

OPCW–The Hague Award

OPCW–The Hague Award

The OPCW–The Hague Award is an annual award founded by the OPCW as a result of their being presented with the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. The purpose of the Award is to honour and recognize individuals and institutions that have significantly contributed towards the goal of a world free of chemical weapons.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
14Algeria’s National Institute of Criminalistics and CriminologyAlgeria2024for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
13Indian Chemical CouncilIndia2024for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
12Population Protection Institute, Fire Rescue Service of the Czech RepublicCzech Republic2022for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
11Chemical Weapons Convention CoalitionNetherland2022for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
10Special Risks Brigade of the Federal Police of ArgentinaArgentina2022for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
9International Union of Pure and Applied ChemistrySwitzerland2019for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
8Cheng TangChina2019for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
7Robert MikulakNetherland2019for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
6International Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe EventsItaly2017for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
5African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT)Algeria2017for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
4Dr Alastair HayAustralia2015for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
3Dr Mahdi Balali-MoodIran 2015for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
2VERIFINVirgin Island2014for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.
1 Dr Robert MathewsAustralia2014for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons.

OPCW–The Hague Award Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)


OPCW–The Hague Award 2024

Indian Chemical Council

OPCW–The Hague Award 2024

Fire Rescue Service

OPCW–The Hague Award 2022

Chemical Weapons Coalition

OPCW–The Hague Award 2022

Special Risks Brigade

OPCW–The Hague Award 2022

OPCW–The Hague Award Laureates (2020 ~ 2011)


OPCW–The Hague Award 2019

Cheng Tang

OPCW–The Hague Award 2019

Robert Mikulak

OPCW–The Hague Award 2019

Protection Against CBRNe Events

OPCW–The Hague Award 2017


OPCW–The Hague Award 2017

Dr. Alastair Hay

OPCW–The Hague Award 2015

Dr. Mahdi Balali-Mood

OPCW–The Hague Award 2015


OPCW–The Hague Award 2014

Dr. Robert Mathews

OPCW–The Hague Award 2014