

Olof Palme Prize

Olof Palme Prize

The Olof Palme Prize is an annual Swedish prize awarded for an outstanding achievement in the spirit of Olof Palme. The Prize consists of a diploma and 100,000 US dollars. The prize was established in February 1987 and is awarded by the Olof Palme Memorial Fund for International Understanding and Common Security (Swedish: Olof Palmes minnesfond för internationell förståelse och gemensam säkerhet), a fund that was established by Olof Palme's family and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in honor of Olof Palme's memory.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
53BellingcatNetherlands2024for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
52Marta ChumaloUkrine2023for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
51Eren KeskinTurkey2023for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
50Narges MohammadiIran2023for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
49Patricia GualingaEcuadorian Amazon2022for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
48Black Lives Matter Global Network FoundationUnited States2020for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
47David John Moore CornwellUnited Kingdom2019for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
46Daniel EllsbergUnited States2018for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
45Hédi Fried, Emerich RothSweden2017for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
44Spyridon GalinosGreece2016for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
43Giusi NicoliniItaly2016for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
42Gideon LevyIsrael2015for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
41Mitri RahebPalestine2015for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
40Xu YouyuChina2014for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
39Rosa TaikonSweden2013for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
38Radhia NasraouiTunisia2012for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
37Waleed Sami Abu AlKhairSaudi Arabia2012for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
36Lydia CachoMexico2011for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
35Roberto SavianoItaly2011for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
34Eyad al-SarrajPalestine2010for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
33Carsten JensenDenmark2009for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
32Denis MukwegeCongo2008for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
31Parvin ArdalanIran2007for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
30Kofi AnnanGhana2006for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
29Mossaad Mohamed AliSudan2006for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
28Aung San Suu KyiMyanmar2005for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
27Lyudmila AlexeyevaRussia2004for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
26Sergey KovalyovRussia2004for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
25Anna PolitkovskayaRussia2004for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
24Hans BlixSweden2003for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
23Hanan AshrawiPalestine2002for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
22Fazle Hasan AbedBangladesh2001for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
21Bryan StevensonUnited States2000for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
20Kurdo BaksiSweden1999for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
19Björn FriesSweden1999for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
18Parent Group in KlippanSweden1999for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
17Senad Pecanin of Dani weeklyBosnia-Herzegovina1998for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
16Viktor Ivancic of Feral Tribune weeklyCroatia1998for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
15Veran Matic of B92 radioSerbia1998for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
14Salima GhezaliAlgeria1997for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
13Casa Alianza By Bruce HarrisUnited Kingdom1996for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
12Fatah YouthPalestine1995for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
11Labour Young Leadership1995for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
10Peace NowIsrael1995for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
9Wei JingshengChina1994for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
8Students for SarajevoBosnia-Herzegovina1993for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
7Arzu AbdullayevaAzerbaijan1992for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
6Anahit BayandourArmenia1992for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
5Amnesty InternationalUnited Kingdom1991for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
4Harlem Désir and SOS RacismeFrance1990for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
3Václav HavelCzech Republic1989for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
2Javier Pérez de CuéllarPeru1988for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.
1Cyril RamaphosaSouth Africa1987for outstanding achievements in the spirit of Olof Palme.

Olof Palme Prize Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)


Olof Palme Prize 2024

Marta Chumalo

Olof Palme Prize 2023

Eren Keskin

Olof Palme Prize 2023

Narges Mohammadi

Olof Palme Prize 2023

Patricia Gualinga

Olof Palme Prize 2022

Olof Palme Prize Laureates (2020 ~ 2011)

Daniel Ellsberg

Olof Palme Prize 2018

Spyridon Galinos

Olof Palme Prize 2016

Giusi Nicolini

Olof Palme Prize 2016

Gideon Levy

Olof Palme Prize 2015

Mitri Raheb

Olof Palme Prize 2015

Xu Youyu

Olof Palme Prize 2014

Radhia Nasraoui

Olof Palme Prize 2012

Lydia Cacho

Olof Palme Prize 2011

Roberto Saviano

Olof Palme Prize 2011

Olof Palme Prize Laureates (2010 ~ 2001)

Eyad El Sarraj

Olof Palme Prize 2010

Carsten Jensen

Olof Palme Prize 2009

Denis Mukwege

Olof Palme Prize 2008

Parvin Ardalan

Olof Palme Prize 2007

Kofi Annan

Olof Palme Prize 2006

Aung San Suu Kyi

Olof Palme Prize 2005

Lyudmila Alekseeva

Olof Palme Prize 2004

Anna Politkovskaya

Olof Palme Prize 2004

Hans Martin Blix

Olof Palme Prize 2003

Hanan Ashrawi

Olof Palme Prize 2002

Fazle Hasan Abed

Olof Palme Prize 2001

Olof Palme Prize Laureates (2000 ~ 1987)

Kurdo Baksi

Olof Palme Prize 1999

Björn Fries

Olof Palme Prize 1999

Salima Ghezali

Olof Palme Prize 1997

Fatah Youth

Olof Palme Prize 1995

Peace Now

Olof Palme Prize 1995

Wei Jingsheng

Olof Palme Prize 1994

Arzu Abdullayeva

Olof Palme Prize 1992

Anahit Bayandour

Olof Palme Prize 1992

Vaclav Havel

Olof Palme Prize 1989