

Art, Science and Peace Prize

Art, Science and Peace Prize

The Art, Science and Peace Prize is awarded every 3 years by Man Center, in collaboration with the World Interreligious Center, to a Personality who has particularly excelled in the fields of Arts and Sciences for his or her work for peace and the well-being of humankind. The profound and symbolic message of the Prize is that the Arts and Sciences can be a wonderful tool for bringing Peace into the world and elevating the Spirit of man, uniting all the peoples of the Earth.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
5 Roberto BenigniItaly2018For his unequalled ability to reach the heart of the public by transmitting a message of high artistic, human and spiritual value aimed at reawakening one’s conscience and favoring understanding and love between people and populations
4Tenor Andrea BocelliItaly2015For spreading with his voice a worldwide message of brotherhood and peace, beyond all barriers of race, nationality or religion
3Umberto VeronesItaly2012For his long career dedicated to alleviating suffering and spreading principles directed to respect for the human person in the world
2 Franco ZeffirelliItaly2005For his directing of the movies “Jesus of Nazareth”, “Brother Sun and Sister Moon” and “Romeo and Juliet”, which have expressed a message of brotherhood and peace worldwide.
1Fernanda PivanoItaly2002For translating and disseminating great USA pacifist writers who bring a message of peace and non-violence to the world

Art, Science and Peace Prize (2020 ~ 2000)

Roberto Benigni

Art, Science & Peace Prize 2018

Tenor Andrea Bocelli

Art, Science & Peace Prize 2015

Umberto Veronesi

Art, Science & Peace Prize 2012

Franco Zeffirelli

Art, Science & Peace Prize 2005

Fernanda Pivano

Art, Science & Peace Prize 2002