

Women Building Peace Award

Women Building Peace Award

The Women Building Peace Award reflects the Institute’s comprehensive commitment to gender and peacebuilding and demonstrates the important role women play in peacebuilding efforts. The award honors a woman peacebuilder who has made a substantial contribution to the pursuit of peace and security in her community, region, or issue area.

SlNameCountryFlagYearAwarded For
4Pétronille VawekaCongo2023woman peacebuilder who has made a substantial contribution to the pursuit of peace and security in her community, region, or issue area.
3María Eugenia Mosquera RiascosColombia2022woman peacebuilder who has made a substantial contribution to the pursuit of peace and security in her community, region, or issue area.
2Josephine EkiruKenya2021woman peacebuilder who has made a substantial contribution to the pursuit of peace and security in her community, region, or issue area.
1Rita Martin LopidiaSouth Sudan2020woman peacebuilder who has made a substantial contribution to the pursuit of peace and security in her community, region, or issue area.

Women Building Peace Award Laureates (2025 ~ 2020)

Pétronille Vaweka

Women Building Peace Award 2023

María Eugenia Mosquera Riascos

Women Building Peace Award 2022

Josephine Ekiru

Women Building Peace Award 2021

Rita Martin Lopidia

Women Building Peace Award 2020