

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal

The Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal is awarded by Vanderbilt University to those persons who define the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit. The Nichols Humanitarian Fund is a companion scholarship fund to the Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal. The Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal and Nichols Humanitarian Fund seek to make Vanderbilt students better members of their communities and society in general by supporting their humanitarian activities and bringing speakers to Vanderbilt who embody the best of humanity.

SlNameCountryFlagYearAwarded For
21David BrooksUnited States2024for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
20Maria RessaPhilippines2023for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
19Reid HoffmanUnited States2022for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
18Anthony FauciUnited States2021for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
17Caroline KennedyUnited States2020for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
16Venus WilliamsUnited States2019for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
15Amal ClooneyLebanon2018for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
14Kens BurnsUnited States2017for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
13Soledad O’BrienUnited States2016for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
12Walter IsaacsonUnited States2015for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
11Regina BenjaminUnited States2014for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
10Toni MorrisonUnited States2013for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
9Tom BrokawUnited States2012for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
8Wangari MaathaiKenya2011for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
7Khaled HosseiniAfganistan2010for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
6Doris Kerns GoodwinUnited States2009for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
5Bob GeldofIreland2008for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
4Muhammad YunusBangladesh2007for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
3Laura BushUnited States2006for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
2Shirin EbadiIran2005for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.
1Condoleezza RiceUnited States2004for defining the 21st century and exemplify the best qualities of the human spirit.

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

David Brooks

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2024

Maria Ressa

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2023

Reid Hoffman

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2022

Anthony Fauci

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2021

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal Laureates (2020 ~ 2011)

Caroline Kennedy

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2020

Venus Williams

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2019

Amal Clooney

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2018

Kens Burns

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2017

Soledad O’Brien

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2016

Walter Isaacson

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2015

Regina Benjamin

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2014

Toni Morrison

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2013

Tom Brokaw

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2012

Wangari Maathai

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2011

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal Laureates (2010 ~ 2001)

Khaled Hosseini

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2010

Doris Kerns Goodwin

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2009

Bob Geldof

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2008

Muhammad Yunus

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2007

Laura Bush

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2006

Shirin Ebadi

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2005

Condoleezza Rice

Nichols-Chancellor's Medal 2004