
Pearson Medal of Peace

Pearson Medal of Peace

The Pearson Medal of Peace is an award given out annually by the United Nations Association in Canada to recognize an individual Canadian's "contribution to international service". Nominations are made by any Canadian for any Canadian, excluding self-nominations. The medal was first announced in 1979 and named in honour of Lester B. Pearson, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Canada's fourteenth Prime Minister. The medal was to be selected by a jury of "eminent Canadians" and awarded by the Governor-General of Canada on United Nations Day, October 24. After the 2004 medal was awarded to Roméo Dallaire, it was not awarded again until it was revived in 2011 to honour peace activist Ernie Regehr.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
36John McGarryCanada2022contribution towards international service
35Beverly McLachlinCanada2021contribution towards international service
34No award madeCanada2019 - 2020contribution towards international service
33Willie LittlechildCanada2018contribution towards international service
32Lloyd AxworthyCanada2017contribution towards international service
31Louise ArbourCanada2016contribution towards international service
30Nigel FisherCanada2014contribution towards international service
29Donald S. EthellCanada2013contribution towards international service
28Ernie RegehrCanada2010contribution towards international service
27No award madeCanada2005 - 2009contribution towards international service
26Roméo DallaireCanada2004contribution towards international service
25Stephen LewisCanada2003contribution towards international service
24Alex MorrisonCanada2002contribution towards international service
23Ursula M. FranklinCanada2001contribution towards international service
22No award madeCanada2000contribution towards international service
21Flora MacDonaldCanada1999contribution towards international service
20Pat Roy MooneyCanada1998contribution towards international service
19Hanna NewcombeCanada1997contribution towards international service
18Gerry BarrCanada1996contribution towards international service
17Gisèle Côté-HarperCanada1995contribution towards international service
16Martin ConnellCanada1994contribution towards international service
15Escott ReidCanada1993contribution towards international service
14Eric HoskinsCanada1992contribution towards international service
13Muriel DuckworthCanada1991contribution towards international service
12Murray ThomsonCanada1990contribution towards international service
11Maurice StrongCanada1989contribution towards international service
10Edward ScottCanada1988contribution towards international service
9Nancy Meek PocockCanada1987contribution towards international service
8Meyer BrownstoneCanada1986contribution towards international service
7Lois Miriam WilsonCanada1985contribution towards international service
6George IgnatieffCanada1984contribution towards international service
5George-Henri LévesqueCanada1983contribution towards international service
4Hugh L. KeenleysideCanada1982contribution towards international service
3E. L. M. BurnsCanada1981contribution towards international service
2J. King GordonCanada1980contribution towards international service
1Paul-Émile LégerCanada1979contribution towards international service

Pearson Medal of Peace Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

John McGarry

Pearson Medal of Peace 2022

Beverly McLachlin

Pearson Medal of Peace 2021

Pearson Medal of Peace Laureates (2020 ~ 2001)

Willie Littlechild

Pearson Medal of Peace 2018

Lloyd Axworthy

Pearson Medal of Peace 2017

Louise Arbour

Pearson Medal of Peace 2016

Nigel Fisher

Pearson Medal of Peace 2014

Donald S. Ethell

Pearson Medal of Peace 2013

Ernie Regehr

Pearson Medal of Peace 2010

Roméo Dallaire

Pearson Medal of Peace 2004

Stephen Lewis

Pearson Medal of Peace 2003

Alex Morrison

Pearson Medal of Peace 2002

Ursula M. Franklin

Pearson Medal of Peace 2001

Pearson Medal of Peace Laureates (2000 ~ 1991)

Flora MacDonald

Pearson Medal of Peace 1999

Pat Roy Mooney

Pearson Medal of Peace 1998

Hanna Newcombe

Pearson Medal of Peace 1997

Gerry Barr

Pearson Medal of Peace 1996

Gisèle Côté-Harper

Pearson Medal of Peace 1995

Martin Connell

Pearson Medal of Peace 1994

Escott Reid

Pearson Medal of Peace 1993

Eric Hoskins

Pearson Medal of Peace 1992

Muriel Duckworth

Pearson Medal of Peace 1991

Pearson Medal of Peace Laureates (1990 ~ 1979)

Murray Thomson

Pearson Medal of Peace 1990

Maurice Strong

Pearson Medal of Peace 1989

Edward Scott

Pearson Medal of Peace 1988

Nancy Meek Pocock

Pearson Medal of Peace 1987

Meyer Brownstone

Pearson Medal of Peace 1986

Lois Miriam Wilson

Pearson Medal of Peace 1985

George Ignatieff

Pearson Medal of Peace 1984

George-Henri Lévesque

Pearson Medal of Peace 1983

Hugh L. Keenleyside

Pearson Medal of Peace 1982

E. L. M. Burns

Pearson Medal of Peace 1981

J. King Gordon

Pearson Medal of Peace 1980

Paul-Émile Léger

Pearson Medal of Peace 1979