

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage

The Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage was established by the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010 to honor alumnus and former Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.The prize underscores the Institute’s mission to improve the human condition by recognizing those around the world who, like Mayor Allen, have made a positive difference by standing up for moral principle at the risk of their careers and livelihoods, and even their lives.Funded in perpetuity by a grant from the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation, recipients are awarded a $100,000 stipend.The inaugural prize was awarded in March 2011. The prize is presented during events on campus that examine grand challenges relevant to the recipient's work.

SlNameCountryFlagYearAwarded For
13Robert BenhamGeorgia2024stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
12Christiane AmanpourUnited Kingdom2023stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
11Georgia Tech's TrailblazersGeorgia2022stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
10Anthony FauciUnited States2021stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
9Charlayne Hunter-GaultUnited States2020stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
8Hamilton E. HolmesGeorgia2020stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
7Andrew Jackson YoungUnited States2018stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
6Jimmy and Rosalyn CarterUnited States2017stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
5Nancy ParrishUnited States2016stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
4Beatrice MtetwaEswatini2014stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
3John LewisUnited States2013stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
2William H. FoegeUnited States2012stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.
1Sam NunnUnited States2011stand up for moral principles and render service to humanity without regard for personal or professional peril.

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

Robert Benham

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2024

Christiane Amanpour

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2023

Georgia Tech's Trailblazers

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2022

Anthony Fauci

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2021

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage Laureates (2020 ~ 2011)

Charlayne Hunter-Gault

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2020

Hamilton E. Holmes

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2020

Andrew Jackson Young

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2018

Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2017

Nancy Parrish

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2016

Beatrice Mtetwa

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2014

John Lewis

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2013

William H. Foege

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2012

Sam Nunn

Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage 2011