

World Citizen Award

World Citizen Award

The World Affairs Council of Charlotte annually recognizes a member of our community who has made a significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing. Each year, a capacity audience gathers to celebrate and recognize the achievements of the award recipients. Since 1990, the World Affairs Council of Charlotte has presented the World Citizen Award to prominent citizens (and organizations) who have enhanced our community's standing in the world through their accomplishments of international significance and contributions to the city, this region, and our international community.

SlName CountryFlagYearAwarded For
32Eugene A. WoodsUnited States2024for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
31Johnny HarrisUnited States2023for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
30Brian MoynihanUnited States2022for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
29Derek RaghavanUnited States2019for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
28Pat RodgersUnited States2018for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
27Tony ZeissUnited States2017for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
26Phil DuboisUnited States2016for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
25Tim BelkUnited States2015for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
24Michael TarwaterUnited States2014for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
23Margaret and Smoky BissellUnited States2013for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
22Sandra & Leon LevineUnited States2012for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
21Marshall LarsenUnited States2011for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
20Jim RogersUnited States2010for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
19Carolinas Freedom FoundationUnited States2009for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
18Francis RobicsekUnited States2007for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
17Graham AllisonUnited States2006for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
16Crandall & Erskine BowlesUnited States2005for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
15Jerry RichardsonUnited States2004for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
14Irwin BelkUnited States2003for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
13Henry Hugh SheltonUnited States2002for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
12Loonis McGlohonUnited States2001for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
11Charlie RoseUnited States2000for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
10Habitat for HumanityUnited States1999for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
9Herman BlumenthalUnited States1998for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
8John Montgomery BelkUnited States1997for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
7William FridayUnited States1996for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
6Elizabeth DoleUnited States1995for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
5Dean RuskUnited States1994for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
4LeRoy WalkerUnited States1993for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
3Hugh McColl, Jr.United States1992for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
2William LeeUnited States1991for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.
1Billy GrahamUnited States1990for making significant impact on our region and enhanced its global standing.

World Citizen Award Laureates (2030 ~ 2021)

Eugene A. Woods

World Citizen Award 2024

Johnny Harris

World Citizen Award 2023

Brian Moynihan

World Citizen Award 2022

World Citizen Award Laureates (2020 ~ 2011)

Derek Raghavan

World Citizen Award 2019

Pat Rodgers

World Citizen Award 2018

Tony Zeiss

World Citizen Award 2017

Phil Dubois

World Citizen Award 2016

Tim Belk

World Citizen Award 2015

Michael Tarwater

World Citizen Award 2014

Margaret and Smoky Bissell

World Citizen Award 2013

Sandra & Leon Levine

World Citizen Award 2012

Marshall Larsen

World Citizen Award 2011

World Citizen Award Laureates (2010 ~ 2001)

Jim Rogers

World Citizen Award 2010

Francis Robicsek

World Citizen Award 2007

Graham Allison

World Citizen Award 2006

Crandall & Erskine Bowles

World Citizen Award 2005

Jerry Richardson

World Citizen Award 2004

Irwin Belk

World Citizen Award 2003

Henry Hugh Shelton

World Citizen Award 2002

Loonis McGlohon

World Citizen Award 2001

World Citizen Award Laureates (2000 ~ 1990)

Charlie Rose

World Citizen Award 2000

Habitat for Humanity

World Citizen Award 1999

Herman Blumenthal

World Citizen Award 1998

John Montgomery Belk

World Citizen Award 1997

William Friday

World Citizen Award 1996

Elizabeth Dole

World Citizen Award 1995

Dean Rusk

World Citizen Award 1994

LeRoy Walker

World Citizen Award 1993

Hugh McColl, Jr.

World Citizen Award 1992

William Lee

World Citizen World Citizen Award 1991Award

Billy Graham

World Citizen Award 1990