

Millennium Peace Prize for Women

Millennium Peace Prize for Women

The purpose of the prize, which was sponsored by UNIFEM and International Alert, was to recognize leadership that was often neither recognized nor rewarded, yet was essential to holding communities together and to building peace from the community to the negotiating table, Ms. Heyzer explained. While UNIFEM supported women’s leadership in times of peace, it also believed such leadership must be supported in times of crisis and in times of war. The award winners, through their life stories and their commitment, had been at the forefront of peace efforts in their countries, in their communities and worldwide. They had built peace through resistance to violence, and through the creation of space in which dialogue could take place across ethnicities. They were responsible for holding the fabric of society together, and for rebuilding trust across fractured communities. The bronze prize was commissioned from American figurative sculptor Tim Holmes, who has created several such international awards. The sculpture, entitled Anima Mundi, depicts a woman whose facial features combine elements of many races, reaching and striding forward, hand on heart.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
36Flora BrovinaKosovo2001for efforts to end conflict.
35Asma JahangirPakistan2001for efforts to end conflict.
34Hina JilaniPakistan2001for efforts to end conflict.
33Veneranda NzambazamariyaRwanda2001for efforts to end conflict.
32Ruta Pacifica de las MujeresColombia2001for efforts to end conflict.
31Leitana Nehan Women's Development AgencyPapua New Guinea2001for efforts to end conflict.
30Women in BlackInternational2001for efforts to end conflict.

Millennium Peace Prize for Women Laureates (2020 ~ 2001)

Flora Brovina

Millennium Peace Prize for Women 2001

Asma Jahangir

Millennium Peace Prize for Women 2001

Hina Jilani

Millennium Peace Prize for Women 2001

Veneranda Nzambazamariya

Millennium Peace Prize for Women 2001

Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres

Millennium Peace Prize for Women 2001

Leitana Nehan Women's Development Agency

Millennium Peace Prize for Women 2001

Women in Black

Millennium Peace Prize for Women 2001