation." |
1810 | Leonardo Boff | Brazil | 2001 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his inspiring insights and practical work to help people realise the links between human spirituality, social justice and environmental stewardship." |
1811 | Trident Ploughshares | United Kingdom | 2001 | Right Livelihood Award | "for providing a practical model of principled, transparent and non-violent direct action dedicated to ridding the world of nuclear weapons." |
1812 | Martin Green | Australia | 2002 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his dedication and outstanding success in the harnessing of solar energy, the key technological challenge of our age." |
1813 | Kamenge Youth Centre (Centre Jeunes Kamenge, CJK) | Burundi | 2002 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary courage and compassion in overcoming ethnic divisions during civil war so that young people can live and build a peaceful future together." |
1814 | Woman To Woman Foundation [Kvinna Till Kvinna] | Sweden | 2003 | Right Livelihood Award | "for its successes in addressing ethnic hatred by helping war-torn women to be the major agents of peace-building and reconciliation." |
1815 | Martín Almada | Paraguay | 2003 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his outstanding courage in bringing torturers to justice, and promoting democracy, human rights and sustainable development." |
1816 | David Lange | New Zealand | 2003 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his steadfast work over many years for a world free of nuclear weapons." |
1817 | Nicanor Perlas | Philippinis | 2003 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his outstanding efforts in educating civil society about the effects of corporate globalisation, and how alternatives to it can be implemented." |
1818 | Walden Bello | Philippinis | 2003 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his outstanding efforts in educating civil society about the effects of corporate globalisation, and how alternatives to it can be implemented." |
1819 | Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice (CCEJ) | South Korea | 2003 | Right Livelihood Award | "for its rigorous wide-ranging reform programme, based on economic and social justice, accountability and reconciliation with North Korea." |
1820 | Ibrahim Abouleish | Egypt | 2003 | Right Livelihood Award | "for a 21st century business model which combines commercial success with social and cultural development." |
1821 | Swami Agnivesh | India | 2004 | Right Livelihood Award | "for promoting over many years in South Asia the values of religious and communal co-existence, tolerance and mutual understanding." |
1822 | Asghar Ali Engineer | India | 2004 | Right Livelihood Award | "for promoting over many years in South Asia the values of religious and communal co-existence, tolerance and mutual understanding." |
1823 | Memorial Society | Russia | 2004 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing, in traumatic times, the importance of understanding the historical roots of human rights abuse, to secure respect for them in the future." |
1824 | Bianca Jagger | Nicaragua | 2004 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her dedicated commitment and campaigning for human rights, social justice and environmental protection." |
1825 | Raúl Montenegro | Argentina | 2004 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his outstanding work with local communities and indigenous people to protect the environment and natural resources." |
1826 | Maude Barlow | Canada | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary and longstanding worldwide work for trade justice and the recognition of the fundamental human right to water." |
1827 | Tony Clarke | Canada | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their exemplary and longstanding worldwide work for trade justice and the recognition of the fundamental human right to water." |
1828 | Irene Fernandez | Malaysia | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her outstanding and courageous work to stop violence against women and abuses of migrant and poor workers." |
1829 | Roy Sesana | Botswana | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his resolute resistance against eviction from their ancestral lands, and for upholding the right to their traditional way of life." |
1830 | First People of the Kalahari (FPK) | Botswana | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his resolute resistance against eviction from their ancestral lands, and for upholding the right to their traditional way of life." |
1831 | Francisco Toledo | Mexico | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for devoting himself and his art to the protection and enhancement of the heritage, environment and community life of his native Oaxaca." |
1832 | Daniel Ellsberg | United States | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for putting peace and truth first, at considerable personal risk, and dedicating his life to inspiring others to follow his example." |
1833 | Ruth Manorama | India | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her commitment over decades to achieving equality for Dalit women, building effective and committed women's organisations and working for their rights at national and international levels." |
1834 | Chico Whitaker | Brazil | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for a lifetime's dedicated work for social justice that has strengthened democracy in Brazil and helped give birth to the World Social Forum, showing that 'another world is possible'." |
1835 | International Poetry Festival of Medellín [Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín] | Colombia | 2005 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing how creativity, beauty, free expression and community can flourish amongst and overcome even deeply entrenched fear and violence." |
1836 | Christopher Weeramantry | Sri Lanka | 2007 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his lifetime of ground-breaking work to strengthen and expand the rule of international law." |
1837 | Dekha Ibrahim Abdi | Kenya | 2007 | Right Livelihood Award | "for showing in diverse ethnic and cultural situations how religious and other differences can be reconciled, even after violent conflict, and knitted together through a cooperative process that leads to peace and development." |
1838 | Percy Schmeiser | Canada | 2007 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their courage in defending biodiversity and farmers' rights, and challenging the environmental and moral perversity of current interpretations of patent laws." |
1839 | Louise Walken-Schmeiser | Canada | 2007 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their courage in defending biodiversity and farmers' rights, and challenging the environmental and moral perversity of current interpretations of patent laws." |
1840 | Grameen Shakti (GS) | Bangladesh | 2007 | Right Livelihood Award | "for bringing sustainable light and power to thousands of Bangladeshi villages, promoting health, education, and productivity." |
1841 | Krishnammal Jagannathan | India | 2008 | Right Livelihood Award | "for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as 'India's soul'." |
1842 | Sankaralingam Jagannathan | India | 2008 | Right Livelihood Award | "for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as 'India's soul'." |
1843 | Land for Tillers' Freedom (LAFTI) | India | 2008 | Right Livelihood Award | "for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as 'India's soul'." |
1844 | Amy Goodman | United States | 2008 | Right Livelihood Award | "for developing an innovative model of truly independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media." |
1845 | Asha Haji Elmi | Somalia | 2008 | Right Livelihood Award | "for continuing to lead at great personal risk the female participation in the peace and reconciliation process in her war-ravaged country." |
1846 | Monika Hauser | Switzerland | 2008 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her tireless commitment to working with women who have experienced the most horrific sexual violence in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, and campaigning for them to receive social recognition and compensation." |
1847 | Catherine Hamlin | Australia | 2009 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her fifty years dedicated to treating obstetric fistula patients, thereby restoring the health, hope and dignity of thousands of Africa's poorest women." |
1848 | René Ngongo | Congo | 2009 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his courage in confronting the forces that are destroying the Congo's rainforests and building political support for their conservation and sustainable use." |
1849 | David Suzuki | Canada | 2009 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his lifetime advocacy of the socially responsible use of science, and for his massive contribution to raising awareness about the perils of climate change and building public support for policies to address it." |
1850 | Alyn Ware | New Zealand | 2009 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his effective and creative advocacy and initiatives over two decades to further peace education and to rid the world of nuclear weapons." |
1851 | Nnimmo Bassey | Nigeria | 2010 | Right Livelihood Award | "for revealing the full ecological and human horrors of oil production and for his inspired work to strengthen the environmental movement in Nigeria and globally." |
1852 | Erwin Kräutler, C.Pp.S. | Austria | 2010 | Right Livelihood Award | "for a lifetime of work for the human and environmental rights of indigenous peoples and for his tireless efforts to save the Amazon forest from destruction." |
1853 | Shrikrishna Upadhyay | Nepal | 2010 | Right Livelihood Award | "for demonstrating over many years the power of community mobilisation to address the multiple causes of poverty even when threatened by political violence and instability." |
1854 | Support Activities for Poor Producers of Nepal (SAPPROS) | Nepal | 2010 | Right Livelihood Award | "for demonstrating over many years the power of community mobilisation to address the multiple causes of poverty even when threatened by political violence and instability." |
1855 | Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR–I) | Israel | 2010 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their indomitable spirit in working for the right to health for all people in Israel and Palestine." |
1856 | Huang Ming | China | 2011 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his outstanding success in the development and mass-deployment of cutting-edge technologies for harnessing solar energy, thereby showing how dynamic emerging economies can contribute to resolving the global crisis of anthropogenic climate change." |
1857 | Jacqueline Moudeina | Chad | 2011 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her tireless efforts at great personal risk to win justice for the victims of the former dictatorship in Chad and to increase awareness and observance of human rights in Africa." |
1858 | GRAIN | Spain | 2011 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their worldwide work to protect the livelihoods and rights of farming communities and to expose the massive purchases of farmland in developing countries by foreign financial interests." |
1859 | Ina May Gaskin | United States | 2011 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her whole-life's work teaching and advocating safe, woman-centred childbirth methods that best promote the physical and mental health of mother and child." |
1860 | Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) | United Kingdom | 2012 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their innovative and effective campaigning against the global trade in arms." |
1861 | Gene Sharp | United States | 2012 | Right Livelihood Award | "for developing and articulating the core principles and strategies of nonviolent resistance and supporting their practical implementation in conflict areas around the world." |
1862 | Hayrettin Karaca | Turkey | 2012 | Right Livelihood Award | "for a lifetime and tireless advocacy and support for the protection and stewardship of our natural world, combining successful entrepreneurship with effective environmental activism." |
1863 | Sima Samar | Afghanistan | 2012 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her longstanding and courageous dedication to human rights, especially the rights of women, in one of the most complex and dangerous regions in the world." |
1864 | Paul Walker | United States | 2013 | Right Livelihood Award | "for working tirelessly to rid the world of chemical weapons." |
1865 | Hans Rudolf Herren | Switzerland | 2013 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his expertise and pioneering work in promoting a safe, secure and sustainable global food supply." |
1866 | Biovision Foundation | Switzerland | 2013 | Right Livelihood Award | 0 |
1867 | Raji Sourani | Palestine | 2013 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his unwavering dedication to the rule of law and human rights under exceptionally difficult circumstances." |
1868 | Denis Mukwege | Congo | 2013 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his courageous work healing women survivors of war-time sexual violence and speaking up about its root causes. |
1869 | Bill McKibben | United States | 2014 | Right Livelihood Award | "for mobilising growing popular support in the USA and around the world for strong action to counter the threat of global climate change." |
1870 | Basil Fernando | Sri Lanka | 2014 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his tireless and outstanding work to support and document the implementation of human rights in Asia." |
1871 | Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) | China | 2014 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his tireless and outstanding work to support and document the implementation of human rights in Asia." |
1872 | Asma Jahangir | Pakistan | 2014 | Right Livelihood Award | "for defending, protecting and promoting human rights in Pakistan and more widely, often in very difficult and complex situations and at great personal risk." |
1873 | Alan Rusbridger | United Kingdom | 2014 | Right Livelihood Award | "for building a global media organisation dedicated to responsible journalism in the public interest, undaunted by the challenges of exposing corporate and government malpractices." |
1874 | Edward Snowden | United States | 2014 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his courage and skill in revealing the unprecedented extent of state surveillance violating basic democratic processes and constitutional rights." |
1875 | Sheila Watt-Cloutier | Canada | 2015 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her lifelong work to protect the Inuit of the Arctic and defend their right to maintain their livelihoods and culture, which are acutely threatened by climate change." |
1876 | Tony deBrum | Marshall Islands | 2015 | Right Livelihood Award | "in recognition of their vision and courage to take legal action against the nuclear powers for failing to honour their disarmament obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and customary international law." |
1877 | The People of the Marshall Islands | Marshall Islands | 2015 | Right Livelihood Award | "in recognition of their vision and courage to take legal action against the nuclear powers for failing to honour their disarmament obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and customary international law." |
1878 | Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera | Uganda | 2015 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her courage and persistence, despite violence and intimidation, in working for the right of LGBTI people to a life free from prejudice and persecution." |
1879 | Gino Strada | Italy | 2015 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his great humanity and skill in providing outstanding medical and surgical services to the victims of conflict and injustice, while fearlessly addressing the causes of war." |
1880 | EMERGENCY | Italy | 2015 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his great humanity and skill in providing outstanding medical and surgical services to the victims of conflict and injustice, while fearlessly addressing the causes of war." |
1881 | Cumhuriyet | Turkey | 2016 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their fearless investigate journalism and commitment to freedom of expression in the face of oppression, censorship, imprisonment and death threats." |
1882 | Syrian Civil Defense (SCD) | Syria | 2016 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their outstanding bravery, compassion and humanitarian engagement in rescuing civilians from the destruction of the Syrian civil war." |
1883 | Mozn Hassan | Egypt | 2016 | Right Livelihood Award | "for asserting the equality and rights of women in circumstances where they are subject to ongoing violence, abuse and discrimination." |
1884 | Nazra for Feminist Studies | Egypt | 2016 | Right Livelihood Award | "for asserting the equality and rights of women in circumstances where they are subject to ongoing violence, abuse and discrimination." |
1885 | Svetlana Gannushkina | Russia | 2016 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her decades-long commitment to promoting human rights and justice for refugees and forced migrants, and tolerance among different ethnic groups." |
1886 | Robert Bilott | United States | 2017 | Right Livelihood Award | "for exposing a decades-long history of chemical pollution, winning long-sought justice for the victims, and setting a precedent for effective regulation of hazardous substances." |
1887 | Colin Gonsalves | India | 2017 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his tireless and innovative use of public interest litigation over three decades to secure fundamental human rights for India's most marginalised and vulnerable citizens." |
1888 | Khadija Ismayilova | Azerbaijan | 2017 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her courage and tenacity in exposing corruption at the highest levels of government through outstanding investigative journalism in the name of transparency and accountability." |
1889 | Thelma Aldana Hernández | Guatemala | 2018 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their innovative work in exposing abuse of power and prosecuting corruption, thus rebuilding people's trust in public institutions." |
1890 | Iván Velásquez Gómez | Colombia | 2018 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their innovative work in exposing abuse of power and prosecuting corruption, thus rebuilding people's trust in public institutions." |
1891 | Yacouba Sawadogo | Burkina Faso | 2018 | Right Livelihood Award | "for turning barren land into forest and demonstrating how farmers can regenerate their soil with innovative use of indigenous and local knowledge." |
1892 | Abdullah al-Hamid | Saudi Arabia | 2018 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their visionary and courageous efforts, guided by universal human rights principles, to reform the totalitarian political system in Saudi Arabia." |
1893 | Mohammad Fahad al-Qahtani | Saudi Arabia | 2018 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their visionary and courageous efforts, guided by universal human rights principles, to reform the totalitarian political system in Saudi Arabia." |
1894 | Waleed Sami Abulkhair | Saudi Arabia | 2018 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their visionary and courageous efforts, guided by universal human rights principles, to reform the totalitarian political system in Saudi Arabia." |
1895 | Tony Rinaudo | Australia | 2018 | Right Livelihood Award | "for demonstrating on a large scale how drylands can be greened at minimal cost, improving the livelihoods of millions of people." |
1896 | Greta Thunberg | Sweden | 2019 | Right Livelihood Award | "for inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts." |
1897 | Aminatou Haidar | Morocco | 2019 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her steadfast nonviolent action, despite imprisonment and torture, in pursuit of justice and self-determination for the people of Western Sahara." |
1898 | Davi Kopenawa Yanomami | Brazil | 2019 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their courageous determination to protect the forests and biodiversity of the Amazon, and the lands and culture of its indigenous peoples." |
1899 | Hutukara Yanomami Association | Brazil | 2019 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their courageous determination to protect the forests and biodiversity of the Amazon, and the lands and culture of its indigenous peoples." |
1900 | Guo Jianmei | China | 2019 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her pioneering and persistent work in securing women's rights in China." |
1901 | Nasrin Sotoudeh | Iran | 2020 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her fearless activism, at great personal risk, to promote political freedoms and human rights in Iran." |
1902 | Bryan Stevenson | United States | 2020 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his inspiring endeavour to reform the US criminal justice system and advance racial reconciliation in the face of historic trauma." |
1903 | Lottie Cunningham Wren | Nicaragua | 2020 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her ceaseless dedication to the protection of indigenous lands and communities from exploitation and plunder." |
1904 | Ales Bialiatski | Belarus | 2020 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their resolute struggle for the realisation of democracy and human rights in Belarus." |
1905 | Viasna Human Rights Centre | Belarus | 2020 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their resolute struggle for the realisation of democracy and human rights in Belarus." |
1906 | Marthe Wandou | Cameroon | 2021 | Right Livelihood Award | "for building a model of community-based child protection in the face of terrorist insurgency and gender-based violence in the Lake Chad region of Cameroon." |
1907 | Vladimir Slivyak | Russia | 2021 | Right Livelihood Award | "for his defence of the environment and for helping to ignite grassroots opposition to the coal and nuclear industries in Russia." |
1908 | Freda Huson | Canada | 2021 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her fearless dedication to reclaiming her people's culture and defending their land against disastrous pipeline projects." |
1909 | Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment (LIFE) | India | 2021 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their innovative legal work empowering communities to protect their resources in the pursuit of environmental democracy in India." |
1910 | Oleksandra Matwijtschuk | Ukraine | 2022 | Right Livelihood Award | "for building sustainable democratic institutions in Ukraine and modelling a path to international accountability for war crimes." |
1911 | Centre for Civil Liberties (CCL) | Ukraine | 2022 | Right Livelihood Award | "for building sustainable democratic institutions in Ukraine and modelling a path to international accountability for war crimes." |
1912 | Fartuun Adan | Somalia | 2022 | Right Livelihood Award | "for promoting peace, demilitarisation and human rights in Somalia in the face of terrorism and gender-based violence." |
1913 | Ilwad Elman | Somalia | 2022 | Right Livelihood Award | "for promoting peace, demilitarisation and human rights in Somalia in the face of terrorism and gender-based violence." |
1914 | Africa Institute for Energy Governance [de] (AFIEGO) | Uganda | 2022 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their courageous work for climate justice and community rights violated by extractivist energy projects in Uganda." |
1915 | Cecosesola (Central Coperativa de Servicios Sociales del Estado Lara) | Venezuela | 2022 | Right Livelihood Award | "for establishing an equitable and cooperative economic model as a robust alternative to profit-driven economies." |
1916 | Eunice Brookman-Amissah | Ghana | 2023 | Right Livelihood Award | "for pioneering discussions on women's reproductive rights in Africa, paving the way for liberalised abortion laws and improved safe abortion access." |
1917 | Mother Nature Cambodia | Cambodia | 2023 | Right Livelihood Award | "for their fearless and engaging activism to preserve Cambodia's natural environment in the context of a highly restricted democratic space." |
1918 | SOS Méditerranée | Europe | 2023 | Right Livelihood Award | "for its life-saving humanitarian search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea." |
1919 | Phyllis Omido | Kenya | 2023 | Right Livelihood Award | "for her groundbreaking struggle to secure land and environmental rights for local communities while advancing the field of environmental law." |
1920 | late Seán MacBride | Timor Leste | 1984 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1921 | Bob Geldof | Timor Leste | 1985 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1922 | Gordon Wilson | Burma | 1987 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1923 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Burma | 1988 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1924 | Nelson Mandela | Zimbabwe | 1989 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1925 | Bill Clinton | Colombia | 2000 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1926 | Rudy Giuliani | Burma | 2001 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1927 | John O’Shea | Ireland | 2003 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1928 | Benazir Bhutto | Crotia | 2007 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1929 | Edward Kennedy | Iran | 2009 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1930 | Dr Sima Samar | Bahrain | 2010 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1931 | Mary McAleese and Martin McAleese | Libya | 2011 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1932 | Malala Yousafzai | South Africa | 2012 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1933 | Richard Haass | Turkey | 2013 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1934 | Ban Ki-moon | Russia | 2014 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1935 | Juan Manuel Santos | Colombia | 2017 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1936 | Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya | Belarus | 2022 | Tipperary International Peace Award | made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and the resolution of conflicts on a global scale. |
1937 | Zvi Goldstein | Israel | 2002 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1938 | Khalil Rabah | Palestine | 2002 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1939 | Mordechai Vanunu | Israel | 2004 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1940 | Seymour Hersh | United States | 2004 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1941 | Center for Constitutional Rights | United States | 2006 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1942 | Médecins Sans Frontières | France | 2006 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1943 | Iceland | Iceland | 2008 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1944 | Vandana Shiva | India | 2008 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1945 | Josh Fox | United States | 2010 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1946 | Barbara Kowalcyk | United States | 2010 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1947 | Michael Pollan | United States | 2010 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1948 | Alice Walker | United States | 2010 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1949 | Lady Gaga | United States | 2012 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1950 | Rachel Corrie (awarded posthumously) | United States | 2012 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1951 | John Perkins | United States | 2012 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1952 | Christopher Hitchens (awarded posthumously) | United Kingdom | 2012 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1953 | Pussy Riot | Russia | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights | |
1954 | Jann Wenner | United States | 2014 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1955 | Jeremy Gilley | United Kingdom | 2014 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1956 | Art Production Fund | United States | 2014 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1957 | Jón Gnarr | Iceland | 2014 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1958 | Olafur Eliasson | Iceland | 2016 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1959 | Sir Anish Kapoor | India | 2016 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1960 | Katalin Ladik | Hungary | 2016 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1961 | Ai Weiwei | China | 2016 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1962 | Make the Road New York | United States | 2018 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1963 | Wounded Warrior Fund at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center | United States | 2018 | LennonOno Grant for Peace | dedication to peace and commitment to the preservation of human rights |
1964 | Foundation for Cultural Heritage | Japan | 2000 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of their contribution to world peace through preservation and restoration of world cultural heritage and assets around the globe including sites in conflict areas. |
1965 | Genshitsu Sen | Japan | 2003 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of his contribution to international cultural exchange and goodwill through the Way of Tea. |
1966 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Russia | 2005 | Goi Peace Award | For promoting new thinking and values for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world order. |
1967 | José Antonio Abreu | Venezuela | 2013 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of his extraordinary achievement in transforming the lives of young people through music. |
1968 | Nursultan Nazarbayev | Kazakhtan | 2016 | Goi Peace Award | For his leadership in promoting nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, and for his initiative to foster peace and unity through interfaith dialogue and inter-cultural ties. |
1969 | James Lovelock | United Kingdom | 2000 | Goi Peace Award | For contributing to changing people’s awareness of the Earth and inspiring the global environmental movement through the “Gaia Theory. |
1970 | Ervin Laszlo | Hungary | 2001 | Goi Peace Award | For promoting planetary consciousness for a new and sustainable civilization based on his extraordinary insights and vision. |
1971 | Takeshi Umehara | Japan | 2002 | Goi Peace Award | For revealing timeless wisdom for a harmonious future through his unique and comprehensive study of Japanese culture. |
1972 | Robert Muller | France | 2003 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of his life’s work for world peace as a visionary leader and educator. |
1973 | Oscar Arias Sánchez | Costa Rica | 2004 | Goi Peace Award | For his tireless efforts to promote global peace, democracy and human progress. |
1974 | Lester Brown | United States | 2005 | Goi Peace Award | For promoting global environmental awareness and a sustainable and equitable world through many years of research, analysis and advocacy. |
1975 | Duane Elgin | United States | 2006 | Goi Peace Award | For promoting a new vision, consciousness and lifestyle that fosters a more sustainable and spiritual culture. |
1976 | Bill Drayton | United States | 2007 | Goi Peace Award | For his pioneering work to support social entrepreneurs and thereby paving the way for a truly innovative citizen sector to emerge around the world. |
1977 | Bill Gates | United States | 2008 | Goi Peace Award | For his visionary leadership to help create a more equitable world through philanthropy. |
1978 | Bruce Lipton | United States | 2009 | Goi Peace Award | For his pioneering work in the field of new biology, which has contributed to a greater understanding of life and empowered many people to take control of their own lives. |
1979 | Deepak Chopra | United States | 2010 | Goi Peace Award | For his visionary leadership in promoting global peace and well being through personal transformation. |
1980 | Bill Strickland | United States | 2011 | Goi Peace Award | For his commitment and innovative social work to help the underserved population transform their lives. |
1981 | Helena Norberg-Hodge | Sweden | 2012 | Goi Peace Award | For her pioneering work in the localization movement to help create a more sustainable and equitable world. |
1982 | Silsilah Dialogue Movement | Philippinis | 2013 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of its many years of commitment to promote dialogue for peace and solidarity among Muslims and Christians in the Philippines. |
1983 | Kazuo Inamori | Japan | 2014 | Goi Peace Award | For his contribution towards building an economy and society based on new ethics, by setting an example with his ethical and visionary management philosophy. |
1984 | Lynne Twist | United States | 2015 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of her lifelong commitment to empower humanity in creating a thriving, just, and sustainable world for all. |
1985 | Hafsat Abiola-Costello | Nigeria | 2016 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of her unwavering commitment to advance women’s rights and leadership and pave the way for true democracy in Africa. |
1986 | Kenny Ausubel | United States | 2017 | Goi Peace Award | For their pioneering work to promote nature-inspired innovations for restoring the Earth and our human community. |
1987 | Nina Simons | United States | 2017 | Goi Peace Award | For their pioneering work to promote nature-inspired innovations for restoring the Earth and our human community. |
1988 | Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa | Morocco | 2018 | Goi Peace Award | In honor of her leadership in promoting the protection of the environment and improving people’s quality of life, particularly through education and advocacy for sustainable development. |
1989 | Nipun Mehta | United States | 2019 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of their collective efforts to transform the world through generosity. |
1990 | ServiceSpace | United States | 2019 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of their collective efforts to transform the world through generosity. |
1991 | Jacques Attali | France | 2020 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of his visionary leadership in promoting a positive economy and a positive future for all. |
1992 | Gunter Pauli | Belgium | 2021 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of his pioneering work in developing sustainable design and innovative business models which promote the well-being of all in harmony with the environment. |
1993 | Satish Kumar | United Kingdom | 2022 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of his lifelong dedication to campaigning for ecological regeneration, social justice, and spiritual fulfillment. |
1994 | Scilla Elworthy | United Kingdom | 2023 | Goi Peace Award | In recognition of her lifelong dedication to prevent and transform conflicts and build sustainable peace throughout the world. |
1995 | Mohammed Aly Aly ABDELKHALEK | Egypt | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Art for Peace |
1996 | Pedro Reyes | Mexico | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Art for Peace |
1997 | SIPRI – Stockholm International Peace Research Institute | Sweden | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Environmental Peace |
1998 | Steven M. Druker | United States | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Environmental Peace |
1999 | SEKEM | Egypt | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Environmental Peace |
2000 | Jane Goodall, DBE | Tanzania | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Environmental Peace |
2001 | Water Peace Security | Belgium | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Environmental Peace |
2002 | Professor Scherto Gill | England | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Inner Peace |
2003 | The Well Being Planet | Panama | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Inner Peace |
2004 | Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh | Vietnam | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Inner Peace |
2005 | Healing and Positive Energy Globally | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Inner Peace | |
2006 | Annabel McGoldrick | Australia | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Journalism |
2007 | Jake Lynch | Australia | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Journalism |
2008 | Jamil Simon | United States | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Journalism |
2009 | Steve Youngblood | United States | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Journalism |
2010 | Ervin Laszlo | Hungary | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2011 | Women Wage Peace | Israel | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2012 | Halim Abdoulrazzak | Pakistan | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2013 | Patricia Pellegrini | France | 2014 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2014 | Roberto Martin Kletzel | Argentina | 2014 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2015 | Prof. Dr. Raphael Pitti | France | 2013 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2016 | Charles Danguy | France | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2017 | The Volunteers of the 2012 World Peace Forum | Spain | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2018 | Boualem Sansal | France | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2019 | Jack Sim | Singapore | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2020 | Dr. Scilla Elworthy | United Kingdom | 2020 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2021 | Dr. William Vendley | United States | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2022 | Professor Kevin Clements | New Zealand | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2023 | Aminatou Haidar | Uruguay | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2024 | Mariia Levchenko | Ukraine | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2025 | Gershon Baskin | United States | 2021 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2026 | Ali Abu Awwad | Palestine | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2027 | Gershon Baskin | United States | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2028 | Mariia Levchenko | Ukraine | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2029 | Daniel Quintero Calle | Colombia | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2030 | Carolyn Arguillas | Philippinis | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2031 | SIPRI – Stockholm International Peace Research Institute | Sweden | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2032 | The Well Being Planet | Panama | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2033 | Dr. William Vendley | United States | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2034 | Dr. Scilla Elworthy | Scotland | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2035 | Masami Saionji | Japan | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2036 | Hiroo Saionji | Japan | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2037 | Jack Sim | Singapore | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2038 | Jorge Castella I Cot | Spain | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2039 | Boualem Sansal | Algeria | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2040 | The Volunteers of the 2012 (WPF) | Spain | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2041 | Mr. Charles Danguy | France | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2042 | Prof. Dr. Raphael Pitti | France | 2013 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2043 | Roberto Martin Kletzel | Argentina | 2014 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2044 | Patricia Pellegrini | France | 2014 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2045 | Abdoulrazzak Halim | Pakistan | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2046 | Women Wage Peace | Israel | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2047 | Ervin Laszlo | Hungary | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Activist |
2048 | Rosemarie Gnausch | Germany | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2049 | Prof. Dr. Dulce Magalhaes | Brazil | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2050 | Prof. Dr. Heinz Wismann | France | 2013 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2051 | Gaston Mariotte | France | 2013 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2052 | Carlos Palma | Italy | 2014 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2053 | Manchester International School | Egypt | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2054 | Rowad American College, Cairo | Egypt | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2055 | Associazione Rondine Cittadella della Pace | Italy | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2056 | United World Colleges | United Kingdom | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2057 | Teachers Without Borders | Finland | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2058 | Rotary International | United States | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2059 | Transatlantic Dialogue | China | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2060 | Gaia Education | Scotland | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2061 | UWC International | United Kingdom | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Education |
2062 | F.C. Barcelona Foundation | Spain | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Effort |
2063 | Peace Barcelona 2025 | Spain | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Effort |
2064 | Daniel Quintero Calle | Colombia | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Effort |
2065 | The City of Baia Mare | Romania | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Effort |
2066 | Bashar Al-Kiki | Syria | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Effort |
2067 | Carolyn Arguillas | Philippinis | 2023 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Journalism |
2068 | Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise | Germany | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2069 | Nonviolent Peaceforce | Switzerland | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2070 | Promundo | Brazil | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2071 | Words Heal the World | United States | 2020/2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2072 | Promundo | Brazil | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2073 | Nonviolent Peaceforce | Switzerland | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2074 | PATRIR | Romania | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2075 | Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise | Germany | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2076 | New Humanity, Focolare Movement | Italy | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2077 | Masterpeace Foundation | Belgium | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2078 | Masterpeace Foundation | Egypt | 2015 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2079 | Association of Veterans | France | 2013 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2080 | Words Heal the World | United States | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Public Peace Organisation |
2081 | Colombia Negotiators and Civil Society Actors | Colombia | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Process |
2082 | North and South Korea Initiatives | North Korea-South Korea | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Process |
2083 | Eritrea and Ethiopia | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Process | |
2084 | Dominicus Rohde | Germany | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2085 | Marie-Paule | France | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2086 | Luc Henzig | Bulgaria | 2012 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2087 | H.E. Serigne Saliou Cisse | Senegal | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2088 | Lakshitha Saji Prelis | Sri Lanka | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2089 | Alliance for Peacebuilding | United States | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2090 | Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) | Belgium | 2019 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2091 | A Land for All - Two States, One Homeland | Israel | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Support |
2092 | Steve Killelea | Australia | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Technology |
2093 | Ushahidi Inc. | Kenya | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Technology |
2094 | Peace and Collaborative Development Network | United States | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Technology |
2095 | Peace Training EU | United Nation | 20189 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Technology |
2096 | Libby Liu | United States | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Peace Technology |
2097 | Franck Katschunga | Croatia | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Youth Peacemaker |
2098 | Achaleke Christian Leke | Cameroon | 2018 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Youth Peacemaker |
2099 | Nicolas Maggi Berrueta | Uruguay | 2022 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Youth Peacemaker |
2100 | Omar Abou Baker | Libya | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Youth Peacemaker |
2101 | Asma Khalifa | Libya | 2016 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Youth Peacemaker |
2102 | Boniface Mwangi | Kenya | 2020-21 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Youth Peacemaker |
2103 | Frances Haugen | United States | 2017 | Luxembourg Peace Prize | Outstanding Youth Peacemaker |
2104 | Francine Prose | United States | 2006 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | A Changed Man |
2105 | Kevin Haworth | United States | 2006 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Discontinuity of Small Things |
2106 | Brad Kessler | United States | 2007 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Birds in Fall |
2107 | Lisa Fugard | South Africa | 2007 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Skinner's Drift |
2108 | Junot Díaz | Dominican Republic | 2008 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao |
2109 | Daniel Alarcón | Peru | 2008 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lost City Radio |
2110 | Richard Bausch | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Peace |
2111 | Uwem Akpan | Nigeria | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Say You're One of Them |
2112 | Louise Erdrich | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Plague of Doves |
2113 | Ma Jian | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Beijing Coma |
2114 | Rachel Kushner | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Telex from Cuba |
2115 | James McBride | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Song Yet Sung |
2116 | Marlon James | Jamaica | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Book of Night Women |
2117 | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Nigeria | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Thing Around Your Neck |
2118 | Lucy Beckett | United Kingdom | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | A Postcard from the Volcano |
2119 | Ha Jin | China | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | A Good Fall |
2120 | Abraham Verghese | United States | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Cutting for Stone |
2121 | Eugenia Kim | United States | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Calligrapher's Daughter |
2122 | Chang-rae Lee | South Korea | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Surrendered |
2123 | Maaza Mengiste | Ethiopia | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Beneath the Lion's Gaze |
2124 | Dinaw Mengestu | Ethiopia | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | How to Read the Air |
2125 | Mark Mustian | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Gendarme |
2126 | Teddy Wayne | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Kapitoil |
2127 | Andrew Krivak | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Sojourn |
2128 | Ha Jin | China | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Nanjing Requiem |
2129 | Jesmyn Ward | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Salvage the Bones |
2130 | Ismet Prcic | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Shards |
2131 | Michael Ondaatje | Sri Lanka | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Cat's Table |
2132 | Leah Hager Cohen | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Grief of Others |
2133 | Adam Johnson | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Orphan Master's Son |
2134 | Ben Fountain | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk |
2135 | Robert Olmstead | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Coldest Night |
2136 | Susanna Moore | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Life of Objects |
2137 | Louise Erdrich | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Round House |
2138 | Kevin Powers | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Yellow Birds |
2139 | Bob Shacochis | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Woman Who Lost Her Soul |
2140 | Margaret Wrinkle | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Wash |
2141 | Anthony Marra | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | A Constellation of Vital Phenomena |
2142 | Antonio Muñoz Molina | Spain | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | In the Night of Time |
2143 | Edith Grossman | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | |
2144 | Alice McDermott | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Someone |
2145 | P.S. Duffy | England | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Cartographer of No Man's Land |
2146 | Josh Weil | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Great Glass Sea |
2147 | Anthony Doerr | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | All the Light We Cannot See |
2148 | Roxane Gay | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | An Untamed State |
2149 | Tiphanie Yanique | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Land of Love and Drowning |
2150 | Cristina Henriquez | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Book of Unknown Americans |
2151 | Jacqueline Winspear | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Care and Management of Lies |
2152 | Viet Thanh Nguyen | Vietnam | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Sympathizer |
2153 | James Hannaham | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Delicious Foods |
2154 | Hanya Yanagihara | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | A Little Life |
2155 | Elliot Ackerman | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Green on Blue |
2156 | Aline Ohanesian | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Orhan's Inheritance |
2157 | Matt Gallagher | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Youngblood |
2158 | Patricia Engel | Colombia 2017 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Veins of the Ocean | |
2159 | Yaa Gyasi | United States | 2017 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Homegoing |
2160 | Hala Alyan | United States | 2018 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Salt Houses |
2161 | Min Jin Lee | South Korea | 2018 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Pachinko |
2162 | Golnaz Hashemzadeh Bonde | Iran | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | What We Owe |
2163 | Richard Powers | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Overstory |
2164 | Tommy Orange | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | There There |
2165 | Gina Apostol | Philippinis | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Insurrecto |
2166 | Moriel Rothman Zecher | Israel | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Sadness Is A White Bird |
2167 | Mary Lynn Bracht | Germany | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | White Chrysanthemum |
2168 | Alice Hoffman | United States | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The World That We Knew |
2169 | Christy Lefteri | England | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Beekeeper of Aleppo |
2170 | Valeria Luiselli | Mexico | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lost Children Archive |
2171 | Elif Shafak | Turkey | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | 10 Minutes, 38 Seconds |
2172 | Colson Whitehead | United States | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Nickel Boys |
2173 | Maurice Carlos Ruffin | United States | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | We Cast a Shadow |
2174 | Alexander Starritt | Scotland | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | We Germans |
2175 | Nguy?n Phan Qu? Mai | Vietnam | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Mountains Sing |
2176 | James McBride | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Deacon King Kong |
2177 | Douglas Stuart | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Shuggie Bain |
2178 | Louise Erdrich | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Night Watchman |
2179 | Elizabeth Wetmore | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Valentine |
2180 | Honorée Fanonne Jeffers | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois |
2181 | JoAnne Tompkins | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | What Comes After |
2182 | Juhea Kim | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Beasts of a Little Land |
2183 | Anthony Doerr | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Cloud Cuckoo Land |
2184 | Patricia Engel | Colombia | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Infinite Country |
2185 | Brad Kessler | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | North |
2186 | Stephen Walker | United Kingdom | 2006 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Shockwave: Countdown to Hiroshima |
2187 | Adam Hochschild | United States | 2006 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire's Slaves |
2188 | Mark Kurlansky | United States | 2007 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Nonviolence: Twenty-five Lessons From the History of a Dangerous Idea |
2189 | Greg Mortenson | United States | 2007 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace … One School at a Time |
2190 | David Oliver Relin | United States | 2007 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace … One School at a Time |
2191 | Edwidge Danticat | United States | 2008 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Brother, I'm Dying |
2192 | Cullen Murphy | United States | 2008 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Are We Rome |
2193 | Benjamin Skinner | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | A Crime So Monstrous: Face to Face with Modern Day Slavery |
2194 | Thomas Friedman | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Hot, Flat, and Crowded |
2195 | Nicholson Baker | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization |
2196 | Joan Baxter | Scotland | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Dust from our Eyes: An Unblinkered Look at Africa |
2197 | David Grossman | Israel | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Writing in the Dark |
2198 | Ariel Sabar | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for his Father’s Past |
2199 | Strobe Talbott | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Great Experiment |
2200 | Dave Eggers | United States | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Zeitoun |
2201 | Justine Hardy | United Kingdom | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | In the Valley of Mist |
2202 | Roger Thurowand Scott Kilman | United States | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Enough: Why the Worlds Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty |
2203 | Greg Mortenson | United States | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Stones into Schools |
2204 | Michael Norman and Elizabeth Norman | United States | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Tears in the Darkness: the Story of the Bataan Death March and its Aftermath |
2205 | Chinua Achebe | Nigeria | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Education of a British-Protected Child |
2206 | Wilbert Rideau | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | In The Place Of Justice: A Story of Punishment and Deliverance |
2207 | Isabel Wilkerson | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Warmth of Other Suns |
2208 | Kai Bird | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Crossing Mandelbaum Gate: Coming of Age Between the Arabs and Israelis, 1956–1978 |
2209 | Conor Grennan | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Little Princes |
2210 | Laura Hillenbrand | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Unbroken |
2211 | Mac McClelland | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | For Us Surrender Is Out of the Question |
2212 | Adam Hochschild | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914–1918 |
2213 | Annia Ciezadlo | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Day of Honey |
2214 | Caroline Moorehead | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | A Train in Winter: An Extraordinary Story of Women, Friendship, and Resistance in Occupied France |
2215 | Leymah Gbowee | Libya | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer and Sex Changed a Nation at War: A Memoir |
2216 | Karl Marlantes | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | What It Is Like to Go to War |
2217 | Andrew Solomon | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity |
2218 | Gilbert King | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America |
2219 | Katherine Boo | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity |
2220 | Carmen Bugan | Romania | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Burying the Typewriter |
2221 | Blaine Harden | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Escape from Camp 14 |
2222 | Karl Meyer and Shareen Brysac | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Pax Ethnica |
2223 | Karima Bennoune | Algeria | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here |
2224 | Jo Roberts | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Contested Land, Contested Memory: Israel's Jews and Arabs and the Ghosts of Catastrophe |
2225 | Steve McQuiddy | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Here on the Edge: How a Small Group of World War II Conscientious Objectors Took Art and Peace from the Margins to the Mainstream |
2226 | Katy Butler | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Knocking on Heaven's Door: The Path to a Better Way of Death |
2227 | Jesmyn Ward | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Men We Reaped: A Memoir |
2228 | David Finkel | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Thank You for Your Service |
2229 | Bryan Stevenson | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption |
2230 | Jeff Hobbs | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace |
2231 | Elizabeth D. Samet | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | No Man's Land: Preparing for War and Peace in Post-9/11 America |
2232 | Lacy Johnson | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Other Side |
2233 | Meline Toumani | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | There Was and There Was Not: A Journey Through Hate and Possibility in Turkey, Armenia, and Beyond |
2234 | Jeff Chang | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Who We Be: A Cultural History of Race in Post-Civil Rights America |
2235 | Susan Southard | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Nagasaki: Life After Nuclear War |
2236 | Kennedy Odede and Jessica Posner | Kenya | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Find Me Unafraid |
2237 | Ta-Nehisi Coates | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Between the World and Me |
2238 | Wil Haygood | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America |
2239 | Wab Kinew | Canada | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Reason You Walk |
2240 | Jan Jarboe Russell | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Train to Crystal City: FDR's Secret Prisoner Exchange Program and America's Only Family Internment Camp During World War II |
2241 | David Wood | United States | 2017 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | What Have We Done: The Moral Injury of Our Longest Wars |
2242 | Ben Rawlence | United Kingdom | 2017 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World's Largest Refugee Camp |
2243 | Ta-Nehisi Coates | United States | 2018 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy |
2244 | Michelle Kuo | United States | 2018 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Reading with Patrick |
2245 | Eli Saslow | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Rising Out of Hatred |
2246 | Wil Haygood | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Tigerland |
2247 | Tara Westover | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Educated |
2248 | David W. Blight | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom |
2249 | Khalida Brohi | Pakistan | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | I Should Have Honor |
2250 | Anthony Hinton with Lara Love Hardin | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row |
2251 | Chanel Miller | United States | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Know My Name |
2252 | Jennifer Eberhardt | United States | 2020 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Beekeeper of Aleppo |
2253 | Ariana Neumann | Venezeula | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father's War and What Remains |
2254 | Jordan Ritter Conn | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Road from Raqqa |
2255 | Toni Jenson | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Carry: A Memoir of Survival on Stolen Land |
2256 | Isabel Wilkerson | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents |
2257 | Valarie Kaur | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love |
2258 | Michele Harper | United States | 2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Beauty in Breaking: A Memoir |
2259 | Clint Smith | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America |
2260 | Andrea Elliott | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City |
2261 | Amanda Ripley | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out |
2262 | Shugri Said Salh | Somalia | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Last Nomad: Coming of Age in the Somali Desert: A Memoir |
2263 | Heather McGhee | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together |
2264 | Evan Osnos | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Wildland: The Making of America's Fury |
2265 | Studs Terkel | United States | 2006 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2266 | Elie Wiesel | United States | 2007 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2267 | Taylor Branch | United States | 2008 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2268 | Nicholas Kristof | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2269 | Sheryl WuDunn | United States | 2009 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2270 | Geraldine Brooks | United States | 2010 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2271 | Barbara Kingsolver | United States | 2011 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2272 | Tim O'Brien | United States | 2012 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2273 | Wendell Berry | United States | 2013 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2274 | Louise Erdrich | United States | 2014 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2275 | Gloria Steinem | United States | 2015 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2276 | Marilynne Robinson | United States | 2016 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2277 | Colm Tóibín | Ireland | 2017 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2278 | John Irving | United States | 2018 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2279 | N. Scott Momaday | United States | 2019 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2280 | Margaret Atwood | Canada | 2020/2021 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2281 | Wil Haygood | United States | 2022 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2282 | Sandra Cisneros | United States | 2023 | Dayton Literary Peace Prize | Lifetime Achievement Award |
2283 | Swami Ranganathananda | India | 1987 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2284 | Aruna Asaf Ali | India | 1987 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2285 | The Bharat Scouts and Guides | India | 1987 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2286 | Rafique Alam | India | 1988 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2287 | P. N. Haksar | India | 1990 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2288 | M. S. Subbulakshmi | India | 1990 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2289 | Rajiv Gandhi (posthumous) | India | 1993 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2290 | Paramdham Ashram (Wardha, Maharashtra) | India | 1993 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2291 | Acharya Tulsi | India | 1993 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2292 | Bishambhar Nath Pande | India | 1996 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2293 | Beant Singh (posthumous) | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2294 | Natwar Thakkar (jointly) | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2295 | Gandhi Institute of Public Affairs (Karnataka) | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2296 | Indira Gandhi Centre for National (Shanti Niketan) | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2297 | A. P. J. Abdul Kalam | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2298 | Shankar Dayal Sharma | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2299 | Satish Dhawan | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2300 | H. Y. Sharada Prasad | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2301 | Ram-Rahim Nagar Slum Dwellers Association (Ahmedabad) | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2302 | Aaman Pathik Peace Volunteer Group (Ahmedabad) | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2303 | Ram Sinh Solanki and Sunil Tamaiche (jointly) | India | Unknown | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2304 | Acharya Mahaprajna | India | 2002 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2305 | Shyam Benegal | India | 2003 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2306 | Mahashweta Devi | India | 2004 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2307 | Javed Akhtar | India | 2005 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2308 | Dr. J. S. Bandukwala and Ram Puniyani (jointly) | India | 2006 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2309 | Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust | India | 2008 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2310 | Balraj Puri | India | 2009 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2311 | A. R. Rahman | India | 2010 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2312 | Ramakrishna Mission Ashram (jointly) | India | 2010 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2313 | Mohan Dharia | India | 2011 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2314 | Gulzar | India | 2012 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2315 | M. S. Swaminathan | India | 2013 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2316 | Rajagopal P. V. | India | 2014 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2317 | T. M. Krishna | India | 2015 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2318 | T. M. Krishna | India | 2016 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2319 | Chandi Prasad Bhatt | India | 2017 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2320 | Chandi Prasad Bhatt | India | 2018 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2321 | Chandi Prasad Bhatt | India | 2019 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration | promoting national integration and understanding and fellowship amongst religious groups, communities, ethnic groups, cultures, languages and traditions of India and the strengthening, through thought and action of the nation's sense of solidarity. |
2322 | Pro-femmes Twese Hamwe | Rwanda | 1996 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2323 | Narayan Desai | India | 1998 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2324 | Joint Action Committee for People's Rights | Pakistan | 1998 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2325 | Pope Shenouda III | Egypt | 2000 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2326 | Aung San Suu Kyi | Myanmar | 2002 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2327 | Taslima Nasreen | Bangladesh | 2004 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2328 | Veerasingham Anandasangaree | Sri Lanka | 2006 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2329 | François Houtart | Belgium | 2009 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2330 | Abdul Sattar Edhi | Pakistan | 2009 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2331 | Anarkali Kaur Honaryar | Afghanistan | 2011 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2332 | Khaled Abu Awwad | Palestine | 2011 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2333 | Ibrahim Ag Idbaltanat | Mali | 2014 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2334 | Francisco Javier Estevez Valencia | Chile | 2014 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2335 | Federal Research and Methodological Center for Tolerance, Psychology and Education | Russia | 2016 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2336 | Ms Manon Barbeau, Canadian filmmaker & President and Founder of Wapikoni Mobile[ | Canada | 2018 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2337 | The Coexist Initiative, Kenyan NGO | Kenya | 2018 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2338 | Centre Résolution Conflits | Congo | 2020 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2339 | Franca Ma-ih Sulem Yong | Cameroon | 2022 | UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize | for the promotion of tolerance and non-violance for advancing the spirit of tolerance in the Arts, Education, Culture, Science & Communication |
2340 | Marion Gräfin Dönhoff | Germany | 1993 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2341 | Adam Michnik | Poland | 1995 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2342 | Jirí Gruša | Czech | 1998 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2343 | Freya von Moltke | Germany | 1999 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2344 | Arno Lustiger | Germany | 2000 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2345 | Miloslav Vlk | Czech | 2001 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2346 | Wladyslaw Bartoszewski | Poland | 2002 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2347 | Kurt Biedenkopf | Germany | 2003 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2348 | Valdas Adamkus | Lituania | 2004 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2349 | Giora Feidman | Israel | 2005 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2350 | Günter Grass | Germany | 2006 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2351 | Arvo Pärt | Estonia | 2007 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2352 | Fritz Stern | United States | 2008 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2353 | Norman Davies | United Kingdom | 2009 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2354 | Tadeusz Mazowiecki | Poland | 2010 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2355 | Gesine Schwan | Germany | 2011 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2356 | Vitali Klitschko | Ukraine | 2012 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2357 | Steffen Möller | Germany | 2013 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2358 | Jean-Claude Juncker | Luxembourg | 2014 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2359 | Olga Tokarczuk, Polish writer | Poland | 2015 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2360 | Timothy Garton Ash | United Kingdom | 2016 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2361 | Alfons Nossol | Poland | 2017 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2362 | Daniel Libeskind | Poland | 2018 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2363 | Bente Kahan | Norway | 2019 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2364 | Tzipi Livni | Israel | 2020 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2365 | Herta Müller | Germany | 2022 | Bruckepreis (Bridge Prize) | contributed by a life's work to better understanding between peoples. |
2366 | Ronald Reagan | United States | 1989 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2367 | Mahatma Gandhi | India | 2003 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2368 | Yitzhak Rabin | Israel | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2369 | Fidel Valdez Ramos | Philippinis | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2370 | Yakubu Gowan | Nigeria | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2371 | Syngman Rhee | South Korea | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2372 | Abdurrahman Wahid | Indonesia | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2373 | Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat | Mongolia | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2374 | Hosni Mubarak | Egypt | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2375 | Kuniwo Nakamura | Palau | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2376 | Meles Zenawi | Ethiopia | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2377 | Ben Gilman | United States | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2378 | H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III | China | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2379 | Hun Sen | Cambodia | Unknown | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2380 | Richard L. Trumka | United States | 2015 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2381 | John Sweeney | UAE | 2016 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2382 | Elizabeth Powell | Uninted Kingdom | 2016 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2383 | Tefere Gebre | Ethiopia | 2017 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2384 | Richard L. Trumka | United States | 2018 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2385 | Michael T. Carrigan | United States | 2018 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2386 | George H. Lee | England | 2018 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2387 | Patrick J. Eiding | United States | 2018 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2388 | Pierrette Petee Talley | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2389 | Steven A. Tolman | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2390 | Elizabeth Powell | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2391 | Monserrat Garibay | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2392 | Rev. Terrence L. Melvin | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2393 | Michel J. Barnes | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2394 | Dr. Everett Kelley | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2395 | Michael Louis | United States | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2396 | Ron Bieber | Canada | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2397 | Levi Allen | Tennessee | 2019 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2398 | Daniel Duncan | United States | 2020 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2399 | Frank J. Christensen | United States | 2022 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2400 | Greg Floyd | United States | 2022 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2401 | Anthony Madaio | United States | 2022 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2402 | Richard L. Trumka | United States | 2023 | World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2403 | Elizabeth Powell | United States | 2023 | Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2404 | Frank J. Christensen | United States | 2023 | Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2405 | Dr. Everett B. Kelley | United States | 2023 | Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |
2406 | Charles Brave | United States | 2023 | Richard L. Trumka World Peace Prize | intention to promote world peace and inter-religious understanding |