Living Humans

Living Human Award
The First ever Award in this world to identify and designate a human being having intact human values. “Lh.” (Living Human) Is the title given to the awardees as a prefix to their name.
Award Motivation
Prevailing socio-cultural and educational system use many honorific form of address conveying esteem, courtesy or respect. These can be titles prefixing a person's name, e.g.: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Sir, Dame, Dr, Cllr, Lady, or Lord, or other titles or positions as in Mr President, General, Captain, Father, Doctor, or Earl, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness or Your Highness, My lord/lady or Your Lordship/Ladyship to designate them with nobility, royalty, clergy and other social and educational achievement. Unfortunately, there is no honorific form for a human being who has lived his/her life attaining the highest identity of human form means adhering the human quality (original traits). Holding different designations, positions, salutations and honours many human beings perform their duty being a human. Many a time they serve the humanity by sacrificing their needs, wishes, desires, dreams, family and many more which need to be honoured to gratify their efforts towards adhering the human form in this selfish society. With this background, Living Humanity initiated to identify and felicitate these humans who has spend their life for serving the society selflessly along with all other socio-cultural responsibilities. To justify this, for the first time ever in this world, Living Humans are awarded and honorified as “Lh.” to make them aware about their novelty and their role in this society for peace building.
The Living Humans are the human beings having intact human values irrespective of their position, designation, possession, profession etc.
The persons who have maintained their original traits (love, purity, happiness, respect, morality, honesty, truthfulness, wisdom, creativity, compassion, forgiveness, dedication, discipline, understanding and patience etc.) wholly or partially during their life spans while performing other social responsibility are the true examples of living humans and intentionally and unintentionally they spread a message of good human being towards their surrounding and society to live a life being a human. Living Humanity aims to identify such kind of human being and felicitate them for their uniqueness and selfless service towards human race. Unknowingly what they are doing is the basic requirement of society to create a healthy and peaceful society. Promoting such personalities will inspire next generations to live a life having intact human values.
The Social designations are acquired in this society using educational and other socio-cultural platforms or gifted by inheritance. But the true inheritance of human race, which is the basic BIOS of all Human being in this world is HUMAN VALUES or HUMANITY needs to be expressed with all other traits which is diminishing day by day and reduction of human values has created in-equilibrium in society. The man-made gaps are increasing and every moment human is feeling unsatisfaction. To obtain a harmonious state in this world Living Humanity has formulated many tools through upscaling human values. Identification of Living Humans, Felicitation of Living Humans for their novelty, publishing their work, intention and promoting their work for large scale multiplication is one of the tools for bridge the gaps between common people and living humans. As human believe by seeing, so it’s a way to get confidence to live life with human values like living humans.
Living Human Awardee will be pioneer and front-line communicators of Living Humanity tools for self-reformations, bridging the gaps and living life unitedly. As these people are common people having varied professions and cultural diversity, the adaptability of living humanity tools will be easier with less efforts.
As Living Humanity aims at reaching to the last human of this world to bring out peace in this mother earth, Living Humans are the pole position to set benchmark and move forward.
Worldwide Living Humans chain will be the first achievement of Living Humanity to bridge the man-made gaps with fractions of time span while reforming millions of people with humanitarian actions.
Candidacy Criteria
Capacity for Transformation. (Ability to transfer LiFE energy in or into other Life or Non-Life energy (visible/invisible) form.
Have the potency to upscale human values among large mass of people. (By acting, demonstrating or speech).
Having a vision beyond the religious thought, socio-cultural understanding and educational traditions.
Fill with human values like love, compassion, empathy, unity and power to connect with people in human form.
Obeying the creational law of coexistence.
Connected with origin of life and life forms.
Ability to hold Living Humanity principle, ethics and replicate the same.
Having minimum needs for material life and connected to natural form of living.
Works for Divinity obeying the creational principles.
Unconditional care towards life and non-life forms.
Working selflessly and dedicatedly for social reformation and upscaling human values.
Aware about human consciousness and human life.
Socially active for public speaking, writing, communicating, addressing and influencing the common people to become aware of human values and human form.
Loving Life at a fullest potential.
Follows purity of heart in the Beatitudes.
Peacemaker must speak the truth in love.
Open to reasons.
Impartial, Sincere and Patiently working.
Behaviour of contemplation and self reflection.
Connecting towards origin.
Have a vision towards harmony and peace.
Nomination for Living Human Award
A nomination for the LIVING HUMAN AWARD may be submitted by any person who meets the nomination criteria. A letter of invitation to submit is not required. There are six (6) Living Humans who have been awarded for LIVING HUMAN AWARD till today.
Process of Nomination and Selection.
The Selection Committee
A nomination for the LIVING HUMAN AWARD may be submitted by any person who meets the nomination criteria. A letter of invitation to submit is not required. There are six (6) Living Humans who have been awarded for LIVING HUMAN AWARD till today. Process of nomination and selection.
Spiritual Leader.
Proffessor/ Senior Scientist/ Head/ Equivalent/ Organization Head of Human Value, Epigenetics and Ethics.
Proffessor/ Senior Scientist/ Head/ Persons/ Organization Head working for Animal care.
Proffessor/ Senior Scientist/ Head/ Persons/ Organization Head working for Child Care.
Proffessor/ Senior Scientist/ Head/ Persons/ Organization Head working for Human psychology and behavioural Science.
Proffessor/ Senior Scientist/ Head/ Persons/ Organization Head working for Art, Culture, Indigenous Knowledge etc.
Doctor/Proffessor/ Senior Scientist/ Head/ Persons/ Organization Head working for Human Health care system.
Head/ Equivalent/ Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working for humanity.
Head/ Equivalent/ Representative of Elder Society/ Elderly person working with human values.
Head/ Equivalent/ Representative of Peace building organization/ program.
Awarded Living Humans.
Qualified Nominators
A nomination for the LIVING HUMAN AWARD is only considered valid if submitted by a person who meets certain criteria.
According to the statutes of the LIVING HUMANITY TRUST, a nomination for the LIVING HUMAN AWARD is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within one of the following categories, a personal application for an award will also be considered with 2 referees having nomination qualification.
Persons who have been awarded the LIVING HUMAN AWARD
Members of the main board of directors or its equivalent of organizations that have been awarded the LIVING HUMAN AWARD.
Current members of Living Humanity.
Registered Social Organization all over the world working for more than 5 years on Humanity actively
Head or members of Peace making organizations.
Social Reformers already awarded nationally for peace making.
Professionals having keen interest in human values and working for it.
Spiritual leaders having worldwide impact.
Spiritual organization working for betterment of human life.
University professors, professor’s emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, epigenetics, spirituality and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes.
Scientist working on human behavior, epigenetics, psychology, human mind other dimensional beings.
Persons/ organization working for health care, child care, environmental care, animal care, art and culture, human values, elder citizen, Divyang, social reformation, education etc. If you belong to a group of qualified nominators, you may use the online nomination form to submit your nomination.
Selection of Living Human Award
Activities & Time Line

April ~ Notification for Living Human Award application.
May-June ~ The Selection Committee prepares to receive nominations. These nominations will be submitted by Persons who have been awarded the LIVING HUMAN AWARD, Members of the main board of directors or its equivalent of organizations that have been awarded the LIVING HUMAN AWARD, Current members of Living Humanity ,Registered Social Organization all over the world working for more than 5 years on Humanity actively, Head or members of Peace making organizations, Social Reformers already awarded nationally for peace making, Professionals having keen interest in human values and working for it, Spiritual leaders having worldwide impact, Spiritual organization working for betterment of human life, University professors, professor’s emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, epigenetics, spirituality and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes,Scientist working on human behavior, epigenetics, psychology, human mind other dimensional beings, Persons/ organization working for health care, child care, environmental care, animal care, art and culture, human values, elder citizen, Divyang, social reformation, education etc.
July-August ~ Deadline for submission. In order to be considered for the award of the year, nominations for the LIVING HUMAN AWARD shall be sent in to the Selection committee of Living Humanity before the 30th of June. Selection Committee of respective country do the same. Nominations postmarked and received after this date are included in the following year’s discussions.
September-October ~ Short list. The Committee assesses the candidates’ work and prepares a short list.
November-December ~ Short list. The Committee assesses the candidates’ work and prepares a short list.
January-February ~ LIVING HUMAN AWARDEE are chosen. At the beginning of DECEMBER, the Committee chooses the LIVING HUMAN AWARD laureates through a majority vote. The decision is final and without appeal. The names of the LIVING HUMAN AWARD laureates are then announced.
March ~LIVING HUMAN receive their prize. The LIVING HUMAN AWARD award ceremony takes place on 7th March every year at respective country main office , where the laureates receive their Prize.
Submission of Nominations
The Living Human Selection Committee has launched an on-line nomination form that you can use if you are a qualified nominator (see the list ‘Qualified nominators’) above) or candidate. The form can be reached from the website of the Living Humanity between May-June.
Deadline for Application
Nominations and direct applications deadline is 3oth June at 12 midnight. Applications which do not meet the deadline are normally included in the following year’s assessment.
Selection Process
At the first meeting of the selection Committee after the 30th June deadline for nominations, the Committee’s Permanent Secretary presents the list of the year’s candidates. The Committee may on that occasion add further names to the list, after which the nomination process is closed, and discussion of the particular candidates begins. In the light of this first review, the Committee draws up the so-called short list – i.e. the list of candidates selected for more thorough consideration. The short list typically contains from twenty to thirty candidates.
The candidates on the short list are then considered by the Living Humanity permanent advisers. In addition to the Institute’s Director and Research Director, the body of advisers generally consists of a small group of Living Humanity selection committee with broad expertise in subject areas with a bearing on the Living Human Award. The advisers usually have a couple of months in which to draw up their reports.
When the advisers’ reports have been presented, the Living Human commitee embarks on a thorough-going discussion of the most likely candidates. In the process, the need often arises to obtain additional information and updates about candidates from additional experts, often foreign. As a rule, the Committee reaches a decision only at its very last meeting before the announcement of the Prize at the beginning of February.
The Committee seeks to achieve unanimity in its selection of the LIVING HUMAN AWARD laureate. On the rare occasions when this proves impossible, the selection is decided by a simple majority vote.
Living Human Awardees
Lh. Ramakanta Das
Living Human Award 2017
Lh. Manoj Dhir
Living Human Award 2017
Lh. Pankaj Pal
Living Human Award 2017
Lh. (Dr). M. N. Baig
Living Human Award 2017
Lh. Manoj Kumar Parida
Living Human Award 2022
Lh. Ushamani Senapati
Living Human Award 2023
Review Text
Lh. Malcolm Harper Living Human Award 2024