

World Leader for Peace and Security Award

World Leader for Peace and Security Award

The World Leader for Peace and Security Award is a prestigious award given to leaders who have made significant contributions to global peace and security. The award is presented by the Boston Global Forum (BGF) and the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation

SlNameCountryFlagYearAwarded For
10Mata Amritanandmayee DeviIndia2023have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
9Volodymyr ZelenskyyUkrine2022have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
8Andreas NorlénSweden2021have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
7Ursula von der LeyenGermany2020have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
6Vaira Vike-FreibergaLativa2019have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
5Sauli NiinistöFinland2018have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
4Toomas Hendrik lIvesEstonia2017have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
3Ban Ki-moonSouth Korea2016have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
2Shinzo AbeJapan2015have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.
1Angela MerkelGermany2014have made significant contributions to peace and security around the world.

World Leader for Peace and Security Award Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

Mata Amritanandmayee Devi

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2023

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2022

Andreas Norlén

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2021

World Leader for Peace and Security Award Laureates (2020 ~ 2014)

Ursula von der Leyen

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2020

Vaira Vike-Freiberga

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2019

Sauli Niinistö

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2018

Toomas Hendrik lIves

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2017

Ban Ki-moon

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2016

Shinzo Abe

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2015

Angela Merkel

World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2014