Serving The underprivileged with Love and Compassion
On the occasion of Maha Bishubav Sankranti/ Panna Sankranti (14.04.2023), LIVING HUMANITY organized a Bael panna distribution program at PALLI UNNAYAN SEVA SAMITI, NAHARKANTA, BHUBANESWAR for 300 underprivileged students. The sweet refreshing bael panna was made up of bael, apple, banana, pomegranate, grapes, coconut, sugar, cherry, Sattu, Chenna, blackpepper, Zinger, Small cardamom and water, by our members. After a long 4 hours of preparation by more than 15 members, the bael panna was distributed among the children. Children enjoyed a lot along with dance and music. Our members felt overwhelmed within the sarroundings of some beautiful pure little hearts. Though the day was sunny , nobody felt sweated or tired.
Living Humanity pays heart felt thanks to Chinu Bhai as his presence enhance the receptivity of individual members and make them available for new possibility for which the same actions convey great messages and after effects a lot.
Thank you Mr. AUROBINDA PARIDA for your coordination and active participation to celebrate this event as grand success. Thanks a lot Mrs. Swati Suchismita Patra ( Kuku Apa) for your kind cooperation to make this event happen. Thank you Mr. Subrat Lenka, Chetan Dipta Mohanty, Sangram Mohanty, Bhagyashree Rout, Niranjan Pattanaik, Swadhin Pattanaik, Jhasketan Mohanta, Biswabaisnabee Nath, Subha prasad Pratihari, Dinesh Rout and girls for your active participation. All are requested to share your experience by text, voice message or video message which will be useful for future events.