

Public Peace Prize

Public Peace Prize

How many men, women and organizations have dedicated a large part of their existence to resolving conflicts and creating conditions for peace, but will never be recognized? Yes, every year prestigious awards are presented to a number of artisans of peace who distinguish themselves by their efforts, courage and ceaseless work in the name of a just, lasting and constructive peace. However, how many individuals, who are just as devoted but less visible, remain little known? The Public Peace Prize (PPP), established in 2013 by a team of ordinary citizens, has the specific mission of making known to the general public the less known local, national and international peacemakers and peace initiatives. This citizen’s initiative is in keeping with the spirit of collaboration and open sharing which is proper to new media. Anyone may: propose a nominee by following simple instructions; support candidates when they have been validated and posted on the Peace Prize’s site and its Facebook page; post / share nominee profiles and their actions for peace on their own social media networks. The nomination process and the public’s supportive actions conclude with the announcement of the recipients during a day of online celebration of peace initiatives and peacemakers. While the PPP does not award cash prizes, it greatly contributes to the recognition of the laureates.

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Public Peace Prize Laureates (2025 ~ 2020)


Public Peace Prize 2020

Khowar Academy

Public Peace Prize 2020

Les Artistes pour la Paix

Public Peace Prize 2020

Guillermo Mesa Velasqez

Public Peace Prize 2020

Shruti Nagvanshi

Public Peace Prize 2020

Marceline Budza

Public Peace Prize 2020

André Jacob

Public Peace Prize 2020

Arjumand Zaidi

Public Peace Prize 2020

Public Peace Prize 2020

Public Peace Prize Laureates (2017 ~ 2019)

Hecho en Libertad

Public Peace Prize 2019

Rehmat Aziz Chitrali

Public Peace Prize 2019


Public Peace Prize 2019

Etienne De Jonghe

Public Peace Prize 2019

Ríos Vivos

Public Peace Prize 2019

Zakaria El Hamel

Public Peace Prize 2019

World Day of the Boy Child

Public Peace Prize 2019

Lenin Raghuvanshi

Public Peace Prize 2018

Dur Khan

Public Peace Prize 2018

Inés Palomeque

Public Peace Prize 2018

Nilanjana Sanyal

Public Peace Prize 2018

David and Renate Jakupca

Public Peace Prize 2018


Public Peace Prize 2018


Public Peace Prize 2018

The Eyes Newspaper

Public Peace Prize 2018

International Men’s Day

Public Peace Prize 2018

Mirja Bibi

Public Peace Prize 2018

Timothy Michael Adepoju

Public Peace Prize 2017


Public Peace Prize 2017

Zubair Torwali

Public Peace Prize 2017

Khairatul Saidu

Public Peace Prize 2017

Elliot Hillary Dogbe

Public Peace Prize 2017

Coraline Parmentier

Public Peace Prize 2017


Public Peace Prize 2017

Patrick Tocko Maloum

Public Peace Prize 2017

Public Peace Prize Laureates (2013 ~ 2016)

Marie Dennis

Public Peace Prize 2016

Michael Lapsley

Public Peace Prize 2016

Suzanne Loiselle

Public Peace Prize 2016

Antoinette Layoun

Public Peace Prize 2016

Narine Dat Sookram

Public Peace Prize 2016

Michel Englebert

Public Peace Prize 2015

Philippe Ducros

Public Peace Prize 2015


Public Peace Prize 2015

Mabel Katz

Public Peace Prize 2015

Vasanth Vijajji Maharaj

Public Peace Prize 2015

Down Syndrome Person

Public Peace Prize 2014

Marie-Marcelle Desmarais

Public Peace Prize 2014

Izzeldin Abuelaish

Public Peace Prize 2014

Raoni Metuktire

Public Peace Prize 2014