

Edelstam Prize

Edelstam Prize

The Edelstam Prize, named after Harald Edelstam, is awarded annually by the Harald Edelstam Foundation. The Edelstam Prize is awarded to a person who has shown outstanding contributions and courage in defense of Human Rights. The Edelstam Prize is named for the Swedish diplomat and ambassador Harald Edelstam (1913-1989). He was an early proponent and symbol of what is today known as "Responsibility to Protect", and his memorable acts contributed to saving more than a thousand lives. The winner of the Edelstam Prize can be someone from the private sector or a public servant. The laureate demonstrates an ability to analyze and handle complex situations and to defend Human Rights. The candidate has, presumably in a complex situation, been able to take a decisive role in helping threatened people or directly saving human lives. Civic courage is a central parameter in the selection of the successful candidate.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
7Dawit IsaakEritrea2024for outstanding contributions and exceptional courage in standing up for one's beliefs in the Defence of Human Rights.
6Norma Esther AndradeMexico2022for outstanding contributions and exceptional courage in standing up for one's beliefs in the Defence of Human Rights.
5Osvalinda Marcelino Alves PereiraBrazil2020for outstanding contributions and exceptional courage in standing up for one's beliefs in the Defence of Human Rights.
4Li Wenzuchina2018for outstanding contributions and exceptional courage in standing up for one's beliefs in the Defence of Human Rights.
3Juan Guzmán TapiaChile2016for outstanding contributions and exceptional courage in standing up for one's beliefs in the Defence of Human Rights.
2Benjamin Manuel JerónimoGuatemala2014for outstanding contributions and exceptional courage in standing up for one's beliefs in the Defence of Human Rights.
1Bahareh HedayatIran2012for outstanding contributions and exceptional courage in standing up for one's beliefs in the Defence of Human Rights.

Edelstam Prize Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

Dawit Isaak

Edelstam Prize 2024

Li Wenzu

Edelstam Prize 2018

Juan Guzmán Tapia

Edelstam Prize 2016

Bahareh Hedayat

Edelstam Prize 2012