

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award

The ACR Foundation Global Humanitarian Award recognizes outstanding individuals, organizations and programs working to improve access to and equitable delivery of quality radiological services in low- and middle-income countries and in areas of need within more developed nations. The World Health Organization estimates that half of the world’s population lacks access to radiological services. Additionally, the challenges of health equity within any country may lead to higher mortality and morbidity rates that could be ameliorated with greater access to quality radiological care. The ACRF works with volunteer radiologists, organizations, industry representatives and allied health workers to improve access to quality radiological services in areas of need.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
11Boyd N. HattonUnited States2024for positive global impact on radiology services
10Kassa DargeEthiopia2022for positive global impact on radiology services
9David H. EpsteinUnited States2022for positive global impact on radiology services
8Faisal KhosaPakistan2021for positive global impact on radiology services
7Herman OosterwijkNetherlands2021for positive global impact on radiology services
6Norman YoungCanada2021for positive global impact on radiology services
5Lawrence R. KaneCanada2020for positive global impact on radiology services
4Sarwat HussainPakistan2020for positive global impact on radiology services
3Richard N. HirshUnited States2019for positive global impact on radiology services
2MamotestArgentina2019for positive global impact on radiology services
1Michael T. NelsonUnited States2018for positive global impact on radiology services

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

Boyd N. Hatton

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2024

Kassa Darge

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2022

David H. Epstein

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2022

Faisal Khosa

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2021

Herman Oosterwijk

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2021

Norman Young

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2021


ACRF Global Humanitarian Award Laureates (2020 ~ 2018)

Lawrence R. Kane

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2020

Sarwat Hussain

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2020

Richard N. Hirsh

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2019


ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2019

Michael T. Nelson

ACRF Global Humanitarian Award 2018