

Okinawa Peace Prize

Okinawa Peace Prize

The Okinawa Peace Prize was established in 2001 by The Okinawa Peace Prize Committee, with the aim of disseminating the "heart of Okinawa" to the world, which aspires to peace, and contributing to the creation of international peace. This award is given to individuals and organizations that are engaged in activities that contribute to building and maintaining peace in the Asia-Pacific region, which has deep geographical and historical ties to Okinawa. There is a single Okinawa Peace Prize which will be awarded to a single individual/organization. The prize laureate will receive an honoring certificate and an extra prize of 10,000,000yen. This prize will be awarded once every two years.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
11The Himeyuri Peace Museum Japan2022The foundation established the Himeyuri Peace Museum in 1989, since then 23 million
people have visited the museum. The museum exhibits valuable materials like the belongings
of the Himeryuri students that were left in the cave they had sheltered in during the
war. The museum is utilized as a learning place for peace where the survivors of the
Himeyuri Student Corps tell their own stories of the war as "witnesses". For many years,
they have made a significant contribution to peace education for the younger generations
of Okinawan residents as well as for school trip students from outside Okinawa.
10Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation Japan2020JANIC has broadened the scope of its activities as a leader and a facilitator
for the entire international cooperation NGO sector in Japan, strengthening the capacity
of NGOs, making policies, recommendations, and negotiating with the government.
Through the coordination and mediation of the entire internatio nal cooperation NGO
sector, JANIC's contribution in shaping the infrastructure for NGOs and civil society to
achieve more real value has been significant.
9Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC) Japan2018The JVC has left an outstanding track record in the Asia-Pacific region throughout the
scope of their long history and multilateral activities promoting peace, anti-violence, and
guarantee for people’s safety.
8Japan Association for Refugees (JAR) Japan2016JAR’ s steady and comprehensive projects over the past fifteen plus years and
their PR and outreach efforts to ensure the continuation of their projects, they have
greatly contributed to the absorption of a peaceful mentality i n the people of Japan and
we hope their efforts will help form the bedrock for the establishment of peace across the
Asia Pacific region.
7Japan Heart Japan2014Japan Heart dispatches doctors and nurses to medical clinics in isolated
islands and remote rural areas throughout Japan that are hindered by a shortage of medical
personnel. While providing medical services that are uniquely tailored to each region,
it is also involved in training up qualified professionals in order to create “self-reliant
6Shapla Neer Citizens’ Committee Japan2012Shapla
Neer turns its eyes to street children, working children, women and the elderly, the handicapped,
natives, and others who have been “left behind” societally and economically.
5Services for the Health in Asian and African Regions Japan2010 SHARE has carried out emergency
support operations at the time of large-scale disasters such as the Great Hanshin and
Awaji Earthquake, the Niigata Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake, and the earthquake that occurred
in the ocean off Sumatra.
4AAR JAPAN Japan2008??With its steady activities and participatory grass-root campaigns, which include various
enlightenment programs, AAR Japan has contributed to advancing citizens’ awareness of
peace and fostering youths with international perspective.
3Okinawa-Laos Cleft Palate Patient Support Center Japan2006To date, numerous cleft lip and palate surgical procedures have been performed there
free of change. The Center has also trained local staff and donated dental equipment and
has devoted much effort to developing and expanding children’s dental hygiene projects.
2AMDA International Japan2004In order to carry out their volunteering operations smoothly in the 1995 Great Hanshin
Earthquake, AMDA played a leading role in Japan.
1Peshawar-kai Japan2002Peshawar-kai has contributed to peace and human security through activities such as
practice in medical and primary health care

Akinawa Peace Prize Laureates (2025 ~ 2000)


Okinawa Peace Prize 2020


Okinawa Peace Prize 2018

Japan Heart

Okinawa Peace Prize 2014

Shapla Neer

Okinawa Peace Prize 2012


Okinawa Peace Prize 2010

AAR Japan

Okinawa Peace Prize 2008

AMDA International

Okinawa Peace Prize 2004


Okinawa Peace Prize 2002