

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award

The statuette of this special award is designed along the ideals of Smt. Santokbaa– aspiration of rising from the soil, positivity, care, love, appreciation and collective growth. Made using cosmic marble with 24-carat gold plating & base made up of wood, the award represents the core values which are global and shared by all human beings.

SlNameCountryFlagYearAwarded For
17Shiv NadarIndia2022have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
16Cyrus PoonawalaIndia2021have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
15Rani & Abhaya BangIndia2020have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
14Sonam WangchukIndia2019have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
13A. S. Kiran KumarIndia2018have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
12Kailash SatyarthiIndia2017have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
11Ratan TataIndia2016have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
10Carlos G. VallesSpain2015have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
9Bhikhu Chotalal ParekhUnited Kingdom2014have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
8Sudha MurthyIndia2013have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
7Dalai LamaChina2012have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
6M. S. SwaminathanIndia2011have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
5Poornima Arvind PakvasaIndia2010have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
4Hargovind Laxmishanker TrivediIndia2009have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
3Verghese KurienIndia2008have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
2Narayanabhai DesaiIndia2007have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.
1Satyanarayan Gangaram PitrodaIndia2006have made humanitarian contributions through their selfless and inspiring work. The award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional humanitarian commitment.

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

Shiv Nadar

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2022

Cyrus Poonawala

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2021

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award Laureates (2020 ~ 2011)

Rani & Abhaya Bang

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2020

Sonam Wangchuk

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2019

A. S. Kiran Kumar

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2018

Kailash Satyarthi

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2017

Ratan Tata

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2016

Carlos G. Valles

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2015

Bhikhu Chotalal Parekh

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2014

Sudha Murthy

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2013

Dalai Lama

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2012

M. S. Swaminathan

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2011

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award Laureates (2010 ~ 2001)

Poornima Arvind Pakvasa

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2010

Hargovind Laxmishanker Trivedi

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2009

Verghese Kurien

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2008

Narayanabhai Desai

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2007

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

Santokbaa Humanitarian Award 2006